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  • Togrim
    Losing myself in Fate
    Anime & Comics · NoThigh_NoLife
  • Togrim

    Meh... A two moves, you say?

    His fighting style only consisted of two moves, the ordinary punch series, and the serious punch series.
    One Punch Man King Engine
    Anime & Comics · nyawdao2
  • Togrim
    On the other hand, the Hair-Hair fruit was given to Kamikari, that's why he was growing his hair long.
    One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • Togrim
    "You have been chosen" the same whisper resounded in the ears of all present
    One Piece: Son of The Sea
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNight
  • Togrim
    From where the voice came from, Dylan could distinguish towering humanoid beings covered in light.
    One Piece: Son of The Sea
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNight
  • Togrim
    "I am The God of The Sea" announced loudly The Sea...The God.
    One Piece: Son of The Sea
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNight
  • Togrim
    Replied to One2Turtle

    Tattoo of Justice's Eye - "This tattoo bolsters the eye and mind of the wearer - it allows the wearer to perceive injustices". To spot it crow hidden killers, assassins, pirates. And the MAIN tattoo - Tattoo of Death-in-Life - to cast Raise Dead - "This spell restores life back to any slain individual chosen. No saving throw is required.". And these are just examples of tattoos available in the game. As I said before - any Dnd magic can be used by tattoos. Magic and mages are the foundation. Brilliant people come up with something new to show new abilities. That's how it was created, like - a Haki from One Piece, a biotic from Mass effect, Nen from HxH, Espers and e.t.c...(all these powers seem unreal) How it was in Men in Black - galaxy on cat Orions belt... So why not give Love and development for tattoos? It's just a power, just like so many others... If you go with - One Piece world abilites are real. You must send respects to others worlds and the powers too.(especially, if DnD universe was create much earlier than One Piece) Or not write "any tattoo". Others use its looks hypocritical.

    Minutes ago, inside the temple Amon slipped his hands inside his bag. There, he took out two fruits. Both of them were pineapple, pineapple devil fruit to be precise. One was Claw-Claw fruit from before which reincarnated in the vast forest of the upper-yard. The other one was the Tattoo-Tattoo fruit, the ability to create any type of tattoo on their body.
    One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • Togrim
    Replied to

    Any type = Tattoo from DnD, namely Planetscape Tournament. Tattoo can be used like Scrolls, to cast any type of Dnd magick. It would be cool if someone made a story -where MC have tattoos power and he KNOWS about Torment. The Nameless One can use tattoos for passive significant increase his attributes. He can get insane intellect, insane constitution for regeneration, or charisma - and charm tatoo not boost only him, they allso have effect on others like "when interacting with others, giving them a higher presence", also charismatic tatoos can hold memory of people and share it to owner "you can use this tattoo to draw upon some of her knowledge and her experiences. Not only does this tattoo help you identify the stories behind unidentified objects you encounter, but it also seems to make you more interesting to others, as if they somehow KNOW you have interesting stories to tell"... Or charisma+fear Immunity on Cthulhu lvl "tells of your encounter with the mythological figure; merely wearing it marks you as someone to be respected... and feared. In addition to the respect you now command, common terrors that would terrify a normal human being now slide off of you." Or use tattoo for spells on +8 charisma temporary cumulative buff. But here we go to LEADER of Charisma tatoo - tatoo what holds bless from Deva(Archangel from DnD), thats give +1 LUCK to you. And we got a Tattoo of the Master Thief - tato with memory of rogue +3 agility(heightens reflexes)+1 LUCK. What is Rogue/Thief Luck? - it is the level, at person achive it on his path, when he can be use his Luck manualy on insane level - for exemple: to change miss to hit; or change hit to miss. Like Saber from Fate/SN do it, to dodge from undodgeable Lancer attack. Luck also works in life. Better chances to study, discover something, create new, create good plan, impress people in talk, get reputation and e.t.c. Archangel's Blessing does this much better than a thief's luck. Practically, making reality itself play along with you on your journey. Insane ability. Tattoo of Saving Grace -> +1 Wisdom +5 Skills +1 all Saving Throws "This tattoo allows you to steady your thoughts and take events from a calm perspective, allowing you to gain more experience from your encounters. Furthermore, this tattoo helps calm the mind and allows you to control your impulsiveness, panic and harness your adrenaline rush to shrug off spells, paralyzation, and any other attacks that rely on chance to pierce your defenses.". This is increase efficiency of all your acts, its allowing you to fast training by focus your mind and remove emotions. Or use tatoo to cast temporary Bless for +1 to saves to all friendly creatures that are in a 50 feet radius from the casting point. Or tatoo also can do THIS "You may pick the pockets of anyone on the same plane as you – no matter where they are and whether you can even see them or not. Simply close your palm once per day, then open it, and it will be filled with a handful of coins. This ability goes just beyond picking pockets, however; when you invoke the tattoo's power, you gain an insight into the mind of the 'mark' from whom the coins were taken, giving you a small experience point bonus as well.". Ability to steal items + life expirience and plans from ANYBODY its insane, and you can just remove-create-use-remove-create-use e.t.c. to avoid recharge with Devil fruit power. Tatoo to cast temporary Shroud of Shadows, Confusion, Flamewalk, magically unlocks doors and containers, summon and manipulete Black-Barbed Permanent Tatoo Fire or Cold or Poison immunity/Resistance. Tatoos for STEALTH, its not works like a stealth suits(that give invisibility for you). Its more like warhammer orcs, its just works and creatures just ignore you. And its works against different DnD creatures(which have different sensory organs and detection magic)

    Minutes ago, inside the temple Amon slipped his hands inside his bag. There, he took out two fruits. Both of them were pineapple, pineapple devil fruit to be precise. One was Claw-Claw fruit from before which reincarnated in the vast forest of the upper-yard. The other one was the Tattoo-Tattoo fruit, the ability to create any type of tattoo on their body.
    One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • Togrim

    No matter how much effort one puts in, every living being has an intrinsic limit to its growth. Too much power becomes unbearable and overwhelms its host, turning it into a mindless, rampaging monster. To ensure that we do not enter the realm where we lose all purpose and reason, God has set limits to the growth of every being. The mechanism with which growth is controlled is called the limiter. God placed a growth limitation on every being to prevent them from losing purpose. No matter how much one grows, they will eventually hit this upper limit where there is no potential to develop further strength. However, it is possible for an individual to remove their limiter, which results in the development of immeasurable strength. In rare instances, it is possible for certain individuals to remove their limiters. Abnormally powerful humans, such as heroes, always had the potential to become extraordinarily strong, and those who modify their bodies must modify again in order to improve beyond their natural limitations; they also have not broken their limiters. Is possible to reach the next stage if one conquers death. And if the process is repeated, you end up with explosive growth. A way to seemingly overcome this limit: overload the body and spirit of a human by pushing him or her to the brink of death repeatedly, with the intensity tailored to the individual. Despite how simple it sounds, death can occur at any time in the process, and even if one survives, they might lose their minds, rendering the monster "mediocre."

    'Anyway, it's not a lot of improvement I'd say, but just with this, I can theoretically create a new type of medicine that could unlock the 'limit' placed in a being till infinity...' Amon then put the papers down and looked around. 'That's for later, I need to go now.'
    One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • Togrim
    Replied to sinlesdarkangel

    Facts. This is unjustified cruelty((( I not love a psychopathic mac. I can go with good or evil MC, who kill someone to get something for themselves. But this MC act be like, a unrevel his psycho nature. In past, he alredy show to us his problems with minds. When he cant use minds to solve problems good. Ther is no reason to not use telekiness push to just litle knock away bugs and NOT kill them. Pirates kill weak non combatants civilians for bloodthirst. MC kill weak non combatants bugs...

    David's first sleep in the world of One Piece was peaceful as he was well hidden and thanks to his fire element any bugs that tried to bite him turned into ash.
    Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece
    Anime & Comics · ElJonson
  • Togrim
    Replied to LuluViBritania

    Unfortunately, it is. He must been use horce powers to restore status and recover fatigue. This also immediately brings back memories of the Legolas episodes by Tolkien. And Tolkien was genius. Elf have ability to not fall to sleep and work couple of days. The way it was described was amazing. But here, the actions of char carry a sense of mistakes. He not create snadow guards, to protect his sleep. He not change his form on animal - for better hide, and also use Animals body to sleep good in tough conditions.

    Second is because he still has the mark of the slave which identifies him as a property of World Noble and David wants to stay under the radar until he is ready. 'Sleep first and do everything else later' David thought and slept a few minutes later.
    Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece
    Anime & Comics · ElJonson
  • Togrim
    Replied to Aadivasi

    This and the fact that - in TI you buy things for achievement points. And not for ordinary paper money. Coz from this base, MC just should use Rat Force to create worker-operator of money printer machine, and enginere of money printer machine for build it and get resources for make money bancnotes. It unlimited shop money. This is a huge plot hole. If hero not do this, his dumb. But if he do it, it break all, coz hero have shop for all and unlimated money. Regular money its a huge problem.

    Three, David can purchase anything from the Shop and sell items from his inventory for berries. There are also weekly special and event items to purchase in discount if he has money to pay for it.
    Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece
    Anime & Comics · ElJonson
  • Togrim
    Replied to DeathLingers

    Yeh. It's so broken-> Huge life experience of a character like Shendu = experience in battles, experience in intrigues, experience in development from a simple sorcerer to a world threat... Mac is supposed to be like Raistlin Majere in his denouement, but Mac behaves like an ordinary and not the most intelligent person... And not only this. Shendu used magic to extract and absorb powers from Noble Animals. Now Mac can use it to absorb powers of regular resident of One Piece works - to get powers for body evolution by trainings, ability to use Wills, affinity-kekai-genkai with sabers and weapon - whats alow swordsmans in OP send waves and destroy islands with small swords. Can extract only powers from devil fruits or devil owners, without get water curse. Or he can just create artifacts and put devil owners into artifact jail. And after that, he can use artifacts to get devil fruit powers... Mages, if they realy get powers, knowleges, time, brains and they not get ban on they progression from plot(by authors) - just a monsters. like Caster do it in one of Fate/SN bad End route. She get infinity mana, by create a place that extract mana from world and send it to Caster. And then, she spot RM in Shiro, capture him and create artifact from his soul. Then, she win a war by spaming artifact blades with infinity mana... Very sad, author here dont do much respects for Shendu powers and knowlege. His Mac not use powers on 50℅ or more to 100℅.

    Ch 1 New World
    Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece
    Anime & Comics · ElJonson
  • Togrim
    Replied to Dr_Chad

    Agreed, strange MC. Its like - if Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, didnt do anythng to find true about death of his father. He been a common human and start in very bad position. His enemy had a lot of territory and resources under control. But Hamlet dont give up. And thats is was a good story. Sad, there are so few normal herores.

    Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal
    Movies · mark_kiple
  • Togrim

    MC sounds as young master

    Ch 1 Teacher Chiron, I must leave this school!
    Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]
    Book&Literature · GlaiveIris
  • Togrim

    Be a Chad. Now its time to crush some divine skulls.

    Do you mean the same Jason who seems to be a great hero, but is actually just a toy of the Gods?
    Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]
    Book&Literature · GlaiveIris
  • Togrim
    Replied to proganerx_Dave

    Mmaa... How lazy and person who can train for 1 billion years in a row can be conected?!

    Failure: Disappointment and being placed inside a hospital.
    Gamer in RWBY
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • Togrim

    he seriously thinks that they are stupid and will not be able to guess about it?

    With that, I began to explain to Ozpin and Glynda about my predicament giving the same excuse I have with Ruby about me being reset about my Gamer powers. At least about the parts that happened but not about the loot I got from the rewards I got thanks to Ruby's help.
    Gamer in RWBY
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • Togrim

    And thats a point there you lose me. We got a robery with gun fight in city. And this is be huge organized group. We got a chopper in air. We got a silver warrior as one actor in fight. And we got a John Doe, who walk in that place at this time. More thats enoght to get insane attention to this deal. And actors of this story will be answer on questions solo. To compare they story and this is the moment there Ruby say all about MC. And all discover MC powers and wiped memory problems. But this is not save him from suspicions - he a Salem agent. And of cource salem agent also ge info about MC after this fail.

    Glynda then notices Ruby's smile as she demonstrates with her riding crop, which Ruby barely avoids as she gives out a surprised reaction, "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back... And a slap on the wrist. But... there is someone here who would like to meet you both."
    Gamer in RWBY
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • Togrim
    Replied to Kwetzal_Lag

    last time i heard a primats created a tons of ways to kill each others. And how anihilate wild animals, fish and insect too...

    Ch 3 Chapter 3: Ruby Rose (1)
    Gamer in RWBY
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729