

2022-04-13 JoinedGlobal

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  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Elyon

    A Collab? Okay then. And the opening? Okay maybe everyone else liked it and it's just me who didn't. Sorry if this didn't help you.

    Fantasy · Elyon
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Spenzpenz

    I can't believe I wrote accept instead of except 😭

    Fantasy · Elyon
  • Spenzpenz

    Look Elyon, I liked your book ( the necromancer one ) but I think you have an issue. Now I will give you credit where it is due, in my relatively short time here, on this app, you are one of the better writers here but you have a huge problem with openings. I don't think I am really qualified to judge you since I only read one of your books but still your openings don't really hook people in. Secondly, this wasn't an issue before but it seems like you're rushing, i don't know why you're doing this (even though I have a hypothesis ) but take your time, give us a good and stable setup for an equivalent story. But be warned don't let it turn into an expositionary sludge fest. I mean keep good pace. And I don't know your personal reason for your naming convention but try something a bit more pleasing to say. Accept that, you are good. You tell stories I can enjoy so 👍. N: Hope this has a good spin on it and sorry for the low rating but in some aspects the start out is lacking.

    Fantasy · Elyon
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to True_Sheol

    Though I am not an expert on this, at the end of the day every ideology, except libertarianism, has its ups and downs. Depending on several factors each one can be effective or not. Currently, I would say if you want to practice socialism, it would be a fool's errand.

    Can you imagine that? A war that swallowed millions of people destroyed innumerable cities and ended up with over fifty years of communist occupation, was still considered less harmful than what was about to happen in the next one hundred years!
    Road to the Crown
    History · MotivatedSloth
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Fry_lad

    I think it could even be four.

    On the stage, the new King managed to make a sign of the cross in the air with the traditional three swings of the treasured sword. And on the tribune, I already learned that I was apparently a lord of a small town of Tarnow, with the entire area and villages surrounding it.
    Road to the Crown
    History · MotivatedSloth
  • Spenzpenz

    Jeju island arc

    Information about this was so prevalent because fifteen years ago, there had been a massive, unchecked ant colony in South Korea that killed over a hundred thousand people. The disaster had required the intervention of the country's two S-ranked heroes to eliminate.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Cheese_curdles

    ah yes a fellow ant enjoyer.

    From the crimson red carapace on it, Aldrich recognized this as a Red Carapace Great Centipede. Likely the leader of this swarm of centipede Variants. It was six meters long and wide enough that it could plow through an ordinary man and snap him in half in two with its golden, bladed mandibles.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Nikka_boy

    Simple and Straightforward

    By consuming all the Odinson souls for EXP (with each of them offering 3 EXP) and the hunting party taking down several more Variants, Aldrich had gotten to level 9 simply by doing nothing himself.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to MrLonely_001

    I too love drinking sodium hypochloride

    "Understood, master," said Valera with a bow, understanding that Aldrich was being serious here. "And what of that hole in your chest, master?"
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Spenzpenz
    Immediately, Aldrich analyzed the situation. Judging from the pupils on these Variants along with how low their gaze was, they were the E-class threats known as Strikers. They were quadrupedal, almost wolf-like creatures known for their incredible charging speed and two large tusks jutting from their mouths.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Xanarcy_Leo


    Immediately, Aldrich analyzed the situation. Judging from the pupils on these Variants along with how low their gaze was, they were the E-class threats known as Strikers. They were quadrupedal, almost wolf-like creatures known for their incredible charging speed and two large tusks jutting from their mouths.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz

    Mark 5:9 :- And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

    You are Legion.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to SanchoPanza
    [Choose your Class:]
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to CrouchingPervert

    Your probably just uncomfortable about it which is understandable. Back in the days novels could do this and it would be fine. But people got introduced to internet politics and so ...

    Blackwater's class system was harshly designed so that not even the majority of Alters got proper training. Only those from the A to B classes got anything resembling a proper training regiment. C and below learned almost nothing, and so the gap between the top and the bottom only increased as time went.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to John_Kula

    You make sense, this is a logical argument. But this is a society with a dynasty system which means social classes most likely influence the daily running of society. Meaning, most of the time, top dogs get the best out of everything.

    Blackwater's class system was harshly designed so that not even the majority of Alters got proper training. Only those from the A to B classes got anything resembling a proper training regiment. C and below learned almost nothing, and so the gap between the top and the bottom only increased as time went.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Lestda

    ah yes, a fire starter. Beware!

    Elaine did not play Elden World because there was only one copy to share between the three of them, but she was an avid gamer who had brought her own gaming rig. She mostly played other games with Aldrich where she consistently beat him no matter the genre whether it be fighting games, real time strategy, or RPGs.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Eightsix2_

    actually it's a 50-50 gamble. Support them and become a pseudo-leader and lead them to victory or get spotted by a decent tactician and become a weak link.

    The thing was, though, Aldrich was not willing to tell the other students how to use their Frames, even if he did feel bad for them. Telling them when the other students were eyeing them would only paint a bigger target on his back.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to Sixten_Wieder

    I heard it isn't to make you a better fighter but a better soldier.

    Classes range from A to B to C to D to F. If you're in A, then good, you're worth the food and space your sorry asses are taking up here. Below that, though, you better train real fuckin' hard!
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to JustinTime

    I am so sorry but isn't this a post apocalyptic society that cemented their core values around abilities and have probably lost years of research and production facilities, though the writer hasn't fully been clear on that, this is something that should be assumed. And I am tired of people talking about farmers and co. ( i.e.production jobs), researchers and administrators. No matter how talented you may be, no matter how hard you work or how educated you are ( Formal education might even be difficult to fund so you might not even be that educated ) there would be someone who from childhood is better than you with an added quirk of being born with the basic requirements of society.

    "Yeah?" Adam stood up as Aldrich supported him. "And then what? Crawl back to society where you'll get shit on anyway? Where you won't even get hired to sweep the streets or unclog the sewers because there's an Alter out there with a power for it?
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Spenzpenz
    Replied to DaoistyhmT6N

    spears might actually be completely useless since everyone moves and reacts faster and more unreasonably. And countering a thrust is as simple as a shield slap and a dash.

    "The spear, eh?" Damian raised his eyebrow with a hint of interest. "That's definitely a rare choice in this place. However, if you think that weapon is the perfect fit for you, then by all means, I won't stop you."
    MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith
    Games · TrueDawn