

2021-12-05 JoinedGlobal

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  • Foo_Yung
    Replied to Mayonnaiseee

    Did you continue reading after 31 chapters?

    Myth Beyond Heaven
    Eastern · CloudBeneathMoon
  • Foo_Yung

    Why does this guy talk to himself so much? Does he have ADHD or something?? Or is this a zoomer trait that I'm unaware of?

    Ch 69 Chapter 69: Jagd
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung

    so much cringe

    Ch 30 [Bonus chapter] Chapter 30: The Black Storm
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung

    Nice chapter

    Ch 26 Chapter 26: Half-Orc Pushes On!
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung

    Most cringe chapter so far which isn't an easy feat with all the garbage monologuing of the previous chapters. Kind of tired of this cry baby bs tbh. I've yet to build any respect for the MC.

    Ch 25 Chapter 25: Guiding Light
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung


    Ch 24 Chapter 24: Dread! Monster!
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung
    Replied to Duke_Asmodeus

    Doesn't matter if it's poorly written or not since it wasn't worth reading. On to the next one.

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: Burning Cove [Fin]
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung

    This chapter was... booooring. It's like the MC suddenly went ret**ded. Feels kind of pointless. Glad we filtered this one out before we got to the paid chapters.

    Ch 22 [Bonus chapter] Chapter 22: Burning Cove [3]
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung

    To much internal monologue.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Half-Orcs Lament - Part 2
    Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Foo_Yung

    This is a weird one for me. I've looked at the comments from others and it just seems to be the complete opposite of what I'm experiencing while reading this. Maybe I've read too many published novels and have a higher standard. Or maybe I'm just old. Anyway, I'll share my experience for anyone interested: So, I've dropped this novel before the wrap up of volume 5 which is around chapter 120 or so. The world building is okay, it's nothing ground breaking, or maybe it is, it's just during the chapters where it was being explained I was so bored that I was skipping over paragraphs of information. This is the first time I've encountered such a lack of interest while continuing the story which is why I feel like this novel is weird. I had the feeling of wanting to keep reading while at the same time having almost no interest in the majority of the story. I think my primary interest was in the relationships of the initial characters and the journey of Awakening and going into the Astral realm, but the author wanted to drag out the story before the MC fully awakened his own power. It built up extraneous characters that I didn't care about and Villains that almost bored me to tears. The funniest thing is that I dropped the novel before even getting to the part I was most interested in. Story build up and fight scenes were just dull, dragged out with trash talking. References to popular media seem to be thrown out everywhere which for me is super cringe, but looking at the comments, it seems most vocal readers love the references. I didn't get the impression that the author had planned out much of the story as the plot developed based on how a lot of chapters have a lot of unnecessary information as if for the sake of upping the word count. I think this may have been the primary reason why I got bored. Then eventually came the wrap up for the first major conflict and it's just the same old nonsense that other bad novels suffer from, Villains are super powerful, almost unkillable. Any plot build up to go against them just turns out to be wasted chapters because nothing can stop them. It was just completely disengaging for me. There should be wins and loses on both sides otherwise it seems pointless to have read the set up chapters. I enjoyed reading the early chapters of the story and I imagine based on the feed back from other users that this novel will do really well. It's just not for me. Good luck to the author as the story continues and happy reading to the readers that enjoy this story. It's worth giving a chance too at the very least.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Foo_Yung

    It's really funny how this site works. Not a single 1 star review for this novel. In fact the lowest rating is a single three star review which can only lead me to believe that the author is deleting poor reviews, but I get it. This is a business and everyone needs to make a living. So here is my story feedback rather than a novel rating and the 5 star rating above can be completely ignored because it's already redundant as we previously established. Reading the blurb is enough to get me interested as a reader, it outlines who the expected main character is, some duder that can't die but wants to die so he has a little nap for a couple million years. I can dig it, so I'll take a little look. Chapter 1 seems to be a prologue and starts out well, it establishes the main character well, letting me as a reader empathise with his tragedy and allowing me to buy into the character. The prologue is a fairly big chapter too which I think is setting the standard for future chapters but it turns out I'm an idiot for thinking this way as the future chapters are woefully short. Anyway, after chapter 1 comes chapter 2 which may or may not come as a surprise depending on the level of education received. At the end of chapter 1 our guy the protagonist went for an light snooze and like every good snooze millions of years pass by. Now, our guy the protagonist isn't just a regular guy, so of course his wake up call isn't just some standard beeping noisy alarm clock. No sir, it's in a team of tomb raiders named Rick, Brock, Dina and Brad. What's that? Why do we need to know their names? No idea as I couldn't give a flying toss about a single one of these characters but unfortunately, they'll be the primary focus of the story for at least the next 6 chapters. Sounds exciting right? Wrong, it's pretty dull. So dull in fact, that I've completely lost all interest in the protagonist and the story in general at this point. I'm not sure if that would have been the case if chapters 2 through 6 had instead been merged into 1 chapter but with short chapters that focus on what seems to be nothing, at this point only leads me to believe that this will be a common trend of the author. Short chapters with no substance. I can't convince myself to invest my limited available free time on this when there are so many other novels waiting for me to look at. Another thing that really threw me off was that it felt like the author is trying to gaslight me with nonsensical descriptions like: "the figure of a half-naked man who looked in his early thirties came into sight. Despite his age, he possessed charming youthful looks underneath all that black moustache and beard." This is why that statement bothers me; he apparently looks like he's in his early thirties but he also has charmingly youthful looks. If he looks youthful can he still look to be in his thirties? Also if his charmingly youthful looks are hidden behind a mass of facial hair, how can this be observed by anyone? Unless he has patchy facial hair one can't see behind the hair. I'm obviously digging to far into this simple sentence but it just bothered me. 'A mature figure with youthful charm" might have summed it up better. I don't know as I'm just a lowly reader. I don't think this story is bad and it's definitely got potential but for me personally some of the starting choices killed it in the cradle. WebNovel is a strange beast where it seems to encourage or enforce poor writing behaviour and it getting harder and harder to find novels that meet the previously set high standard of quality content as novels I've read in the past. At 4.2 million views and 5.2k fans supporting this novel it's clear that my thoughts on this novel don't mean much but here it is anyway. Enjoy.

    The Bored Immortal
    Fantasy · Resurgent
  • Foo_Yung

    That last paragraph slayed me 🤣

    Ch 108 Bloody Maiden
    Legendary Soul Art
    Fantasy · Piokilek
  • Foo_Yung

    Not being condescending but passing on some information as English may not be your first language. Peeping refers to visuals. It's to look quickly or furtively at something. When listening secretly to conversations it's known as 'eavesdropping' Also there is a typo in the text so Thyra says Ember was peeing on the conversation which is impressive in and of itself. 👍

    Ch 313 Your [Sense] didn't work.
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasy · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Foo_Yung
    Replied to Tristan_Morgen1234

    I mean, the original backers of Thyra are the prime culprits in my eyes. They were subtly trying to infiltrate Nux's Kingdom. Why would they not be doing the same in other kingdoms? The more influence they have in each Kingdom, the more control they'll have when war actually breaks out.

    Ch 309 How are these actions strange? 
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasy · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Foo_Yung

    Finally a decent chapter. Rudy has just been mega cringe since coming back from the vampire world. This is the first novel I've read where I'm hooked on the overarching plot but I absolutely hate the MC.

    Ch 420 Not a Human
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Foo_Yung
    Replied to Trueon

    The thing about your review that bothers me is the idea that other people have 'incorrect' opinions of this novel. An opinion is personal to an individual and if people are rating it low or even dropping the novel, then that is something that is influenced by their opinion, therefore calling it incorrect may cause others to invalidate your opinion. I'm not trying imply that your review is wrong, I'm just saying that you shouldn't write off other people's opinions simply because you don't agree. Remember, a novel is a form of artist expression, so there is no right or wrong. You either enjoy it or you don't. Everyone has different tastes and that's actually a good thing. I'm glad you enjoy the novel. Happy reading.

    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Foo_Yung
    Replied to TreacherousVoid

    Every time I read a review on this story there seemed to be no criticism at all. I legit thought I was weird because the rambling was boring me to tears. Glad it's not just me. I've actually dropped the book simply because of the wasted text. I don't fault the story, I'm just not a man of patience. I need plot substance or at the very least relationship building and after 22 chapters the only thing I've got is less time to live. Unfortunate. Anyway, I hope everyone else enjoys the story. It definitely has potential. You just need more patience than me.

    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Foo_Yung

    It kind of annoyed me that Lia is so naive with Edwin when Edwin is so obvious as a character. It felt like a weak plot hole but that's just my opinion

    Ch 77 Returning to the Adventurers' Guild
    Magic System in a Parallel World
    Fantasy · MyLittleBrother
  • Foo_Yung

    Doubtful. killing off the guild and the guild master now will kill the plot line most likely. Though I am curious as to why the guild master has taken this course of action. Surely it's not because he feels cucked by Leon for Miss C.

    Ch 70 Scarlet Family
    Magic System in a Parallel World
    Fantasy · MyLittleBrother
  • Foo_Yung

    Leo as a character is starting to bore me. his attitude just seems so average. By being so relatable he starts to feel unrelatable. He's kind of starting to irritate me. Just saying. Thanks for the chapter.

    Ch 52 Reviving the Dead
    Magic System in a Parallel World
    Fantasy · MyLittleBrother