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  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Hyuga_Kuroto_3633

    1st: Dust Release is a Kekkai Tota... 2nd: Its only *hinted* at not being genetic, as Mū taught Ōnoki... But the only other known users of Dust Release... Are clones of Ōnoki... (Even if Dust Release specifically, wasn't out-right genetic, I'd still call it an outlier.)

    She would have liked to create an elemental Kekkei Genkai or train in some special high-level techniques, but that would require a great deal of time.
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7

    Kinda surprised MC didn't flirt with Haku. (Might seem a bit out of the blue, but hear me out... MC was a straight man in their past life, OG Sakura liked edgy boys. Already stated these "conflicting" orientations resulted in current MC being bi... Haku's a pretty great middle ground in that regard.)

    'A Parting Gift to ensure Successful Endeavors. - A Concerned Friend.'
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Nathaniel_Clayton

    Only real problems they had (especially during this arc in canon) was the absurd amount of handsigns needed, and needing to turn a ninja fight into a Pokemon battle... (Let's be real, only reason Zabuza managed to use it in a fight, is because he knew Kakashi would take the bait and copy him. Anyone without a Sharingan would've tried closing the gap instead.)

    Kakashi nodded and pondered on her issue. It made sense that she could not use those two right now. Those were B and A ranked jutsu with high chakra requirement. If she had managed to execute them too then he would have to wonder if she had been replaced by a Kiri Jonin instead.
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Vastoking

    Wood Release is a genetic anomaly, like Haku's Ice Release, or Kimimaro's... Bones... Wood Release is more than simply Water + Earth, you need that genetic anomaly (like White Zetsu(s), Obito, and Madara got from Hashirama Cells...) So I'm gonna say no, unless the system keeps getting stronger and weirder.

    Kakashi nodded and pondered on her issue. It made sense that she could not use those two right now. Those were B and A ranked jutsu with high chakra requirement. If she had managed to execute them too then he would have to wonder if she had been replaced by a Kiri Jonin instead.
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7

    This was a really bad play... Previously it was established that the system simply lets MC learn what to do, and streamline the training... She hasn't trained this Jutsu at all, does it perfectly first try, AND without hand signs? This 100% goes against what had been established before, and it's an even worse play to show Kakashi this... Screw "Itachi-level" talent, she's just gone above and beyond that with this showcase... (Terrible idea. Keep your trump cards secret.)

    "Hidden in Mist Jutsu!" Sakura exclaimed softly. Kakashi watched as Mist accumulated quickly around Sakura before spreading out slowly. Within seconds, Kakashi was reminded of the battle between him Zabuza, as the thickness of the mist kept increasing.
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7

    Bad call in my opinion to tell Kakashi that. Should've really emphasized her work ethic (and intelligence) to figure it out, rather than saying, "I can just kinda learn stuff easy." (Rule 4 of having a system, ALWAYS over-emphasize how difficult doing a task is, when your system helps you do it. Try not to stand out, it's not being humble, its a survival tactic.)

    "First day when you made us introduce ourselves. You used that Jutsu to leave. I have also been able to sense stuff like that in an instant. Its somewhat like your Sharingan. However I have to practice to use it perfectly." Sakura said.
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Brokedepressed

    Since everyone de-railed into talking about Byakugan + MC's System, here's me actually answering your question: Sharingan's main appeal is instant memorization & pattern recognition. You don't instantly master something with Sharingan, you learned a technique 5 years ago & want to finally use it a second time? I'd give ya a 50/50 success chance. MC's system however, fast-tracks the road to technique mastery. (Doing a technique when hardly thinking about it, in different contexts, & less / no hand signs required.) Still need practice, just much less than normal. (System + Sharingan = less practice needed.)

    Kakashi looked at her in amazement. If Sakura could really do what she claimed, then Leaf elders would be clamoring to have her protected. So far this kind of ability has been limited to Sharingan. Yet it seems like Sakura has a Chakra Sensing version of similar effect. No matter if its a Kekkei Genkai or an ability acquired through talent, it makes her a valuable asset to the Leaf.
    Born as Sakura With a System
    Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago
  • Daoistz861E7

    Was in my library, forgot what this one was before the author deleted it... I'mma give it a 3/5 cause I don't actually remember what this fic used to be. (Will update review if author "un-deletes" it.)

    Anime & Comics · random_Scribbler
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Galactic_Sun

    To be fair, it's All Might. The kind of guy who knows he has a 180 minute time limit to use his power, and uses 175-ish of those minutes doing hero things... If he has the chance to get side-tracked with hero stuff, he'll take that opportunity.

    Once he was on the floor I heard a loud shout: "DON"T WORRY I AM HERE!"
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Antimony145

    There's not even Kaguya to "start" this bloodline either.

    'Woohoo! Itachi is my Onii-Chan!!' I thought as I did a small celebration in my head.
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to balthazar_lee

    To be fair, Amaterasu isn't a bargain bin MS / EMS ability like Susanoo is. Only Sasuke and Itachi could use it. (Indra using it was filler content, aaaand he's 1/4th 'god' anyway.)

    "Heh, let's see what you can achieve in your new life." I quietly said to myself before teleporting out of the white room.
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to lnsomniac_

    Or even simpler: "the powers of a talented Uchiha." ("Physique" alone could get monkeys paw'd into just having a body-builder-esque body. Doesn't garuntee a Sharingan... Or better idea, wish to isekai as a talented Uchiha.)

    "Okay, I understand. I want to be reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia with the power of Sharingan and Charka!"
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to Vaangel_Black

    Clever, buuut you do run the slight risk of your "original Quirk" being some fancy suicide button. (Or just a general negative Quirk, like something that makes your body sluggish, but slightly smarter.)

    God replied, "Sure thing. You can also choose what your quirk will be, but that will use up one of your wishes."
    Sharingan in MHA [Complete]
    Anime & Comics · Yellow_Duck_Toy
  • Daoistz861E7

    Okay, genuinely surprised he was allowed to skip school. I would've thought they'd make him go today at least. (And work on skipping grades in the coming days / weeks.)

    With a sing song voice Neito ran to freshen himself up, he had a long day ahead of him.
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to BenisBoy14

    I've read a few stories where the MC basically acts like, "weird that doesn't make sense, must've been one hell of a hallucination" when coming to terms with past life's memories. (The personality changes as a result, but they mostly shrug off the old memories. Every now and then, there's a plot point of, "wait I think I've been through this kinda thing before, is X gonna hap- oh X just happened.") Trend seems to be stronger if MC doesn't fully remember the past life, like it's fuzzy or fragmented. "Weakest Tamer" and "Reincarnated as the AI for a Space Battleship" are examples.

    ' Really? Is it because of my quirk..? Is this just another show of my jealousy?! Did I awaken the quirk or did the quirk take over me?? Is the world even real anymore! '
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to TobiKoroko

    Also UA is still a 6 days of schoolin, 1 day off, kind of school. Presumably the majority of Japan is still that way sadly. Time can make societies smarter, dumber, or more stubborn to change. (A lot of societal change really slowed down when Quirks showed up, too busy messing with Quirks to advance space exploration for example.)

    " Maybe I should use my increased leaning ability to skip grades..Why not, that sounds alright. "
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to I_Am_Death

    Yeah, he could imitate that stuff in his bedroom. He's just trying to memorize it now. Truly learning would require a teacher to correct his form and give advice.

    " Quirk training - automatic via hair copying method, Body training - Train the quirk Body Shaper, Mind training - Learn more scientific knowledge and watch martial arts tutorials. "
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to _chalk_

    Yeah, but Nezu is literally a mouse... Not a "human, whose Quirk makes them look mouse-ish." He's a mouse that looks human-ish. So I wouldn't trust his Quirk personally!

    " Here, let's see how I perform, this should give me an idea of how good I am right now, this particular IQ test was made by principle Nezu after all."
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to driveknight

    While I love the idea, Nezu's Quirk did a lot more than just make him smarter... He isn't a "mouse-shaped human" he's a human-shaped mouse...

    ' Due to my need to copy and use quirks immediately, my jealousy isn't the only thing amplified, my mind is too, I should check how good my learning ability is right now. '
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Daoistz861E7
    Replied to THOTSLAYER

    I don't like it because it *looks* painful to use. Mirko's quirk at least is her physique. (Which she then trains the hell out of.)

    " Can I create something like All Might's muscle form? I might even get it to act like muscular's quirk or Asui's tongue extension and jumping muscles, so many ways to use this ability. "
    MHA: Carbon Copy
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker