


Buff Cat who works as a security guard. I do also work part-time as a model, as you can see by my totally legitimate profile picture.

2022-02-03 JoinedUnited Kingdom



of reading


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  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to cheeki_breeki

    Look on the bright side--You're getting a chapter tonight!

    Ch 3 Training And Family
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to MightyOzy

    "Kevin Thompson was a man who was experimented on by his parents since his childhood in order to treat a neurodegenerative disease, but the treatment ended up giving him the new ability to control people's minds at his will." & "His power was revealed to be a side-effect of the viral treatment used to cure his childhood degenerative disease." - Like I said, it wasn't a serum but a treatment. The difference being that a serum could give anyone that power while a treatment can only work on certain people. So, unless the MC develops a neurodegenerative disease and uses the same treatments (which were apparently incredibly painful), he won't be able to develop Kilgrave's powerset.

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to lightning_devil

    Admittedly, I was reading it and thought "Why not give it a go?", yeah.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to Zyga

    He said he was in the prime of his life - not when the prime of his life was gonna end. Which, if he didn't take a serum, would be when he's about 100-years-old lol.

    But, to the surprise of Harry, Norman just ruffled his hair up some more and gave him a smile, "Old? Well, I guess I am to you, huh? But remember, son, I'm in the prime of my life," he tapped his fist against his own chest in an exaggerated manner and wormed a smile out of Harry who's joy came back. It was obviously to Norman that Harry could see the changes in himself but wasn't questioning them - and why would he? Harry was a 9-year-old. He was no doubt just happy his dad was being nice to him.
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to Metalloid

    ...That falls outside of the most cases I was talking about lol. Besides, if someone sucks at surgery, I don't think they'd have passed med-school or their residency lol.

    Harry was a striker, being a tall kid for his age and having decent athletic prowess. He seemed to really like the game as well, so that was a plus - or at least that's what Norman thought. It's better to have passion for something than to have the talent for it. Loving something is better than being good at it, in most cases anyway.
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to Metalloid

    That's fair but I think just about anyone would rather be remembered as a great man rather than an evil one. Just look at all the tyrant dictators throughout Earth's history - they're usually remembered for their barbaric acts and nothing else. While great leaders and people are remembered for what good they did even if, along the line, they did bad things as well.

    "Then you'll remember that no one turned up. Not even me," he said, a slight sadness to his voice, "You know, they say that you only ever truly die when you're forgotten - and that's what my father was. Forgotten." Norman leaned up against the wall, crossing his arms and looking up a little, "I don't want that. I don't want an empty funeral or to be forgotten. So, I'm doing my best to be better with the goal of being remembered by as many people as possible. Which all starts with Harry. As long as I can do good by my son, be a better father and a better man--that's all that matters. Because the way the world remembers you is how you'll be seen whenever someone looks back in the annals of history."
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to bluS24

    Honestly, I completely forgot about that. It'd no doubt be something he'll use in the future but the volatile nature and randomness of Gravitonium is a bit hard to work around and could take time for even Norman to figure out.

    "Not good enough for any space faring technology," he wondered aloud, "Too much emphasis on the rotation would make using it on a ship more trouble than it's worth...but at least I figured out a way to work out," he smiled to himself and wandered over to his desk where designs for smaller, more efficient artificial systems sat completed. Now Norman had to miniaturise the system for usage in dumbbells and other systems.
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Training And Family
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to One_kaiZa

    What? I know the book you're on about but I haven't read the entirety of it. If there are overlaps between my book and their's, it's purely coincidence. On that note, I just skimmed through the first five or so chapters and found no mention of the MC doing anything similar to what my MC does...so please stop implying I'm copy-pasting someone else's novel as my own.

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to KillingmeSoftly

    Why would that imply that? There's no need to be a Mutant to fight Mutants lol, neither do you need to use Mutants to fight their own kind.

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to Darkwolf280

    That's been done before and before and before, over and over again. Calling it 'beating a dead horse' isn't even accurate for Black Cat being a love interest - it's more like exhuming the horse's grave and trying to ride it. ...So no, I won't be making Black Cat the love interest for the novel.

    I'm something of a scientist myself, you know?
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to MightyOzy

    I don't think Purple Man's powers came from a serum. Pretty sure it was a mutation caused by a certain medicine and I'm not gonna mess around with the spider bite because of the Totems and Avatar nonsense - and because Norman doesn't need it. But yeah, to pretty much everything else.

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to One_kaiZa

    I mean, I know the story you're referencing but I abhor the implication that I'm somehow plagiarising someone else's work. This is a different story, despite it being a Norman Osborn protagonist.

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to DoomBot35

    Yeah, I should be. Got the night off and everything.

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to KoroSensei14

    Yeah, that's why he's diverting funds away from the Oz Serum - he doesn't want anyone else to get their hands on it. After all, it'd mess with his plans if the US Military (or anyone, for that matter) had access to a serum that can make superhumans that can rival Spider-Man. Taking Stark employees is also a fantastic idea, so thanks for that! Making a security force with high-tech armor and weapons also seems like something right up the MC's alley as well...I'll keep it in consideration, so thanks for the suggestion as well :)

    Ch 2 You can't do this to me--Well I am!
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to bluS24

    I mean, it depends. MCU Cap is all over the place with his physical strength - one moment he struggles to lift a metal girder that fell on Bucky (admittedly he was injured and exhausted) and then the other time we learn in Agents of Shield that he pushed a bulldozer across a field like it was nothing. Oh, and don't forget that he was momentarily overpowered by a normal, albeit athletic, human in Winter Soldier as well. All in all, if we take Cap's maximum overhead lift of 800lbs (courtesy of the marvel wiki that is kinda inaccurate but oh well), then yeah, the MC is stronger than him. But if we take Cap's feat of pushing that bulldozer like it was nothing, then no, Cap is stronger. It just depends, I guess, because consistency in the MCU is horrifically bad.

    He wandered a horrible place that represented everything and also nothing until he met a God of unknown origin and then sat with the God for a brief eternity while making a deal with it. The end result of the deal was being sent to the MCU, albeit an alternate version, with the powers of an enhanced Augment - a genetically engineered human from Star Trek. All for a God's entertainment and the promise of having a drink with it in the future.
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to slimy_Boi

    Oh, and I write the chapters every day. Sometimes I write two and keep one of them to release the next day as a sort of buffer in case I feel a little burned out or something. So, on average, you can expect a release every day or every two days. It depends entirely on my work schedule though. I work nights as a security guard and when I get the chance I write a little here and there but if I have to work more that obviously leads to a bigger chance of me not posting for a day and whatnot.

    Ch 1 I'm something of a scientist myself, you know?
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to slimy_Boi

    Character development won't be rushed. Like, for instance, Norman won't instantly win '1# Father Of The Year' or anything like that. But because the MC is now in control, he's definitely going to instantly start TRYING to be a better person. Though if I'm gonna be honest, the MC still has a few screws loose after meeting with an Eldritch God so his attempts at being better may not be the best lol.

    Ch 1 I'm something of a scientist myself, you know?
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to slimy_Boi

    Maybe space stuff but it's too early to tell. Especially when Earth needs help more than ever (i.e. with the imminent invasion of Loki and his army which is approximately three-ish years away). And yeah, biological enhancement - the reason being that I've never liked reading about characters who focus too much on tech because of it's most basic and biggest flaw aka Tony Stark with his Iron Man armor basically being useless without it.

    Ch 1 I'm something of a scientist myself, you know?
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat
  • Buff_Cat
    Replied to Zyga

    To a certain extent, yeah. Like any ordinary human he can workout and improve his body through ordinary means up until a certain point (which would be a 4000kg deadlift, for example).

    [An enhanced Augment is designed to be remarkably agile, roughly eight times stronger and more durable than a Human, resistant (if not immune) to sickness and with enhanced senses, possessing heart muscles thrice as strong and lung efficiency 200% better than normal. Their blood contains platelets capable of regenerating from any disease or toxin and also lends them a degree of accelerated healing. They also have twice the average human lifespan. Even their resistance to directed energy weapons is improved, as it takes multiple shots with a phaser or a phase-pistol to stun one. They are even capable of resisting a Vulcan nerve pinch and mind meld implying their inherent resistance to outside tampering of their nervous system or mind. The ability to learn all of the latest technologies, beyond many post-doctoral qualifications, is a testament to how their artificially augmented superhuman intelligence was beyond the reach of even the most intelligent Humans.]
    MCU: Ultimate Osborn
    Movies · Buff_Cat