

2022-01-10 JoinedGlobal

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  • No_name_4460

    in comparison to other cultivation novels this one is the best

    Grand Ancestral Bloodlines
    Action · Awespec
  • No_name_4460

    author is using words he and and wayyy to much . Instead of describing things he is just telling them. the philosophy quets feel out of place and are often redundant , things he is getting are to convenient like especially considering that him getting reborn with 2 op bloodlines is close to impossible having so much luck is reminding me that this is a story and thaf breaks immersion the biggest exmp is this demon tower like no reason for him to get it second biggest is eny op weapon that no one with common sense would place it at nexus just to distract some brat the fact that sometihng so strong have idiot like general is also weird even with fact that it is useless to everyone but mc. Combat is pretty bad and dull and amateurishly. Character development is not done the best it is rushed and one dimensional, there is to much fake deep questions that are discusse by narration instead of showen in story. Power system is intresting but undeveloped. Author promised protagonist in near death scenario where he will need his wits to survive aginst cunning experienced villians. we got mc of avarage intelligencd somewhat reckless behavior who survive mostly by op powers and mostly by luck . Villians are meh aside from general they were mostly unlucky but they never fealt like threat or competent rly . There is lack of side characters but that is mostly my preference not foult of story in itself. Eng is not the best a pity cause by comments of author it seems he is pretty decent speaker only adive that i can give u is that u read ur work after u rested. The idea seems great but execution is not i am sure u will improve im future hopefully this can help u do it daster

    The Primordial Record
    Fantasy · BRICKTRADER
  • No_name_4460
    Replied to No_name_4460

    finally something good to read cant wait

    I am the young master
    Eastern · Amiro0o
  • No_name_4460

    its a pity writer has abonded this its one of best cultivation novels and i rly like his writing style on of my favorite alongesides grand ancestral bloodlines author

    I am the young master
    Eastern · Amiro0o
  • No_name_4460
    Replied to Asdfgh

    it suffers from same things as all cultivation storys its repetative, mc have way to much luck and side characters are irrelevent and neglected. but the world being giant ocean is awsome idea and all kinds of fishes sre making it fun to watch

    God of Fishing
    Eastern · Pig That Can Howl Like A Wolf
  • No_name_4460

    this is just a daydream that someone wirttted down. Dialogue is terrible, not only all people talk the same way dialogue itself is just bad being there only se we could skip to next event. Events are for most part just a bunch of trops that are rly badly done.Author is explaining obvious things instead of exoanding more on characters feelings, secenary etc. Characters themselfs are kust as bad as dialogue

    Immortal In The Magic World
    Eastern · Blue And White Ocean
  • No_name_4460

    the fact that most of earth fucking ignoted oracles doesnt maken any sanse especially with Ai. Before coming on planet bb14 or whatever mc killed 8 digestors most of whom literally come to knocking to his home wich would make one assume that they are everywhere yet most of people were unawere of them. at beginning lvl1 authority seem like big deal yet all you need to do is go out of your comfort zone to attain it (with 4 months only counts woldnt be able to get it)

    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • No_name_4460
    Replied to Muhammad_Usama1

    how does fact that 90% ignored their oracles for 4 months make sanse

    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • No_name_4460

    its annoying how the story is supposed to be more "real" yet it took him less then month to become a rich and handsome the part with money is somewhat reasonable but apperance part is just rushed

    Ch 20 A new hope
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • No_name_4460
    Replied to Cyan_Star

    the planet destruction was pretty good idea its unexpected, adds a lot to story, besides except female leads everyone was fuking unimportant (like parents aside from giving birth to mcs they hane no purpose in story) and would be forgotten the moment they move to higer relam. By killing everyone mcs would go trough character growth all does characters would gain more purpose dead then alive (as their drivnig force) or that is how it sould been have author bothered to show impact of destruction of their home on group

    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • No_name_4460

    author use sentence and words: that being said, obivously, However, way way to much. The explanation that roan is capable of pretty much everything related to combat just because he was death is illogical since his job was only to send them to path of reincarnation, all characters have same reaction, talk same way, the bast point in story (destruction of planet) is ruined since author didnt bother to show how that affect their relationship,mentality etc at least not nearly enough. There are to many unnessery explanation which make a reading annoying, english is gradually becoming worse. The premise of story itself is pretty good and intresting unfortunaly its poorly done

    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • No_name_4460
    Replied to BigBroCa

    have you never read a story with mc capable of thinking?

    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasy · Pointbreak
  • No_name_4460

    Author is trying realy hard to make mc seem like some sort of genius when he is simply using common sense, reaction on his "intelect" are even more insufferable, only decent part of story is world.

    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasy · Pointbreak
  • No_name_4460
    Replied to Dotencsure


    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • No_name_4460

    why would he tell that his kingdom has a weak army while posing as a prince that literaliy just make his sutuation worse because she doesnt need to be afraid of reaction of alaged kingdom. The fact that he is from another world should be exposed by him not only is it extrimly difficult to hide,fact alone could be his protction. Whole story is feels like you are retaling this instenad like a book.You waste time clarifying things that are obvious or very easy to deduce while neglecting how mc is feeling his expressons etc

    Ch 14 A Truthful Conversation
    I Hate Systems
    Fantasy · Overlord_Venus