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2023-07-30 JoinedUnited Kingdom



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  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Iemayr_3815

    Yes but Jaehaera committed suicide (or was murdered), so the Hightower-Targaryen line ended

    After all, he had half-expected Rhaenyra to outright hate him for being a boy, but instead, his sister had confessed her insecurities and enjoyed his presence for moons. If Jon could prevent the Dance of the Dragons then he would do everything in his power to achieve his goal. In the end, Rhaenyra's line had sat the Iron Throne, while the Targaryen-Hightower line went instinct. Jon would find a way to prevent this, he would never harm his sister and would protect his mother and siblings, this he vowed.
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to SUPER_BOY

    yes ;)

    Ch 7 Purple and Grey
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to _Unknown_Being_

    But he holds no power.

    "Oh, he's no Lord, Princess. Merely the nephew of the Lord of Winterfell."
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to evprati

    Both, he believed that no one would dare kill him since it would start another war and Viserys is not known for being too fond of a war, and with Daemon away in tthe stepstones, there are no dragonriders left to face the dornish

    "I am Qyle Nymeros Martell, and it was your steward that welcomed me inside your castle, Lord Baratheon."
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Soulless_King

    That's litteraly a line from the show 😂

    "Hail, hail, Aegon the Conqueror babe, second of his name ! Praise to his Grace on his second nameday !"
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to timo_werner

    Do you know how Joffrey was at six?

    Egg was a normal child compared to him, he never had a past life filled with lessons, training and knowledge. So when Jon was declared a prodigy by the entire Court, many were disappointed when Aegon had not shown the same talent. At the beginning, Jon had tried to protect his twin from casual cruelty, he trained with him, studied with him and even encouraged him as much as he could to prevent him from drowning in his shadow. But all of his efforts were for naught when a young lady mistook Aegon for Jon and expressed her disappointment towards the so-called 'prodigy'. Since that day, Egg had been fiercely jealous of his older twin, no matter how hard Jon tried to fix their relationship, his first brother never moved past his bitterness. The fact that he was considered the 'lesser twin' had torn his heart appart, and not even their mother could mend his wound, for her second had realized that her too, favored Jon over him. Jon had his hair cut short to make sure that people never mistook them again, but Aegon mistook this for a petty act of arrogance motivated by selfishness. Indeed, now that people could tell them apart, almost all the warm looks and tender smiles Aegon had received from the lords and ladies at Court went to Jon solely. Turning Egg's bitterness into hatred and despite.
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to cabooseiscool_1

    She just birthed twins, give her a break

    Alicent felt tears of joy run down her cheeks as she was holding her first child for the first time in her young life. She almost laughed when she saw his curious look and his frowned little silver eyebrows, he was just so perfect!
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Great_Abby

    Have you read my notes?

    When Jon woke up… he found his feelings in turmoil. Rage, anger, frustration, sadness, despair, contempt and exasperation had taken over his mind. How could act like this? Talk so casually about siring bastards that would usurp the Throne under the eyes of all the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms? Did they really expect the highborn and the smallfolk to accept this mockery? Did they really think that their actions would not escalate to a bloody war that could devastate the Realm? And what about their children?! The ones that were going to be called bastards and usurpers their entire lives?! They were the real victims of their debauchery and carelessness! The real targets of those who would oppose their ascension to the Iron Throne!
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to evprati

    Like every septa, especially for this period

    "By the Seven!" The septa almost spat. "That child is an abomination! Her parents will hear about this! She must see reason before the Seven who are One curse her for her unholy behavior!"
    Jaehaeron Taegaryen - The Northern Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to gregory_tsamos

    He probably suffered from Alzheimer at the end of his life.

    The two years that followed the Great Council had taken whatever was left of his strength, despite the fact that he was only sixty-nine, his body and mind have reached their limit. He would not live to see another moon.
    Jaehaeron Taegaryen - The Northern Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to evprati

    He is scared as well and careful.

    First of all, as a Targaryen Prince, Jon had to bond with a Dragon, and he would lie if he were to say that the idea did not excite him in some way.
    Jaehaeron Taegaryen - The Northern Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Bloodicys

    Only his friends and family (except Daemon), calls him Jon.

    The black haired Targaryen was spending a lot of time in the library, in the training yards, and with the new teachers that Jaehaerys had personally invited to Court in order to quench his great-grandson's thirst for knowledge. 'Jon' -as he preferred to be called- was determined to speak High-Valyrian as fluently as his Father, and more surprisingly, he wanted to learn the Old Tongue like the Starks of old.
    Jaehaeron Taegaryen - The Northern Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to evprati

    That is a boar's average weight, but you're right, it was too precise

    Rhaenyra hadn't felt fear when she had heard a strange noise coming out of the bushes, but when a boar large as a barrel had emerged and knocked Ser Criston flat. The rush of adrenalin and endorphin she experienced had paralyzed her on the spot. The boar made an arc before charging at her. For an abominable second, she thought her life was over, she was a ninety pounds young woman facing a two-hundred-and-sixty-four pounds meat bag with tusks. As the beast approached she couldn't help but feel exasperated by her death, the Princess of Dragonstone… murdered by a bloody pig…
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to evprati

    In the books, Bran almost raped Meera as Hodor.

    When Rhaenyra had kissed his nose, it triggered something in his wolfsblood that the Stark had a hard time taming while in Shadow's body. And when she had undressed herself before his eyes, he almost lost control. As a man Arthur was a well-mannered that despised rape, and his time North of the Wall had taken away all of the shy habits of the fifteen years old he had been, it would take far more than a naked woman to make him lose his mind. But as a wolf, he had been in heat, and the overwhelming urge to breed had almost gotten the best of him. His night had been sleepless; a constant fight between the man and the wolf within him to prevent himself from harming the sleeping Princess. He tried to focus on his prior task, comforting the Valyrian woman, however, when she locked her arms around his head and brought it to her chest, she almost made him abandon his humanity to succumb to his bestial desires. Arthur had fought all night to protect Rhaenyra from himself, only at dawn, was he able to regain enough sense to return to his body, but the night-long fight had taken its toll on his mind, and to top it all, his wolfsblood had not been subdued, only eased. Rhaenyra's presence was not easy to deal with; her smell was still in his mind, as well as the image of her naked body. He needed to quench his wolfsblood's hunger one way or another.
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to whyudothat_

    No, he is canon but never did anything and we know close to nothing about him.

    "I am Qyle Nymeros Martell, and it was your steward that welcomed me inside your castle, Lord Baratheon."
    The Dragon & The Wolf
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to W_D_3766

    His mother doesn't give a shit about Targaryen fanatics, she is his mother and named him as she saw fit.

    "Jonothor?" He repeated unconvinced.
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Jay_3

    Your point being? :)

    The next day, during the meeting of the Small Council, an officer of the city watch came to inform the Hand of the King, Lord Lyonel Strong, that his son Harwin had been attacked by a pack of stray dogs while he was returning from a tavern with some of his drinking companions. Indeed, no less than seventeen dogs had rushed from all the corners of Flea Bottom and had jumped at Breakbones' face and crouch. Leaving him bleeding out, in the mud, without a nose nor a cock. By the time he was brought to the Grand Maester, he had already died.
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to ILikeSaltedEgg

    Of course it will

    Ch 5 Jonothor of the Tower
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Ishinnn

    Oh... Yeah I get it 😅

    Ch 5 Jonothor of the Tower
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH
  • MonsieurLAH
    Replied to Mrdelightfil

    And why is that?

    Ch 5 Jonothor of the Tower
    Jonothor Targaryen - The Green Dragon
    TV · MonsieurLAH