


My team and I work together to publish high quality fiction. Our current platforms are Royal Road, Webnovel, Tapas, and scribble hub.

2023-05-10 JoinedUnited States



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  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    Haha, No. In her past life she hated pools and lakes because they were cold and she didn't like swim suits, as well as hating the feeling of being incompetent (unable to swim) She also wasn't athletic, so it was tiering and made her sore and or get sunburned. Verry pessimistic attitude towards all things involving water.

    I quickly turned around… It wasn't like he was naked… But… He had stripped down to just a loin cloth, which was just as bad… I could barely comprehend what he had said. 'The people… Right, the kidnapers I beat up…'
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    She doesn't know how. That being said she isn't afraid of water and doesn't panic easily. Most people can figure out how to do something that at least keeps them from drowning regardless if those two things are true. She never even bothered to try though because she never felt the need for air that would compel her too.

    The steam surrounded me and sent multiple waves of shivers through my skin as my body cooled down enough to process what was happening. 'Water?' I did feel better… But… 'I can't swim… Why would I be in the water? Did I pass out, is this a dream?'
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    phantom limb. She won't grow wings. That would require a much greater amount of dragon heart consumption.

    'There he is! It really is kind of like a boss fight.' I squinted to get a better look at him, but unfortunately, he wasn't wearing any cool gear I could take after beating him. 'Maybe I'm getting carried away. I really do feel great though now that my blood's calmed down I almost feel like I could fly.' At the thought, I felt the strange sensation tingle through my back again.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    nope, permanent status effect. In all fairness all it didn't do all that much aside from making her eyes glow. At least, nothing of note that anyone else will be able to notice.

    'Ok, so I have to fight... The guards were easy enough, but how about these guys? If something goes wrong I should have a knight near–' I couldn't sense him anymore. 'There's no way, are there more of them around here? Could they have jumped him already?' all the haze surrounding me cleared in an instant as my eyes began to spasm, switching between tints of white and orange as if the dragon's eyes were fighting with the blessing from the Nog I received in the dungeon. As crazy as it felt I was still able to process, maybe even more clearly than normal, just who I was up against.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    guess I was thinking about the parkour too much.

    'I should find Air and help sort this out… It might not be a big problem yet, but stuff like this tends to cause revaults doesn't it?'
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword


    We walked down the alley into a darker part of town, which helped my eyes, but not the ominous feeling that bled from the walls. The alleys twisted and turned as the buildings only seemed to grow taller, and the shadows deeper. As it turned out his wife actually was sick and my suspicions seemed to be completely unfounded. 'Maybe I watched too many movies in my past life.'
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    Maybe. Note though that when she appears in front of Agis she is still in her body from earth at this point.

    After about three hours, the rolling green hills leveled out into farmland and eventually became sprawling city streets paved with stone. It was the first time I ever actually saw a real city from that world. 
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    My cousin does this too. You are not alone.

    "I am Siyasavide Nayanathulu, and this is my sister Wayalusayo, we are the only daughters of lord Keigan, lower you're weapons." 'Our names might be a mouthful, but if I say them with confidence… I-it should be fine, right? Even if does sound like I'm hosting a comedy a skit…'
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    Realistically, no, but practically it works. Would she know a term originating from a Japanese war charge in WW2? No. But... They wouldn't be speaking English either. At least probably not. At this point the English term bonsai is just another word in the English language, meaning something completely different than the Japanese "To plant" So it's probably as realistic as any other English word. At least that's kind of how I see it.

    Time resumed. "BONZAI!" I heard as I pulled my sword back to block an attack from behind, kicking the guard I nearly killed while Lu landed on the third, having jumped from the wall.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    This is incredibly ironic to me, because the ' is used to signify possession...

    "Well done as always Siya," Nillous said, leaning back in his chair with a smile. "You're strategies never let me down."
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    Yea. I usually avoid this. But in this case it's not just a change of volume, but a transition from part 1 (First 3) to part 2- (4-6)

    Setting Off.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    He and Finlo are traveling on horseback as an escort of sorts. Finlo is a knight, and Zu is a Junior knight. They come up again later.

    Ch 195 Setting Off.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    They dump cold water her. She doesn't even wake up. "Let's leave her alone... She's scary." Siya: Wakes up* "Did it rain? I thought for sure I closed my window this time."

    Ch 194 Away From Home
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    This one kind of trips me up because it feels strange to have a paragraph break withing a quote, but sometimes it also feels like it's worse to just have the one paragraph be massive. I actually didn't know the rules about this, so that's helpful

    "OK, here's the plan. Nillous, you change into a defensive formation and hold that river bank when it's your turn, don't let them cross, but don't get overaggressive and try to cross yourself…" I picked up my scout and moved him far across the board towards a ruin. A tile with defensive advantages. "Send your scout to follow mine to this ruin, we can form a pseudo-third party between the two of them."
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    Dagnit! Fixing now.

    He let out a powerful roar as he cleaved through several skeletons with one swipe of his greatsword, taking out another with a thrust from his torch. "COME AND TASTE MY METAL!"
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    There are some things that I just look at... And I'm like... Really? grammar check found nothing wrong with that? Ty

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    So I thought about this, and I'm pretty sure she's technically been barefoot this whole time. I had to go back to double check, but it never actually talks about there getting shoes, so I think she's technically been barefoot this whole time. Although I'm not sure how much sense that actually makes though so I might go back and change a few things. Or at least clarify that and give a reason for it.

    I almost couldn't believe it. I had survived what I thought were much harsher conditions, but my skin was turning blue, and my fingers and toes were bright red with frostnip after just a few seconds of being underwater, as if the water was cutting through my magic and affecting my body directly.
    Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    That would have been metal for sure.

    Once again I was left with just my large hunting dagger. I was back at the base of the tree. Electrically burnt grass lined the ground next to its severed arm and pool of hot blood that sloshed against my boots. My legs started to shake with every ripple, making it hard to assume a proper stance.
    The Sandbox: Classless
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill
    Replied to Saune_Sunsword

    it was supposed to be "disinfect" the spell name.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Sandbox: Classless
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill
  • Lions_Quill

    This is my second fiction, and personally I think I have improved a lot from my first. It seems to be verry well received across all platforms, so thank everyone for you're support. I hope you will continue reading.

    The Sandbox: Classless
    Fantasy · Lions_Quill