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  • Stolen_Name
    Helpless Nick could only leave the chamber of secrets with Dusk following behind at a distance. As it turned out it required yet another few miles of walking on the long pipes wall to get out again. Moaning Myrtle took one look at Nazgul in Nick's arms and noped out of the bathroom immediately. Dusk immediately flew away once they left the chamber entirely , likely in an attempt to put as much distance between him and the sleeping Nazgul as possible without leaving the castle.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Something that close to you may kill you and you won't even know how you died.

    The Nazgul ring kept back the huge amount of energy from the basilisk's soul but injected the green energy into Nick by itself the moment he touched it. He stiffened while preparing to reject the energy or deal with extreme pain but it sank into his soul seamlessly. Nothing happened at all and it confused Nick greatly. Channeling his spiritual energy he saw that his soul was completely the same except a small bit of emerald green in it. That small amount of emerald didn't seemed to do anything at all so he chose to ignore it for now.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to aiden_rivera

    Ayo, that's not the one you should thank tho

    "Tap Tap Tap" Nicks footsteps echoed throughout the chamber as he walked along the path towards the statue at it's end. Once he reached the edge of the pool of water he tapped his wand on it's surface lightly. Immediately the water began to transform into ice as he transfigured a huge volume of water all at once draining a decent chunk of his mana in the process. Large scale transfigurations like this always took a huge amount of skill and power to accomplish but Nick succeeded in basically sealing the chamber in thick ice so the Basilisk can't flee into the water.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to Sr_Extremis

    That's also where New Order's limitation comes to play. She cannot reach that level of strengthening.

    No, All Might was not that much adored just becuase he was strong. He was part so popular becuase of his actions and his marketing. He has marketed himself as the pillar who is holding back all the evils. Which is not that wrong either. 
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to Ka1serMax

    Ice magic should do the work.

    I could easily predict how the world would change following this grand ritual being completed and had to applaud how he accomplished his previous goal indirectly using this method. Magical energy interferes with more complex forms of technology than simple machines and as such all the weapons capable of truly threatening wizarding society such as those atomic bombs will cease to function entirely. In fact the muggles very way of life with get forcefully sent back to nearly six centuries or so technology wise.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    There are almost one and a half billion people living in my country. If there were to be individuality in the law, there wouldn't be a single lawyer or judge qualified enough to work as such. Because the sheer amount of laws and punishments that would have for a single offence.

    "See lifestyle criminals are those who grew up in it and simply don't know any different. Malicious criminals are those that actively choose to commit crimes because they enjoy it. Career criminals are those who turned to crime out of nothing more than simple greed. The accidental criminals are those that commit a crime accidentally or in a fit of passion and regret it deeply afterwards. In a case involving the exact same crime each of these criminals gets the exact same punishment regardless of intent or circumstances and they call it justice. In truth it simply doesn't work because it doesn't target the crux of the issue for the individual criminal." He explained with a scowl.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Guy has no temperature control whatsoever. He needs to fix this if he's to reach the level of a God.

    Nick didn't do that however but rather paralyzed the man and waved his wand to strip the wand out of his hand. Walking over to Lockhart he directly kicked the mans legs out from under him before tapping the ground causing a stone horse to come out of it with the man draped across it's back. All the professors and Nick's friends knew something was wrong as the weather rapidly shifted from sunny to near hurricane in no time at all. Nick was absolutely livid and his magical ability was running out of control instinctively.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to UnknownKneeMoose

    Pretty sure that's his webshooter tingling.

    'So this must be what spiders feel all the time , no wonder they can react so fast.' he thought as he felt the gentle air flow around him moving in a manner not unlike that of flowing water. Or at the very least that's what it felt like to him at the moment. Thanks to the improved connection between his neurons Nick also thought faster than before son he had these thoughts within mere moments rather than a few seconds. It was thanks to this that when his ears heard the sound of rustling robes and he felt the airflow change he was beginning to move to take out his wand and block the attack.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to

    If she could she would have.

    No, All Might was not that much adored just becuase he was strong. He was part so popular becuase of his actions and his marketing. He has marketed himself as the pillar who is holding back all the evils. Which is not that wrong either. 
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • Stolen_Name

    From what I can tell, he was quite aware of his patheticness.

    The first was when he so graciously chose to take that immortal bird off of his hands as the clearly most skilled animal handler in the school but had been attacked by the stupid beast. The boy then had the nerve to loudly chide him , Gilderoy Lockhart , on the mistakes he made as if he could ever be surpassed in knowledge by a second year student. It was preposterous to say the least but he was magnanimous and let them all know that he was merely testing the boy.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Perversa mundi - perverted world. ... Inversa mundi - upside down world. .. .. .A mistake I believe.

    "I was planning on it but then I found out my long dead relative let my friends into my nice orderly workshop where they proceeded to mess with everything. You probably don't even remember where you got that from do you!?" Nick asked in frustration. Tracy looked at the mandrel and then looked around before randomly putting it next to the various tongs. "That's it! Everyone gets punished! PERVERSA MUNDI!" he said casting a rather terrible illusion spell that spell twisted ones various senses in such a way to guarantee a headache. Things like tasting with your fingers and hearing with the hairs on your body.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to Kibbinz

    He deserves it down to the last second of that eternity.

    Nick sighed "Maybe not but I can't just leave the bastard alone after this I need to do something to get back at him!" Nick argued angrily. No matter what punishment the staff give the poltergeist it simply won't change anything as Peeves very nature was to sow chaos. Nick wanted him gone one way or another and erasing the creature was the easiest option. "Hmmm , Perhaps you could create a construct to imprison the creature permanently?" Celebrimbor offered and Nick thought about it. "I'd need to know more about what a poltergeist actually is before I could attempt it but it should be possible." he admitted.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to 57843

    Better when it comes to this case.

    Nick sighed "Maybe not but I can't just leave the bastard alone after this I need to do something to get back at him!" Nick argued angrily. No matter what punishment the staff give the poltergeist it simply won't change anything as Peeves very nature was to sow chaos. Nick wanted him gone one way or another and erasing the creature was the easiest option. "Hmmm , Perhaps you could create a construct to imprison the creature permanently?" Celebrimbor offered and Nick thought about it. "I'd need to know more about what a poltergeist actually is before I could attempt it but it should be possible." he admitted.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to ContentHunter

    He asked for it anyways.

    Nick sighed "Maybe not but I can't just leave the bastard alone after this I need to do something to get back at him!" Nick argued angrily. No matter what punishment the staff give the poltergeist it simply won't change anything as Peeves very nature was to sow chaos. Nick wanted him gone one way or another and erasing the creature was the easiest option. "Hmmm , Perhaps you could create a construct to imprison the creature permanently?" Celebrimbor offered and Nick thought about it. "I'd need to know more about what a poltergeist actually is before I could attempt it but it should be possible." he admitted.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to loskro

    Meh. Both are red with hint of dark anyways.

    If before Nick's enchantment method had been interesting now it was dangerous in the wrong hands in Dumbledore's opinion. He of course knew that Nick was almost paranoid in the lengths he went to in order to prevent his method leaking but the fact remained that the information was a potential threat. For now though Dumbledore decided to place his trust in Nick to protect the world from his own knowledge. 'Now to try and coax this ho-ho out of my office without getting another beard trim.' He thought with a small headache.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    ભોંસડીના તારો ઊભો ભી થાય છે પેહલા?

    It was only after Luna sat down that he realized he was literally surrounded by girls with the only other male in the compartment being Steve who was currently getting pampered by Daphne with a content expression. 'Traitor' Nick thought with a slight twitch in his eyebrow at the nifflers willingness to submit to the tender mercies of softhearted girls. Still despite this Nick was mostly unbothered by it since each of the girls were far too young to interest him in a romantic or sexual manner.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Yo bro, I'm a pro.

    "For example in your case the wands either went lifeless and nonresponsive in your hand or turned violent from the rejection. Of course we were able to avoid the later occurrence most of the time due to your sensitivity to the wands." Olivander explained as Nick measured a first year who looked very weird out to get dealt with by a student only a year older than them. The first years mother clearly shared this concern but Nick merely smiled and showed them his license "No need to worry , I'm a professional." he said confidently.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to world_domination

    That ain't healthy. It's just feeding the tumor.

    Dotty had done as Nick had commanded though and was now wearing a blue and silver silk robe with the Ravenclaw family crest on the front. Getting dressed Nick greeted Olivander in the shop embarrassed from having slept in but the old man merely laughed it off. Checking the paper Nick raised an eyebrow at the headline {Ministry rights wrong! True criminal awaits trial!} 'Amazing how quickly things get done when you grease the wheels.' he thought a sigh that bribery was even needed to get justice done.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Thieven Steven

    The old man listened on with a smile and a interested look and even laughed , scowled and gave advice at certain parts of Nicks narration. Obviously Nick didn't go talking about the deeply private , illegal or secretive things that happened but mainly about the publicly known ones with a few personal details added in. He complained about Dumbledore's actions and the hidden dark lord that was the dada teacher. He talked about the plans his friends made thinking it was Snape after the treasure in the castle and the baby dragon as well as thieving Steve.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    Replied to PhantomGER
    Dumbledore knew well that he could have easily figured out the same things as Nick had he not totally decided in his mind that the matter was at it's end already and thus hadn't cared enough to see the problems. It was a downside of his advanced age as he could sometimes see far ahead and other times not even the next days events. He was not demented as such a thing was nearly impossible in wizards but his mind simply wasn't capable of the same constant focus as when he was younger.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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