


In anime's realm and manga's artful page,Where music's notes do dance and sweetly sing,In reading's deep embrace, I find my stage,And in creative tales, my heart takes wing.

2021-07-14 JoinedGlobal



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  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    lol yeah but aura needs to be taught by a master than he doesn't have at the moment or he can get considering he is in Kanto and traveling to other regions especially ones that don't allow visitors to their borders like Rota is hard ( this is the canon reason why in this fanfic, Austin doesn't go to Rota and get an aura master to teach him plus he doesn't know if movies are canon or not, btw they are )

    Blinking in disbelief, Austin stumbled toward a mirror hanging on the wall. As he caught his reflection, he stopped dead in his tracks. The face staring back at him was not his own—it was Ash Ketchum's, complete with the iconic green pajamas from the very first episode of the Pokémon series.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    Yeah firstly Majority of that is your own head canon so let me sprinkle in something from canon and what i have in this fanfic: 1- Ash is canon isn't exactly sponsored by Oak, Sponsorships are mostly a fanon thing, they don't exist in canon. But in this fanfic Ash/Austin is sponsored by Oak, what does that mean? He gets 10k pokedollars monthly ( which is able to feed 6 Pokemon ) and gets a starter. 2- In this fanfic: His extra Pokemon at Oak's ranch are a buisness as Oak can sell like Torus Fur, Charmeleon's discarded claws etc so it's not free of charge and even then it's not like Oak is going to be training the Pokemon, he is just giving them a place to stay. 3- Delia is just a simple restaurant owner in canon, same as in this fanfic. she isn't related to royalty both in fanfic or in canon. that is your own head canon. my advice: take what the story ( fanfic ) gives you as the lore, backstory and this fanfic's background rather than your own head canon or don't, I'll respond to your comments when I see them

    How much would Pokémon feed cost? Grooming them? Potions? Snacks? Lodging? Holy, Ash was lucky to have Brock beside him, or that kid would have wound up dead in a week.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    Nope, Gary and Blue's Raticate Dying is just a theory a film theory

    Sad deaths have always been a part of Pokémon, but this seems more natural, more brutal.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    - Majority of mothers don't want their children to die. - His background is what exactly: Son of a missing father ( not revealing it ) and a woman who runs a restaurant in a small town. Delia didn't give him much of any advantages. - Training from Oak? he had none maybe from the Oak's school but from Professor Oak, none. He was just sponsored by Oak to give him monthly allowance and a starter, that's it. plus let's say Ash did have training from Oak and that would remove his expenses how? Oak isn't going to grant Ash some million dollars for his journey and even then i have added that Ash's 10k was significantly better than what normal trainers have to deal with. you can argue less practical all you want, i chose to add realism to the plot and last time i checked, this is Austin not Ash's journey even then Ash had the help of Misty ( 1 year older trainer ) and Brock while Austin has none so if he struggles with finances alone then it's practical like think of it as this: you have 3 roommates sharing an apartment, you 3 split the bill 3 ways that's easier as opposed to one man doing the bill. I hope this explanation helps.

    Practical concerns for Austin regarding money, budgets, and food.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    would have been dope but Meowth is already caught so wouldn't have worked

    In a reflex, the boy stretched out his hand and opened his Pokéball. With a burst of light, Spearow emerged, squawking angrily at Meowth. The bird's sudden appearance startled Meowth, forcing him to jump back, snarling, "Birds are Meowth's prey."
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    Eevee aren't exactly found in Viridian forest, even though i had Eevee caught, it was still a cool engagement with the community 😺

    Austin will still catch a new Pokémon in Viridian Forest, and I'm curious if you can guess which one it will be. ]
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    the other one is dead. changed from the anime where she is alive for some reason

    Why did he sleep on benches? The answer was painfully simple. He didn't want to waste money—no, he didn't believe he deserved the money to be wasted on him. His actions of abandoning his family haunted him, and this was his penance: a life stripped of comfort, a daily reminder of his failings.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Shadow_Enthusiast

    in WW2, the crate was supplied to the soldiers of the axis powers.

    "World War II, this crate belongs to the Axis powers," the shopkeeper repeated.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Writerb18

    She doesn't die

    Ch 23 Chapter no.22 Pewter City Showdown Part 2
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Aiden_Steinman

    Next chapter, I am going to explain what items are: Essentially aura exists in everything, but in Pokemon especially their bodies, aura is in excess to the point that you can create effects from certain body parts of Pokemon in the same way a move is done. items are just that, body parts of Pokemon that have excess aura enough to create a move like effect. some items are forever like the king's rock. while items like leftovers is temporary meaning after a month, the aura inside it is used up and it becomes a normal half eaten apple cord. How are leftovers created? you feed apples to Snorlax, out of 10,000 apples, one apple will be imbued with Snorlax's aura and form into the item Leftovers as it crystallizes as a side effect of aura being imbued. The crystallization slowly turns back to normal as the item's aura decrease.

    Ch 23 Chapter no.22 Pewter City Showdown Part 2
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet

    Imagine Hidden Power: Electric looks like this but electricity

    The electrical discharge crackled violently, sending arcs of blue-white energy dancing wildly around the battlefield. The air around it seemed to vibrate with the raw power of the unleashed electricity, causing the hair on the back of Austin's neck to stand on end.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Replied to Adamo_Amet


    "Well, then let's see how you'll perform against him," Brock said as he threw out his next Pokéball. In a flash of red, a Pokémon composed of a giant chain of gray boulders that became smaller towards the tail emerged. Its formidable size made it the tallest Rock-type Pokémon, with black eyes and a rounded snout topped by a rocky spine.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet

    Leftovers are a Held Item that continually restores a Pokémon’s HP when it is not in combat. It activates 8 seconds after leaving combat. It can be upgraded with Item Enhancers to increase the amount of max HP restored overtime.

    Austin noticed that the glow was particularly bright around its third segment, indicating the hidden location of the item—Leftovers which allowed Onix to gradually recover health, but the intense brightness of the glow betrayed its exact placement.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet


    "Well, then let's see how you'll perform against him," Brock said as he threw out his next Pokéball. In a flash of red, a Pokémon composed of a giant chain of gray boulders that became smaller towards the tail emerged. Its formidable size made it the tallest Rock-type Pokémon, with black eyes and a rounded snout topped by a rocky spine.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet

    The Bitter Berry (Japanese: にがいきのみ Bitter Fruit) is a type of Berry exclusive to the Generation II games. It cures a Pokémon of confusion.

    Suddenly, Pikachu pulled out a Bitter Berry and ate it, immediately shaking off the confusion and sprinting back to his trainer, effectively dousing Brock's hopes for an easy advantage.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet

    Pikachu with Iron tail and the momentum of Quick attack

    In a swift, fluid motion, Pikachu used Iron Tail like a sword, slamming it downward with the combined force of its Quick Attack momentum and gravity.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet
    Due to the move Rock Tomb, rocks flew towards Pikachu, attempting to envelop him. However, Austin had prepared the electric type for this exact scenario. Pikachu leapt, skillfully dodging some of the rocks, and used a swiftly approaching boulder as a platform to launch himself higher.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet

    Geodude doing a fire upper cut

    Brock countered as Geodude's newly gained speed allowed it to catch up with Pikachu, thrusting an uppercut enveloped in flames towards the electric mouse.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet

    Item: The Smooth Rock (Japanese: さらさらいわ Smooth Rock) is a type of held item introduced in Generation IV. It extends the duration of sandstorm.

    As the dust settled around the rocky terrain, it swiftly transformed into a swirling sandstorm. "Sand Veil," Austin murmured, his tongue clicking in slight annoyance.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Adamo_Amet


    Brock released his first Pokémon—a brownish-gray boulder Pokémon known as Geodude. Its bulging, rocky eyebrows and trapezoidal eyes with brown pupils gave it a formidable appearance, complemented by muscular arms ending in five-fingered hands. Unlike its portrayal in the anime, this Geodude clutched a smooth, partly crystalline rock in its left hand.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet