

2023-06-25 JoinedGlobal

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  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to LeSteiner

    A literary masterpiece like this should not be published on a site with stupid politics like this

    Kingdom's Bloodline
    Fantasy · Masterless Sword
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to pokers_game21

    For me, it really deserves, especially since the story does not contain these stereotypes and stupid clichés, and the story is deep and well written, and this indicates the author's creative ideas, unlike other works full of absurdities, stereotypes, and the stupidity of readers.

    Kingdom's Bloodline
    Fantasy · Masterless Sword
  • Abdou_Bouhe

    This novel is a truly surreal literary masterpiece and I consider it the pinnacle of web novels next to RI and LOTM Writing first-class characters You will never find here a one-dimensional character And the dialogues in the novel are very deep and studied And the intrigues and tactics and unexpected events are something else entirely. It's unfortunate that such a literary masterpiece did not gain enough fame while other works of poor quality are very popular. In general, guys, the novel is of the first class, whether in characters, world building, or the system of power and fighting, it is like a book of ice and fire song, except that it is more profound

    Kingdom's Bloodline
    Fantasy · Masterless Sword
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Clover_White

    yes, you're right. For me, if the author focuses more on writing his side characters and not neglecting them, this novel will become like literary books. The author does not take the trouble of introducing his side characters and delving into them. All we know about the side characters is only what is mentioned and described only, and nothing else. As for other things such as the characters' goals, abilities, and way of thinking, we don't know anything, and therefore their influence in the story becomes almost non-existent.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Everythingonurmind

    Yes, indeed, the author has become destroying his characters in the last chapters and making them a npc without vitality The problem is that the characters are really good, but the author never goes deep into them and destroys them

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Guiltythree

    You started your novel in an excellent way, really an amazing world, wonderful and lively characters, and everything is perfect, but you sometimes rush to write, especially the last chapters, and you started to tear down the characters and not build them or give them time on the screen, so Sunny and Nephis and maybe three other characters, we never know anything about the other side characters and their goals and actions and their impact on the story as you rushed in the last chapters and made your biggest mistake and is to destroy Morgan's character in just two chapters This is a bad thing and will ruin your novel and a lot of readers noticed this

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Luohuo

    A wonderful novel that you have never read or heard of Unfortunately, a typical die-hard fan responded: I've read up to chapter 860, and if you want me to tell you what's going to happen, I will, how many harems there are now, etc. When I read a novel, all I want is for it to be a distinctive story with real, lively characters, with depth, and not a brain-dead novel. Every female character in it turns into a yandere despite living for eons, every strong character later turns into a pile of weakness, and every wise and intelligent character is later turned by the author into a pile of stupidity. Every male character here has his only role in admiring Mouloudia’s actions. Characters who have lived for ages are represented as if they were mindless nursery children 98 percent of the novel is yandere, a strong, handsome mc, crazy, horny women, the same dialogue, and 2 percent is actual battles and conspiracy.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Luohuo

    What does SS have to do with this brain-dead novel intended for fan service only? What I hate the most are fans who get angry when you criticize their favorite work. You can argue and try to show that I'm wrong, but no, all you do is say meaningless things, and I'll tell her. This story is bad with its brain-dead characters. It's just for fan service.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Luohuo

    What does SS have to do with this brain-dead novel intended for fan service only? What I hate the most are fans who get angry when you criticize their favorite work. You can argue and try to show that I'm wrong, but no, all you do is say meaningless things, and I'll tell her. This story is bad with its brain-dead characters. It's just for fan service.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • Abdou_Bouhe

    Previously, I rated this masterpiece with 5 stars, and now I have reduced it, and I would like to note the author of the reason The biggest negative point in the novel is the characters because they really lack depth and sufficient visibility I don't say it's bad it's good but it lacks vitality and the author doesn't bother to write his side characters and show their powers and abilities and ideas and goals and their point of view in the story like what happened in the last chapters I expected to see fights between the characters and an explanation of the forces and aspects And some tactics, but no, the author is really bad on the character side, each character that appears makes it an NPC, and if he builds a character, he destroys it quickly, like he did with clan characters in War Arcs, which we were eagerly waiting for. I hope that the author will deal well with his characters as he is very bad in this aspect and the last chapters were very warned because of this and the story will be destroyed because the essence of the stories are the characters

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe

    i really don't understand why the ratings are so high yes the story was good at first then it became really nonsense and cringe unnecessary things in each chapter really, and the side characters are brain dead despite living for eons, and the author always shows them as silly and stupid, and their only role is to marvel at McT and his power, and the vulgar phrases are present in abundance in every chapter. We always hear. Oh, Victor is so handsome that he's gone family. Oh, he's strong and talented Oh, he's obsessed with his women. Oh, and his women are crazy hornies!!! Seriously, stupid vulgar phrases that we hear since the first chapter, I don't know how many characters were good at the beginning and then destroyed by the author out of thin air. This novel is brain dead with its characters and ideas. Glowing to Harem lovers without logic and reason It was good at first, then it became worse than Chinese clichés, and there are many, many negatives that a long text is not enough to mention, and I'm surprised that it got a really high rating.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Deathkon

    I like how readers here infer directly without reading it. Everything you say is wrong Criticism based on 20 chapters or more

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to ntw_ff

    The same thing happened to me and I went back to read it again and it was really worth it and his defect does not affect him or his mentality and will and all the events make you forget the defect of his ability even Any negative review was caused by the defect of the hero because of his ability although from the title of the novel the content is clear

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe

    Lol it is funny to see some negative reviews that are not even in their place and the owners of those reviews are complicated from the success of this novel only The funniest thing is that you see the usual Harem and R18 novels full of clichés and stupidity with reviews that are all positive and at the same time you find the owners of those reviews here to say that the story is bad and other silly nonsense that has nothing to do with any facts but just envy and anger because the novel achieves successes Whether you like it or not, the novel is a masterpiece and better than most web novels that fool the mind of readers. The author excelled in building the world and the system of power. The characters are good, and the element of mystery and surprise is present in abundance. Best novel I've read and one of my favorites with reverend insanity and Kingdom Bloodline And lotm and the mother of learning

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Ognjen_Marjanovic

    Who hears your silly words says that I spend my time here responding to reviews while the number of reviews I have replied to is only 4 Stop your nonsense and exaggeration and falsification of things just because you did not like the story and get excited by those who disagree with some negative reviews

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to meh_3825

    Brother you are wrong because the story is wonderful and neat

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Scholar_Of_Yore

    Also you are in the wrong novel because all the negatives you mentioned do not exist, but just false nonsense from someone who did not read it or read only 20 chapters of it and you fall into it because the novel is only good

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe
    Replied to Scholar_Of_Yore

    Through my reading of several books and novels, and also reading more than 1000 chapters of Abdul Shade's novel, I assure you that what you are saying is only absurd.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe

    question Do all the published authors here have to abide by the contract and write every day for a small financial income, and if he does not write a chapter for a day and he only takes, the copyright will be taken from him and he will not take any money I wonder because this novel is great and the writer has excellent ideas and I don't want to be pressured because of the site's policies and it may lead to the destruction of the quality of the novel

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Abdou_Bouhe

    What can I say? It's garbage without any creativity, it only talks about betrayal, bars, stupid personalities, and superficial conspiracy. I don't understand why some people like such nonsense.

    Fantasy · SinfulQueen