

2023-08-25 JoinedUnited States

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  • ImNeverMe

    I wouldn't care. I would issue an ultimatum. Ravenclaw or nothing. The MC is starting to be a pushover.

    Axel numbly got down from the stool and started to walk towards the Slytherin table. As he walked, a green snake insignia appeared on his cloak and his tie changed to green color, marking him forever a Slytherin.
    HP: The Arcane Thief
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to DaoistZwmjVL

    I do

    'Why does it feel like I'm using a honey trap to get power like those whores with no pride and dignity?'
    HP: The Arcane Thief
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to That1OtakuDude

    filler chap

    April was a young lady who had only one goal in life at the moment, and that was to support her family and provide them with a comfortable life. In order to do so, April had worked hard to get to where she was in the present day. If there was one thing she disliked most, it was receiving handouts. April had studied in a local university, pursuing dual degrees in business management and human relations. Even through the chaos of her freshmen years up till her graduation, April had managed to balance her time between studying and spending time with her friends and family. Post-graduation, she had gotten herself an interview with the previous owners of the ice cream shop for the position of Jr Manager, yet only managed to secure a full-time regular employment due to her being relatively fresh and having non-existent work experience in the role she had applied for. However, her confident and friendly demeanour had earned her the support of her colleagues and regular customers alike.
    My diary system in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip
  • ImNeverMe

    Too detailed.

    [Myself, Peter and aunt May were inside his hospital ward surrounding his bed, trying our best not to send off uncle Ben in tears. Suddenly, uncle Ben glanced towards aunt May, and aunt May gave a nod in return as she took Peter's hand and guided him out of the hospital ward. Alone with him, uncle Ben gestured for me to sit by his bedside, to which I did. As he looked me in eyes, uncle Ben told me the words I never thought I needed to hear. "Luke, my boy. I can see it in your eyes. All the pain and hurt you are in. I know you want to look for your parent's killer, but I need you to promise me Luke. Promise me that if you ever meet the killer one day, that you will think of the consequences. You are not alone now my boy. When I'm gone, aunt May and Peter will depend on you. Especially Peter. He looks up to you as his role model." Noticing him breathing with more difficulties, I had wanted to rush to get the nurse. But before I could, uncle Ben had grabbed my arm to stop me from doing so before he continued, "Promise me Luke. Promise me that you will take care of aunt May and Peter." I did not know why or how, but I somehow knew that uncle Ben's time was drawing near. As tears started forming in my eyes, I made that promise to him. After I had done so, uncle Ben imparted to me his dying words, "Remember Luke. With great Power, comes great Responsibilities."]
    My diary system in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to InsanityX

    Thats why she said thousands. There are more Lukes but the ones that meet the description of having a blank past are only in the thousands... I think? Don't take what I say for granted, I don't know the statistics

    "Loud and clear," Natasha replied. "Taking into consideration that we know his name and he had appeared out of thin air within the last two months, it should help to narrow down my search from seven billion people to at the very most a few thousand people. Not many people in the world with the name Luke would have popped up in the last two months with a blank past. I should be able to make observations from there and form a primary report soon."
    My diary system in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to Deippy_Deippy

    I feel you😭

    [But through all the battles, the victories, and the defeats, if there was one thing that kept me pushing on, it would have been my lovely wife, Wanda. She was my reason to survive, my strength to face down adversities and stare at the eyes of death unafraid, my purpose to win and come home to her. She was my world. And she was also carrying our unborn child, Pietro, named in honour and memory of the one we lost.]
    My diary system in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip
  • ImNeverMe

    Shouldn't he take a test to check he is mentaly stable?

    "Transmigrated? This universe? Is he from a parallel world than ours?" Reading what was being written in the diary, Fury's brows furrowed slightly. As the head of an international spy agency, Fury is well aware of the parallel universe theory. However, he did not expect to read about it in this diary. Maintaining a healthy dose of scepticism and vigilance, Fury resumed reading the diary entry.
    My diary system in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip
  • ImNeverMe
    'What in the Bat-Fucking-Man is this shit?'
    Mark of the Multiversal Pretender
    Movies · SlimeSage
  • ImNeverMe

    Its understandable, probably got raped sometime in the past as well.

    Cecilia was not a virgin. It has been… too many years to count. In fact, She couldn't remember the last time she had done it with someone else. But it hardly mattered, as nothing she had ever experienced could ever prepare her for this. 
    Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group!
    Anime & Comics · EclypseX
  • ImNeverMe

    Trash MC written by a trash author. Nothing else to say.

    Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack
    Anime & Comics · FanficMortal
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to Lintiun8

    It was written that he could make others immortal and the author wouldn't make them die nonsensically.

    However, as he had become a husband of many of his women and a father of many of his children, he had to be responsible, and he definitely couldn't allow himself to die. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe

    Didn't he already tell her that he would join demeter if he didn't meet her??

    Shaking her head, Hestia thought for a while and asked, "By the way, if you don't meet me, which Familia are you going to join in?" 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to Jesse_Santos_8013
    Isao didn't say anything and just remembered all of their faces silently. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe

    it would be better to say: "Fighting here is prohibited" or smth

    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to ImNeverMe


    [You have acquired Hyakinthos Clio's DNA.]
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to 8ightbit

    The systems filters the memories, it was mentioned when he copied the dna of Adonis

    [You have acquired Hyakinthos Clio's DNA.]
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to Psan


    Anyway, their dinner was happy, but Hestia felt that she needed to go to the toilet. "I am going to the toilet first. You two don't seduce him." She looked at Syr and Eina and cautiously said. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to Sp33dy961

    You are my sunshine, my lovely sunshine. You make me happy...

    Lastly, Isao, the only man between them, also attracted many eyes, especially when his appearance wasn't lost to any gods. Moreover, even if he appeared gentle, everyone could feel the heroism and manliness that oozed out from his body. The two types of charms that shouldn't appear together mingled, creating a new charm, which made people unable to understand him. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe
    Replied to Pussycat_69

    As long as he eats or gets energy from photosynthesis

    Probably, if he wished to, he should be able to replicate the DNA of the dungeon as it was a living being, but then again, he was afraid he would become a dry husk the moment he dared to do it, considering the amount of energy he needed to consume to replicate it. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • ImNeverMe

    Akikan's protagonist is below gods? Impossible!

    Or rather, if Isao was a female, then his beauty should be slightly below her, Hestia thought. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40