


A seeker and a dreamer, a curious case of reader turned writer. I searched for myself out in the world, only to find myself hidden in the words that I write. A glimpse into my soul is what I offer.

2021-11-20 JoinedGlobal



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  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Connor_Grant_6867

    Agreed. As a kid, I found a baby bird and despite my efforts, I couldn't take care of it as well as its mother would have, and it died. But these are wizarding pet rabbits and are quite sturdy.

    Ginny cradled a charming little ginger rabbit that perfectly matched her hair shade, and Ben decided to let her keep it. 
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Strom_West

    To be fair, most people would sacrifice the world to save their love. After all, what has the world done for him? It takes a hero to sacrifice your love for the world.

    To Ben, Severus Snape was a man who could never let go, he was a man haunted by his past and his love for Lily Potter. And for this love, he sold his soul, not once, but twice. Whether his love for Lily was true or just an infatuation turned obsession, was debatable, but the lengths to which he was willing to go for it were remarkable nonetheless.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to RazedFire

    Not mine, Rowling wrote it, but it was too much for the editor.

    And now, please applaud, or you'll hurt me.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to ligmaballs_9633

    Don't mind if you do, just let me watch.

    "Summoned to do a mortal's bidding! Aeons must have passed since I last saw of your kind, mortal."
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Horton_Hears_a_Jew

    I unintentionally unalived one under my vehicle. It was nighttime.

    After having a hearty lunch, they all went to feed the baby rabbits and the Girls all went crazy. Ben didn't blame them. The baby rabbits were very cute. Cho wanted to take one home with her but sadly her mother had a no pet policy. Hermione said she was more of a cat person and Marietta was, as always, too stuck up to ask for anything from Ben.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Matthew_Ramos

    Animagus still comes under transformation, it is just very very advanced, as is all human transfiguration.

    Unlike what the fanfictions had him believe, Ben was pleased to know that transfiguration done by a skilled wizard was pretty much permanent unless it was untransfigured. Transfiguration was divided into four branches in the degree of difficulty: transformation, vanishment, conjuration and untransfiguration. Once Ben mastered conjuration, he wouldn't need to find scrap to sell.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to nigemcplebagen
    On his way down to the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast, Ben heard a few girls talking about a first-year girl crying in the girls' bathroom. Ben knew that Potter and Weasley would take care of her and kept walking towards the Great Hall.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to nigemcplebagen


    "Ah, I'll bring out a special condiment for yer birthday then," Hagrid said, leading Ben into the cosy interior of his hut.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to nigemcplebagen

    Dayum, I think you should write it into a complete story.

    On his way down to the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast, Ben heard a few girls talking about a first-year girl crying in the girls' bathroom. Ben knew that Potter and Weasley would take care of her and kept walking towards the Great Hall.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to JustTiredOfPicking

    Bruh, you're not supposed to say things like these out loud.

    "Marietta-I mean, we, when we came to your house-" Cho said with some hesitation but got interrupted.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Whadyamean

    Hey man, thanks for the review. I get that a lot of people are angry but trust me, it'll be fine. Ben is not conveniently forgetting stuff, he is just preoccupied.

    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Sarath7980

    Oh, it looks the same, that's all.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Sarath7980

    The diary makes people want to pick it up, it's a Horcrux.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Sarath7980

    Yeah, he called her dumb in the great hall, and they do clash heads often.

    "You know exactly what I'm talking about. He's humiliated me left and right, taken shots at me, and openly ridiculed me. And yet, all you care about is fluttering around him like a butterfly on a broomstick, instead of being on my side when I need you most." Marietta spat out, her anger boiling over.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Fiction_Teller

    Read the chapter comment for the explanation.

    A/N: It took me too long to write this chapter. This was supposed to go in a completely different direction, but after a few rewrites, I chose this path.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Shuayeb_Ahmed

    Since always, I think. The heavier something, the harder it is to transfigure. There is a transfiguration formula.

    Ben was helping the dwarf and had already turned several branches into refractive crystals. Since he could not transfigure anything heavier than himself, he had to sever the branches before transfiguring them into crystals and then mending them together afterwards.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to Varts

    I did explain it subtly in the past few chapters and it's not forced. All plot is forced anyway from the writer's perspective. And diary can definitely entice people, it just didn't work on Ben.

    Ch 87 The Diary
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe

    Okay, many people seem angry or confused, don't be. If you go back to chapter 83, you will see that he left the diary on the table to check on it later but since he was too tired coming back from the island, he fell asleep. The next morning he didn't get any time and it escaped his notice as he got busy. And the diary does affect people holding it. Harry kept picking up the diary and turning the pages and felt very close to it. Ben was not affected by it and hence didn't find anything interesting about it.

    Ch 87 The Diary
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to B_O_O

    Yeah, remember she's the same girl who didn't even warn Cho before betraying the DA. She's a great friend to have.

    "I didn't need fairness, Cho. I needed a friend," she choked out, before striding into her room and slamming the door shut.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • DreamyApe
    Replied to DaoOfGay

    umm, I don't really know what to say.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe