
Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece

What would you do when you end up in a world full of adventure and great stories? What would you do when you obtain a power of 12 talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures? It's a new adventure for our main character David and he will witness stories he knew and interact with. Note: I grew up watching Jackie Chan Adventure and One Piece. This is fanfiction and the cover picture isn't mine but it looks awesome so I post it. Please support the original work of One Piece and Jackie Chan Adventure. Give me tips and advice on how to improve stories and world-building. Thank you

ElJonson · Anime & Comics
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Heist in the Domain of Gods

Mary Geoise is home to the World Nobles and headquarters of the World Government; it is one of the most secure and wealthiest places in the world. This is because other kingdoms send holy contributes every year to prevent anger from World Nobles. It is unknown how rich they are, but it is worth knowing how Saint Charlos spend 500 million berries in slave auction just to see mermaid swim for her life while being chased by a tank full of piranhas. World nobles use this wealth to enjoy luxury and every act of corruption a person can imagine.

They even consider themselves to be above normal people and view themselves as living gods. For David, World Nobles did nothing to him, but the brand in his chest indicates that his body's previous owner was a slave and died by the hand of World Nobles. So, it's not personal, but retaliation is a must before escaping from Red Line and starts an adventure in the One Piece world.

After going over the powers of 12 talismans and the shop/inventory system, David realizes few things.

First, powers of 12 talismans can be combined without drawbacks thanks to tiger talisman's balance power.

Two, inventory is a typical ability just like in video games, this means he can store items and money without worrying about theft (Nami).

Three, David can purchase anything from the Shop and sell items from his inventory for berries. There are also weekly special and event items to purchase in discount if he has money to pay for it.

Four, with knowledge of Shendu, David can cast spells and create potions or artifacts just like Demon sorcerer did back in the show. The power of Dragon gave David impervious from non-magical weapons (Not including Haki covered weapons) and immune to fire and breath fire without the use of talisman.

Finally, David can summon an army of Shadowkhan, if he has all 10 Oni masks in his special inventory slots, he can summon all 9 tribes of Shadowkhan at the same time. As of now, he has Rairakku mask which allows him to summon Ninja Khan, the only problem is that David must search and find them since it's not available in the shop.

After reviewing all his powers and ability, the first thing David did was to search the mansion and found a treasure room. Since no one dares to steal from World Noble, the security of the treasure room was just the heavy door. Using ox talisman, David rips the doors open and enter the room without any problem, the room was filled with enough money, gold, and jewels to purchase the small island and build the kingdom with Adam Tree. Using inventory, David collected all the treasures from the room at once, leaving the only broken door and an empty room behind.

'I'm not done, this is just a beginning and I need to finish this quickly', David decided to summon an army of Shadowkhans to do multiple tasks at once, few seconds, later a large number of ninjas appeared from the shadows and bow down, waiting for an order.

"Holy crap, it worked… army of shadow ninjas. Who could have imagined that I can one day summon a shadow ninjas in the One Piece world?" With excitement, David went complete fanboy mode for a few minutes and recover back to normal as he remembers why he summons them in the first place.

"I will divide you into four teams, this way we can finish the task much faster.

Team one will find all the slaves in Mary Geoise and free them, this includes all humans and non-humans.

Team two will collect weapons and foods from other mansions and regroup with team one to distribute to the people. Kill any troublemaker if they try to alert Nobles or threaten to overpower guys.

Team three will go with team two and collect treasures and anything valuable back to me in the mansion's treasure room, this includes unique weapons, arts, and books. Also look for devil fruits if there is any, as they are powerful and expensive, you will know what they are when you see it.

Team four, you guys will clear any guards and make an escape route for people who wants to escape. Make sure to use stealth as you advantage since there is CP-0 and other heavy hitters are here in Mary Geoise.

This order is to all teams, stay hidden and travel in the shadows, I want to make it look like it's a breakout not sabotage. Report back to me when your mission but if you are noticed or about to enter combat, don't fight but escape into shadow. Now go and complete your mission."

Immediately, every Shadowkhan vanished to the shadows and David was alone in the mansion. "I should get some real clothes while waiting", David accesses the shop system and use the money he has to purchase few cloths. After changing his clothes, he went to the treasure room to see if there was any update and he saw huge progress as a dozen Shadowkhans made a chain to transport all kinds of treasures into the room.

With a big smile in his face, David starts collecting treasures into his inventory while Mary Geoise erupts into chaos in the night as slaves revolt against World Nobles, led by a very large red fisherman.