

2022-09-07 JoinedAustralia

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  • Copperhawk

    The writing quality is very solid, nothing too exceptional but still very high quality, especially by the standard of this site. Extremely stable updates, that's it really. The Story is incredibly good, with the information being fed to you in a way that makes it seem obvious when revealed. It gives you enough information that a lot of theories actually have some truth to them. The pacing does suffer a bit in places, but aside from that it's super good. The character design and development are very good, with the MC's character development over the course of the novel being very fun to witness. Though it is fair to say that the amazing character development only extends for the MC and a few side characters. Somethings do have to suffer when you never change POV. The world background and lore is both original, fascinating and incredibly fun to read about. (slight spoilers beyond) P.S. don't listen to everyone crying about him being a slave, they're just seething about nothing. He's only given 2 orders in 1500 chapters, and both times are to save him from death and eternal madness respectively. (slight rant beyond) P.P.S The MC is not a fucking sidekick holy shit. This just shows how spoiled the people on this site are. He is the holder of a divine legacy, he is the inheritor of both the Shadow God and the Daemon of Fate. He is capable of killing enemies that are supposed to be massively stronger than him. Some people just can't stomach the fact that an MC has people who are at similar levels of bullshitery.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Copperhawk

    If you think about it as a 30 something adult man with magical intelligence boosting powers relishing beating a bunch of highschoolers than this is a bit....

    "They are very presumptuous aren't they? They base all of their plans on the idea that they will win." I said with disinterest. Mrs Henderson said, "Yes. But, when they lose…don't you think their face will be priceless?"
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Copperhawk

    SPOILERS I DIDNT ADD THE TAG CAUSE IT MESSES WITH FORMATTING Writing Quality: It makes sense, it isn't filled with grammar and writing mistakes. Overall pretty good except for one main problem. It reads like they are writing a tv script and not a novel. It seems that they got caught up in the idea of replicating the feel of the show but they completely messed up the flow. They also failed the rule of "show don't tell." for example "Haley pouted, she tried to look annoyed but Ed could see that she was embarrassed" With the context we only needed the first 2 words but it explains the motivations of everyone's actions and ruins the flow even more. Stability of Updates: Not much to mention here, pretty good. Story Development: Kind of a mess. I know its slice of life but It will jump around from school, to his acting career to his dad, to his absent mother to the Dunphy family. Character Design: MC is kind of a shit person. Since he travelled to the past he steals a bunch of songs that weren't released yet. He also drinks and smokes weed when his body is fifteen and he peer pressure his also fifteen best friend into drinking. Normally im fine with an asshole MC but he seems like a nice dude usually but then just acts like an dick and it isn't even recognized that he doing terrible shit. He doesn't even have a moral debate about how he is stealing those songs from people. He also doesn't feel like a real person. He acts really weird and contrary sometimes. He meets penny from the Big Bang Theory at a restaurant and just suddenly offers her a lead role in his music video when she's a pretty shit actress just for no reason. And it's not because he likes her because of the big bang theory because when he has the chance to go to the set of Iron Man 2 he just doesn't give a fuck. He's like "oh im only here to support my friends" and it just feels like feigned apathy to seem cool. Also about the portrayals of characters. It is pretty good for most of the characters but then it goes to shit. Haley and alex's personality seems to be sidelined for their crush on Edward. Same for Taylor swift and selena gomez. RDJ was just introduced and his personality feels pretty empty, the portrayal of him was pretty empty and just boiled down to feigned arrogance and sarcasm without the actual charisma. World Background: Not much to say here. Just the normal 2009 with a bunch of tv show characters made real. Now for some of my biggest gripes: It needs to be tagged OP. He just doesn't really have challenges, all the girls surrounding have a crush on him. Haley and Alex are practically in love with him, the most popular girl in his grade is a literal yandere, TAYLOR SWIFT AND SELENA GOMEZ like him and he has countless obsessed fans. Not to mention he has sex with Taylor swift (HES 15 and SHES 19). His career is going incredibly well without any problems. His only challenge is being overworked but he still goes to school for some reason when he has like 170 iq and can easily graduate right now. Forgot to mention about the time he wrote a 60 page management report for his company in 50 minutes. WTF. Even if he was typing 200 words a minute with double spaces it wouldn't be enough. He didn't get any typing stuff from the gacha either so there is just no fucking way. It just broke the camels back for me to make this review.

    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Copperhawk

    Writing quality: Overall really good. Good grammar, good sentence structure, It's pretty easy to read. Stability of Updates: 2 chapters a day, what more can I say? Story Development: Super interesting and fun to read. The plot doesn't stall a bunch. Character Design: Really good characters, Sunny's character development from someone who will do anything to survive to someone who wants a boring wealthy life to someone who wants more in life. The side characters are all pretty fleshed out and make sense. World Background: Really good and interesting. The nightmare spell is a cool idea and I love the history of the dream world, Its super interesting to watch Sunny discover the lore of the dream world. Now that I got the review out of the way I want to rant. Not about the book, but about the people who are mad that Sunny is a slave! THE BOOK IS CALLED "SHADOW SLAVE". Its in the TITLE, What did you expect?! Not to mention the fact that in 900 chapters the only order Nephis has ever given him was one that made him save himself! ALSO. People are mad that Sunny isn't as strong as Nephis, and they think that Sunny is weak. What are you on about? Did you see a tag saying "OP MC"? NO! Regardless of the fact he is very strong and can solo creatures a who rank higher than him! It makes sense that Nephis is stronger than him because shes been training since she was a CHILD, while he had no training at until the start of the book. Nephis is meant to be stronger than him because beating her is a goal, an aspiration. I also see people that are mad cause they think that that while Sunny and Nephis' aspects are both divine, hers is unfairly better because she can earn shards easier. Well guess what, his can do a bunch of shit that hers cant! His aspect gives him SEVEN legacy relics and a style of swordsmanship that allows him to literally just take other peoples fighting styles. And Nephis cant use her shadows as scouts, or control shadows! Hers lets her heal, burn and power up, and that is basically it.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to TheLonelyGod

    I prefer katanas cause they feel less archaic. Probably because katanas stopped being used commonly only in 1876, and were used ceremonially even in ww2, when many other cold weapons stopped being used well before that. Not to mention the popularity of kendo today. They just seem like a comparatively modern sword.

    Black Clover: Training system
    Anime & Comics · MynameJeff
  • Copperhawk

    The duality of man

    Putting that aside, I only half-heartedly watched the Sorting Ceremony. The Sorting Hat sang a clever little song before sorting each student into a house.
    Professor Dovahkiin
    Others · LargeFarva
  • Copperhawk

    Yea just fucking ridiculous. Why the hell would he give part of his powers to Athena. Literally insane. I was excited when I saw a interesting premise but mc is just brain dead.

    Reincarnated as Poseidon in GOW
    Video Games · Pop0
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to Dextuary

    oh thanks, been a while since i read the first book

    Golden, illusory flames burst forth from the void surrounding him, intertwining and transforming the corridor into an ocean pulsating with the radiance of the sun.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Copperhawk


    It felt as if his skin was pierced by a thousand needles, his muscles and ligaments torn asunder. The mysterious voice became deafening, reverberating within his mind.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to 065

    But you can tho...

    "If you don't come out of father's seed, she won't do anything… besides that, she hates demigods equally," Artemis answered.
    Percy Jackson: The God of Magic
    Book&Literature · CORNBRINGER
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to Reaper_Kami

    I agree to an extent, but just because japanese soldiers are raping and mutilating and killing people doesn't mean that two entire cities filled with civilians should be obliterated, with many doomed to die long painful deaths of radiation poisining.

    "The essence of war is destruction! It's violence! It's a means to gain benefits! Although we will say this is a war for justice and a battle for freedom, there's no good or evil in war!"
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to Immersionsuit

    many of the soldiers are conscripts so really they're innocent too

    "The essence of war is destruction! It's violence! It's a means to gain benefits! Although we will say this is a war for justice and a battle for freedom, there's no good or evil in war!"
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to PitchBlackDark

    lol the most aerodynamic thing in the world... a piece of fabric catching the wind!

    "Um... no!"
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to Morgriff

    Bruh... this isn't feminist propaganda this is the 1940s.

    (TNote: straight man = slang word; it's not about their sexuality; it means awkwardly sexist males that don't understand women at all.)
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk

    Everyone should know that while a lot of americans have guns, not too many carry guns around with them day to day. Also i don't think many are trained to a degree where they can kill several highly trained hydra agents with a single shot each.

    "But... where did he get the gun, and how did he learn marksmanship?"
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to vkg313

    1. That was done by the catholic church hundreds of years prior, yje average believer shouldn't be discriminated against for that. 2. The author doesn't even seem to be trying to make us feel bad for the catholics, he is just describing history you absolute idiot.

    The ever-present exclusion and discrimination made life difficult for these immigrant groups.
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk
    Replied to Kyalaborg

    Most United states soldiers survived the war.

    In his opinion, sending this thin-little man to war was no different from killing him.
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk

    Seriously. He isn't interested in a hovering car? A bored mc is a boring mc.

    Luke had no interest in all this nonsense.
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk

    Everoyne is forgetting that most soldiers survived ww2. USA had about 18 million servicemen and about 400 thousand casualties. He probably wouldn't ever see active combat and if he was ever deployed he would most likely die of a disease. Not to mention he would cost training and food and water, it just wouldn't be practical to enlist him.

    With such a physique, sending him to the war was no different than killing him.
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Copperhawk

    Who sent them tho? The only organisation with the sun, twilight giant and sun pathways is the church of the fool right?

    Golden, illusory flames burst forth from the void surrounding him, intertwining and transforming the corridor into an ocean pulsating with the radiance of the sun.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving