

2021-08-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • BlackRage

    Mrs. Figg a real one for this

    Karma was swift and painful on this day for the Dursleys as the news got ahold of the story somehow and ran with it. Harry was reimbursed for his suffering with a single request which he used to go to the same orphanage as Nick and the Dursleys were ruined reputation wise all within a single afternoon. Dumbledore was far too late to stop any of this however because the person he had placed to watch over Harry and the Dursleys was "coincidentally out" when it all went down leaving him helpless.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • BlackRage

    Review at Chapter 71The MC feels like a self important asshole sometimes. It's like he takes pleasure from revealing important info to everyone for no reason and it is all protected behind a flimsy excuse imo.There are some scenes where the story shines but they are few and far between. The author has gotten the characters of the Straw Hats pretty much correct and there are a few attempts at changing the story here and there.Overall I would not recommend this novel however it is something to read if you have nothing else going on.

    Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
    Anime & Comics · Evil_Paragon
  • BlackRage

    Bruh, Plot Armour Fruit

    "It's Kake-Kake No-Mi (Gamble-Gamble Fruit)"
    Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
    Anime & Comics · Evil_Paragon
  • BlackRage

    How important does he think he is? Nami is literally going to talk about her biggest secret

    "How about you let me handle this? After all, I know more about Arlong than you." Liam spoke as he walked near them and sat down.
    Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
    Anime & Comics · Evil_Paragon
  • BlackRage

    This poison is strong but it is nothing for an Elder of the Heavenly Novel Sect such as myself

    'If you annoyed me, I will kill you!'
    Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu
    Anime & Comics · Iampoorguy
  • BlackRage

    Yeah but there's no other way he could have died. Any pirate strong enough to do that would be really famous already and the Marines would have no reason to hide the achievement. Anyone with a sliver of intelligence could figure out that it was Enel.

    Enel smiled at that thought. Even if Jack was known to be looking for him right now, no one in the Beast Pirates would believe that a Rear Admiral was strong enough to take him down.
    One Piece: Reborn as Enel
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • BlackRage

    Me when I see 99 comments roasting Sorata:

    Sorata ridiculed himself, and when he turned his head to look at Shiina, he realized that Shiina's eyes were always on Shishio's and she had never kept her sight on him. "I feel like an idiot..."
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • BlackRage

    That will be a waste of an opportunity to get good under a competent Jounin sensei

    He then saw the dust rising up and covering Renjiro and so did Hoka and Mieko. Fujin immediately started sensing him, Mieko activated her Sharingan and Hoka activated his Byakugan. On sensing Renjiro, Fujin thought, 'Well now that I've shown it, I can't hide it anymore. So might as well spam it. Still I didn't think hiding my power would be so difficult. I really need to be more careful, in case he pulls a few more stunts like that. I hope I can protect the rest of my secrets for at least another year or two.'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • BlackRage

    This is too much imo. There's no reason for him to conceal his progress this much. I hope this doesn't continue all the way till Danzo is dead or something.

    Fujin once again made the hand signs, but he made them at a slower speed. He also controlled the power of the jutsu. It only broke off a few leaves and a few twigs. After performing the jutsu, he thought, 'Well this much should be enough. If I had gone full power and turned this tree into a naked tree with plenty of deep cuts, a certain someone would have gotten very interested in me.'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • BlackRage

    That is just unnecessarily

    Many times that day, he had the thought of going back to the library and learning another jutsu. However he didn't act on that urge as it might have attracted attention. He sighed thinking, 'I should have found a way to steal those scrolls!'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • BlackRage

    Bro writes the way I think. Good intro tho

    After a few minutes of disbelief and ranting, he finally calmed down and decided to understand and plan his future. He thought, 'Alright, I guess I'll be known as Suzuki Fujin from now on. Unlucky fellow to lose his life by someone transmigrating into him. I wonder how that even works! Anyways, I got a lot of information from his memories. His parents seemed to have died in Kurama's rampage and he was incredibly lucky to live. And damn, after being admitted into the orphanage, he was examined by Root to see if he can be taken in. Lucky me that they didn't choose him. Hmm, since Kurama's attack took place an year ago, and since he is 5 years old, it seems I'm 4 years older than Naruto and his generation. Alright, that gives me more time to train and gain power. The Uchiha massacre should occur after around 7 years, Konoha crush after 12 years and Pain's attack and 4th great ninja war after 16 years. Wait, what's this feeling?' At that moment, he felt a weird energy flowing through him. He thought, 'Is this chakra? His memories didn't have anything related to chakra. So does it mean that chakra was unlocked when I transmigrated into him? Finally some good news. With this, getting into the ninja academy should be easier than other civilians. Though I wonder how does my chakra level compare to chakra level of others. Anyways, probably better to get a look at the surroundings first to understand more of this place.' With that, he finally stopped pretending to be asleep and woke up. 
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • BlackRage

    Sad to see this go but I really enjoyed the experience!

    Ch 188 News!
    One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • BlackRage

    That's a lot of crewmates...

    Johnny and Yosaku thought for a while and nodded. They would ask the rubber boy next time, though they were a bit afraid of getting rejected.
    One Piece: The Unreal Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown
  • BlackRage

    Didn't Whitebeard have passive Observation Haki? Something about him sensing danger even while sleeping?

    Also contrary to popular beliefs, Observation haki is not passive. It's an active skill, so if you are not careful, you might get jumped.
    One Piece: The Unreal Adventure
    Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown