


There are no speed limits on the road to success

2021-10-30 JoinedGlobal



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  • Shadow_Wandering

    system rebooted !!

    It was then that he suddenly realized a problem.
    Stay Home Daddy: I Was Reborn After My Daughter Passed Away
    Urban · Little Atcha Who Doesn’t Eat Spinach
  • Shadow_Wandering
    "Alright, everyone, please arrange your seats. One seat apart," Mr. Delgado announced in a stern voice as he walked to the front of the class. The chatter in the room immediately ceased, and the students hurriedly rearranged their seating as instructed.
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    just like us humans how we like to watch movies and TV shows higher dimension beings want to see the struggle of humans may be that's why she didn't give him the money

    Meanwhile, in the celestial realm. Eris leaned back in her chair, an amused smile spreading across her lips. 
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    why don't you tell him the future lottery numbers, then he becomes the richest person and with the system no matter how much epoch making inventions he brings up, he can just say that excuses like i kept burning money and no gocvernment will touch him easily since he is the richest person in the world, and also no random rich will have revenge plotting with him to rob his inventions, and it saves time without the hustle and bustle to earn money and to grind for every opportunities to showcase his inventions

    "Let me give you a hint," Eris continued, her gaze fixed on Michael. "Imagine if you introduce that lucrative and groundbreaking technology by yourself, years before it's supposed to be invented. Think about the impact it could have on society, and of course, on your life. You'll earn a lot of money from that invention."
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    oh may be he will have a kick start compared to others, as he will have revenge upon his father

    Eris's expression softened, and she leaned slightly against the desk. "I've been watching you, Michael. Your struggles, your determination, your relentless pursuit of a better life despite the odds stacked against you. It's rare to see such genuine effort in the face of adversity."
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering
    "But why me? Why pull me into this... whatever this is?" Michael asked, his curiosity piqued.
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering
    "Why am I rushing?" he thought. "I haven't even reviewed it. It's like going into a war without a weapon." The absurdity of the situation dawned on him. He was racing to an exam he was unprepared for, with a throbbing headache and a bruised face, all because he didn't want to miss it. But what was the point of attending if he hadn't studied? 
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    may be in future humans with low income will consume nutrition liquids and bars

    He wanted to have a life, a family, and a wife but looking at the bleak future, the inflation, and the ever-increasing cost of living, it seemed more like a distant dream. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone buzzing. It was a message from one of his classmates, asking if he had reviewed for the midterm exam tomorrow. Michael hadn't even started.
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    may be your ancestors gained intelligence late or they weren't intelligent to handle the pressure and take risks to eaern money, well may be your ancestors wanted a life life a Hobbit, they thought everything's going to be fine no matter how time passes, but reality gave a hard slap to their descendants

    As he trudged along, Michael's thoughts wandered to the unfairness of it all. Why did some people get everything handed to them on a silver platter while others, like him and his mother, had to scrape by just to make ends meet? It was a question that often haunted his sleepless nights. 
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    well that's the life of average Joe, you have to keep on repeating the cycle, like a small in a big steam machine, if you don't want to feel the pressure of emotions and heartache, simple terminate your emotions and just keep on going with the daily cycle grind, until you get terminated due to your body couldn't bare it anymore or finally your death came the system shuts down.

    "Will I remain pitiful for my entire life?" Michael muttered under his breath as he walked down a dark alley, leading to the cluster where his house was located. His gaze downcast, too tired to even feel the weight of the world on his shoulders anymore. Every step he took echoed the monotony of his life – wake up, study, work, sleep, repeat. It was a relentless cycle, one that offered little hope for change.
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Sci-fi · Faux1231
  • Shadow_Wandering

    well consider it a fast paced individual evolution from humanity

    Chen Yang was somewhat confused. First, he was parasitized by an extraterrestrial creature, then his body was altered by the same creature. With all that happened, could he still consider himself a human being of Earth?
    Parasite from Outer Space
    Sci-fi · Lost Fish
  • Shadow_Wandering

    you mean, the muscles at your pubic region too,[img=disgusted]

    However, under the parasitic influence of the Right Hand, this extraterrestrial creature, the impossible was gradually becoming possible.
    Parasite from Outer Space
    Sci-fi · Lost Fish
  • Shadow_Wandering

    well it's 21century, taking care of ones own life and mess is enough, there's no more room in the heart to take care of humanity, as ones personal profit is more important

    On May 27th, the first real "human traitor" was born in human history…
    Parasite from Outer Space
    Sci-fi · Lost Fish
  • Shadow_Wandering

    every manhwa/light novel to live care-free and continuously browsing new manhwa and light , no burdens, no responsibility pressure from parents, no constant fear to earn money

    Ch 7 Chapter 2 Turning Guests into Hosts_1
    Parasite from Outer Space
    Sci-fi · Lost Fish
  • Shadow_Wandering

    yep, it's natural disaster era

    Entering the building, Chen Yang headed straight for his residence on the first floor. Being the landlord, he had the right to choose the best living environment; however, he didn't fancy living on the second floor or higher. A childhood earthquake had left him with a constant fear of high-rise buildings, so he preferred living near the ground level to ensure a quick escape if any seismic activity were to occur.
    Parasite from Outer Space
    Sci-fi · Lost Fish
  • Shadow_Wandering

    well in Asia, even if you own one appartment, you could live a laid-back life, and he did mention there's a noodle shop, so no pressure and just chilling out for the rest of life

    Thanks to his ownership of the building, he could live off the rental income without working a day. Being inherently lazy, he was more than happy with this arrangement. After graduation, he did try his hand at several jobs but found none that enticed him. So, he simply relinquished his pursuit of employment. After all, the rental income guaranteed he wouldn't starve. Besides, his parents had left him a noodle shop that supplemented his income. He optimistically believed that if ever the government would decide to tear down this area, he could look forward to a substantial displacement compensation—the future couldn't look any brighter!
    Parasite from Outer Space
    Sci-fi · Lost Fish
  • Shadow_Wandering

    you might as well say, your're awkward at this station , at your past life you're single, but this time, it's your first time maintaining a course relationship with a female

    Lin Yuan was a rather reserved person and didn't know how to express his emotions or console others.
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • Shadow_Wandering

    loner life, well probably most of the people in future will be a lone wolf, 🐺

    Fortunately, Su Ming had nothing to worry about in his previous life. He was originally an orphan and his savings from when he was alive would probably be transferred to the orphanage that raised him.
    Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths
    Sci-fi · Oak Peter
  • Shadow_Wandering

    dude you can try lottery, or stocks, or betting at sport tournaments

    After returning home, Liu Shiqing turned on the Signal Receiver and began to explore the Internet in the future world. He focused on finding out how to use existing conditions and find ways to make money. After a while, Liu Shiqing found nothing. The content on the future Internet was incredibly rich, but there was very little information on how to get rich. Just like on the current Internet, there are countless business opportunities, but once it comes to concrete steps, details become scarce. Nobody would publish their way of making money.
    Future Receiver
    Urban · Daqin Cavalry
  • Shadow_Wandering

    you can release the secrets but you have to pretend to be like Einstein or the Mr. you know it all

    Could it be because there were no batteries? Liu Shiqing took out the batteries he bought at the school's small shop during the day. He flipped the radio over, trying to remove the back cover to insert the batteries. What puzzled Liu Shiqing was the radio's smooth back panel that had no place for batteries and not even a slit or screw hole. Liu Shiqing did notice several lines of gold-inscribed small characters on the back panel—'Neglect of one's secrets by a king will result in him losing his minister. If a minister neglects his secrets, he will lose his life. If machine matters are not kept secret, disaster will ensue. Therefore, a sage diligently keeps his secrets and does not divulge them.'
    Future Receiver
    Urban · Daqin Cavalry