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  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    am i misunderstanding which is the lead foot? lead foot is the foot closest to you opponent in which case this makes no sense but im just gonna assume he meant step back with your back foot amd drag your lead foot.

    As your lead foot moves backward, drag your rear foot smoothly, ensuring it stays in line with your lead foot. This helps maintain your stance and stability while retreating.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy
    Replied to ljaycc

    no kidding 😂

    Rain frowned a bit since the class suddenly had a lot more girls than before. It actually filled the whole room… Rain knew that diplomats in the human country tend to be mainly women, but he still was surprised that girls truly wanted to learn that. Then again, it seemed more natural that girls would show more interest in that than boys.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    yeah this is pretty much exactly what i imagined school would be. im glad hes now realized it wont be a waste of time and he better use the books in the library to research literally everything about mana since he cant make new skills without understanding what hes doing

    It was a bit different than he had expected, but it wasn't half bad. Going there for a year or two won't be a waste of time. The only downside is the fact that Rain will end up owing a few favors to his grandparents, and they definitely will ask him to pay them back with interest in the future. Still, he decided to follow that path for the sake of his little sisters.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    are there no girls in this class? or are they just 4 and 5 years old and dont care?

    "My name is Leion, and I will be your Military instructor, change your clothes and be in the training camps in five minutes; those who are late will have ten fewer minutes to do the tests from now on," The man declared.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy
    Replied to Lucinda_Hacker

    honestly just give up on correcting this novel. theres a minor grammatical error in almost every single paragraph and atleast 1 or 2 entire sentences that just need to be scrapped and reworded in every single chapter.

    The chairs were made of wood, and they also had a table for the kids to use and write. It seemed that not all the lessons of the military courses would be physical. Regardless, most of the kids were in the front, and soon, a man in his thirties, while wearing light brown armor and a sword on his waist, appeared. It seemed that only forty kids were the newcomers of the year that wanted to get involved somehow in military affairs.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    thats not very smart. its likey they are begging for somone to kidnap their daughter

    The school wasn't that far away from Rain's house, only five minutes away. A group of wealthy noble children approached the grand entrance of the school with confidence and privilege. They were dressed in elegant and expensive clothing, showcasing their wealth and high social status. The boys wore fancy-tailored outfits with fancy patterns. In contrast, the girls wore beautiful gowns adorned with intricate details and jewelry.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy
    Replied to ljaycc

    yeah but they never actually taught him

    "I don't remember teaching you how to wear clothes by yourself, but good job," Leiah said while she was carrying the sleeping Kei."
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    at least Kei makes rain seem normal now…

    At the same time, Kei was one year old, and she became a bit of a quiet child. She rarely makes a fuss, she sleeps a lot, and she doesn't eat that much, either. Rain assumed that his youngest sister was going to become a quiet cute girl while Dana would become the cheerful and friendly one.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    wish they did this in irl i wouldve done so much better. sadly real life doesnt work this way 😔

    Moreover, the tests could be done whenever the students wanted. Since the people of the human country wanted soldiers and talented individuals in numerous fields, they weren't planning to slow them down. Still, it was rare for kids to graduate in less than five years since failing was pretty embarrassing. They would rather take their time studying and preparing.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    he needs to learn to fit in with kids so that he can better fit in with them in later years. hes gonna be miserable in the highschool years when he has no friends is all alone and has no one who has his back. or hes just gonna not have any sort of charcter development and be the same cynical little kid for 18 years. 👍 although this novel did say theres romance so maybe he finds some chick with daddy issues and he fits that slot perfectly 🤔

    "Maybe School will be more interesting than I imagined… the fact that I will have to interact on a daily basis with brats is a downside, but I can't have my cake and eat it too," Rain thought.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    seems pretty basic to me… ever been to a karate dojo? they got 4 year olds doin katas throwing punches and kicks. granted they dont give them weapons but still. they just simplify everything so that a little kid can do it and then they follow the program until they are ild enough or advanced enough to learn the next thing. its called “Structure”

    "I have no idea how is this basic stuff…" Rain thought. "Is there any point in teaching this to kids? I suppose humans are weaker agaisnt magic people and dragons, so they have to do this."
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    rain needs this desperately

    Students develop effective communication skills, including verbal expression, active listening, nonverbal cues, and adapting communication styles.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy
    Replied to William_Litsch

    fr he could stomp the other kids with wooden swords as training but hes just like nah id rather half heartedly do whatever at home

    "I don't get it, you don't want to play with other kids, but you are fine with your sisters," Roan said while frowning. "I was the inverse, I couldn't stand my brothers, but everyone else was fine."
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    bro this mc is mentally fucked up. hes smart sometimes and then other times hes stupid i dont get it. a 10 year old kid is easily like 6 times stronger than a 3 year old. EASILY. that means his current potential to get stronger is INSANE. at this rate hes gonna be as strong as 20 year olds as a 10 year old.

    Still, despite all his progress. Rain didn't feel like he was much stronger than a kid that was supposed to be ten or something. Sure, he was three years old, but even so… it felt like an ordinary human from Earth would have the same parameters as a human at level fifty of the human path.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    This whole paragraph made no sense to me… i understood every word but none of them had meanings that made sense…

    That would explain the magic, and that also would explain why dragons still existed in that world. Anyone with half a brain would conclude that they needed to be hunted down to extermination. Still, if they had a similar system and different bonuses, then their potential was practically endless, even more so if they could live for longer.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy
    Replied to DylanUhh

    it doesnt bc its the difference of the girls having a serious laugh that was also annoying or a laugh that was very annoying. one is describing “their laugh” while the other is describing how much it is annoying

    In another part of the garden, Rain saw a group of women wearing silk dresses talking with each other while letting out some serious annoying laughs. There were some kids in front of them, and they were all younger than five.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    I see our mc has a brain and can use critical thinking. i have high hopes he continues this in the future.

    Not many refugees were heading to that city, so Rain assumed that his parents had some relatives there. Their city probably had been destroyed by monsters by now, so they couldn't return and had to start over somewhere else.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    Rain had almost leveled up*

    In any case, Rain was almost leveling up his language skill, so he worked extra hard that day. Thanks to it, he managed to see what happens when he levels up a skill.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Lacrosse_Hammy
    Replied to Anubesetesh

    I sure did. went and read Sword god in a world of magic and didnt complain a single time all the way up until i finished all 1033 chapters of it

    Lux could feel his cheeks burning after his embarrassing declaration. However, since he had already said it, he would definitely fulfill it.
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • Lacrosse_Hammy

    maybe she onows magic or was an adventurer or something so shes strong. muscle mommy?

    A few hours later, the woman woke up, and despite the fact that she had just given birth, she looked full of life and energy. Rain had some cousins that gave birth before, and they looked exhausted after the ordeal.
    Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99