

2021-08-17 JoinedGlobal

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  • Oreton_Norbes

    i still think you should gradually get rid of the UI elements and redirect it to more explainable things .. no resource bars no list of which effects are influencing him. get rid of Questmarker, the magical notebook and the magical map. have him struggle to obtain map as replacement since detailed maps should be guarded as military assets by the various factions pretty fiercely. he can write so let him struggle to scribble his own journal

    "She doesn't want to lose her Fluffy... Fluffy was her light in the darkest of darks... And she wants to hold onto her light for as long as she lives..." M'rissi says, almost subconsciously gripping onto me tighter as I feel her claws partially distend and dig into me. Still, I ignore the pain and the trickling health bar notification and continue to embrace and soothe M'rissi until I feel her grip loosen after losing a quarter of my reduced health to her 'attack.'
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    whose fertile woman does he intend to sacrifice for that and can he do it without that elven witch he collaborated with before?.. i guess if both Sofia and mrissi are indeed pregnant that would cover for a bit but somehow I doubt silvy is fine with them both dying during labour

    "What was that, Old Jouane?" Erik asks, not quite catching what he said.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    fights like a true warrior when he hid and threw magic around? dude...

    "I didn't know Falco, I thought I might die in that stinking place. I don't believe I know this person with you. Who is this man who fights like a true warrior?" Korst asks before turning to me.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Replied to Mounir_H

    exactly. Skyrim is the country rorikstead the village and whiterun hold is the neighborhood. whiterun got 1 city 2 villages and some bandit infested keeps/towers/ruins

    He pauses to get a drink from his water skin before continuing, "Then my life changed, I met someone who gave me hope that I could be a better person. And since then that's what I've been working to do, all the coin earned from the little side jobs and the looting obsession that you've got that's been rubbing off on me. I have been saving up it all to pay my bounty in my home and I would like you there to serve as a witness to my change in character."
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    the overall story is good, world building is progressing along just fine if necessary and increasing as the story progresses as it's in Skyrim not much of that needed at first. nice transition over time from game to reality even if I might have wished for a more slap in the face approach. there are 2 additional passives that are especially annoying but they did not majorly Impact the story so far so it's all good. here and there are some small errors about different in story things but they can be easily ignored and nothing world breaking. the writing itself is good, far better than a lot of fanfiction I've read so far and only small typos Frome time to time... poor Maurice *salutes*major flaw tho, it's way too short. with the ongoing pace I could've easily enjoyed reading a few hundred chapter more and yet it's over after just a little bit of time. other than that, I can only recommend this story!

    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    Sofia makes sense maybe .. I'm not sure how compatible men and mer are, but kitty is a different species so it should not work out in theory... and wasn't it just a few days that they got hot n heavy? like 2-3 weeks at most for kitty and just a few days for the drunkard...

    I leave my tent to see Sofia and M'rissi sharing, honey-covered chicken? What is up with them? Though… I could go for some fried chicken… And fries… And now I'm hungry.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Replied to Lemon_Square

    just pointed out the scientific flaws since you wrote it's colder at night .. that implements it's warmer during the day*shrug*

    "Careful, Boss, the water is freezing this time of night." Lokir belatedly warns.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    dude water stays warm way longer during the night than the air .. if the river is warm during the day, it's also warm at night. arguable if the river is warm at all though since flowing water is tricky.anyway he should get shocked by the cold air once he gets out instead

    "Careful, Boss, the water is freezing this time of night." Lokir belatedly warns.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    so... he gonna sacrifice women who just gave birth there too?

    "Now that is fascinating! I knew you had potential. That is exactly what magic should be, experimentation and creation! We can discuss more when we return to your compound." Jouane exclaims happily before noticing Lokir returning to us and the whirlwind of an old man disappears and reappears on the top of the dragon bones loaded onto our cart.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    yeah that and that the high elf and roriks trusted friend are sacrificing fertile women to better their harvests ...

    "Well, just so happens a bad winter came that year and there wasn't enough food to go around... Or enough money to pay a healer when Lemkil's wife got sick... So she didn't make it through the girls' birth. And now, because I couldn't stop that dragon soon enough, their father's dead too... So, ya see? I owe it to them to look after them." Lokir concludes, looking at his hands as if still seeing the blood that won't wash off on them.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    his bounty is actually in the whole hold of Whiterun tho ... could have gotten arrested there x times over

    He pauses to get a drink from his water skin before continuing, "Then my life changed, I met someone who gave me hope that I could be a better person. And since then that's what I've been working to do, all the coin earned from the little side jobs and the looting obsession that you've got that's been rubbing off on me. I have been saving up it all to pay my bounty in my home and I would like you there to serve as a witness to my change in character."
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Lydia is walking over to us… With my horse balanced on her shoulders… Good God… WHAT DOES THAT WOMAN EAT?!?!
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    not that I want him to suffer, but it would be hilarious if someone breaks in from the window (like a thief on the getaway for example) after all his precautions 👀

    "Hold on." I go over to lock the door and start to return before I pause… 'Nothing is stopping me today!' I scream internally quickly pushing the dresser in the room to block the door, just in case.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    why do you change the name of Maurice each time? is this supposed to be a running gag? cuz it would be funnier he it's not from the narrator but a character ..

    "Good. I need to go and speak with Jenassa and Lokir. Maricurio help Ri'saad fix up his caravan and salvage what you can." I order before heading outside to find those two.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Replied to RelHD

    well she is a feline so...

    "*Cough, Cough.* Um, nothing, Kitten. Com'on." I say, ruffling her ears causing her to noticeably purr, thankfully dropping the issue. As we head to Pelagia's Farm to deal with Severio, I continue rubbing her ears… Admiring their softness, getting lost as we walk the countryside.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    don't let him save the traitor please 👀

    "What can I say? I'm weak to a pretty face?" I laugh with him for a while, lightening the dower mood considerably.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Replied to Lemon_Square

    why are these two hard to build ? the only reason I ever struggle with them is because I reset them over and over and that's without the exploit

    "Yeah, but I'm afraid that the limits to my strength will prevent me from ever having enough physical strength to do what I need to do." I say opening up about my concerns about the level cap in Skyrim, at least in my own way.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Replied to Lemon_Square

    sarcasm is this thing were you write down how much thirst you got for a beer but hide it behind different words right?🫣

    And with that we carry on towards Falkreath, this time with no random encounters to disrupt our journey. And once entering the town I begin to do the standard assistance quests, harvesting crops, delivering ashes, and breaking into Lod's house to prove to Denier he is definitely a spy. After quickly doing that I head into the Jarl's hall.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes
    Replied to DemiLich

    mmh seems plausible .. makes me wonder if i ever actually went to solstheim ahead of time, at least i can't remember. Wich is why I wrote what i did 🤔

    "Right behind you!" Kasia calls as we make our way out of the house, through the town, and back to the main road where we begin to travel a few days before ending outside the gates of Riften.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square
  • Oreton_Norbes

    yeah that's dumb .. better force it on brynjolf since he will do the actual guild master stuff anyway and better get someone else to be the listener too .. someone expandable who can afford to spend most of his time with mommy corpse to give out targets to whoever is left of the brotherhood

    "Absolutely, I know my place here." I say, knowing full well I'll get ahold of the Guildmaster's title.
    Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim
    Video Games · Lemon_Square