


Imagine in a boxing fight, after winning the first few rounds, your opponent suddenly smears himself in 💩 and mocks you because you no longer want to fight him. Arguing with rtards is just like that.

2021-04-22 JoinedGlobal

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  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Denn_Mael

    Kaguya insert fic had almost the exact same message only it was a girl dying from a hearth attack.

    I realised that I should inform the readers about it. The author has sadly passed away 2 months in a traffic accident. I am the author's sibling and has been using the account.
    Boruto: Reincarnated as Sarada Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · SuperDemonWriter
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Ra_Fi_Q

    From ex-muslims saying it. Muslims will say reading the Quran is a blessing, but as soon as you ask questions on specifics the excuses will start. But the first thing you have to understand about Islam is that Islam claims that their holy texts come directly from God. As in god personally game those texts to the prophet and those text have never been changed or "corrupted" since. So anything written In the Quran and to a lesser extend Hadith MUST now be seen as absolutely true. Also which verses and texts are metaphorical and which are meant literally has also been established long ago and this can also not be changed anymore because "Islam is perfect and uncorrupted". Now what do you do as a young Muslims if you read something like "...at night he saw the the sun go down in a muddy spring" or "The moon was split in half" and those verses are to be seen as literally and true... Modern Muslims that don't want to become flat earth believers are now trying to change the translations of those verses by adding "...he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud," but the [as if] part is not included in the original Arabic texts which are uncorrupted and perfect. xD Yes, Islam teaches flat earth and funnily enough during the time of the prophet most scholars and learned people already knew the earth was round... Same as splitting the moon, how come nobody other than the prophet and his followers have seen this event? China and the Greeks both already had telescopes I think? There are also other problems in Islam because the prophet not just uneducated but also very perverted and so for example there is a story of the prophet's wive Aisha telling someone that the texts about women breast feeding adult men were eaten by a goat. So now we have missing texts?? I thought the texts were never corrupted and are perfect? Where are the texts about breast feeding adult men? O_o The prophet also cucked his adopted son If I remember correctly... lol

    "Because I first made use of a detection and analysis spell used in Islamic wizarding hospitals to treat curses," I replied calmly brushing off her anger
    Harry Potter: The art of divination
    Book&Literature · Booggie
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Ra_Fi_Q

    Someone has to do it. If everyone after reading a story automatically leaves a 5 star : "Great story" review just to be polite, then there is no value in writing a positive review. Please spare yourself the effort. Negative 1 star reviews is where the real value is. 3 star stories get read a lot less, which is doing everyone a service. Potential bad low effort writers will also never even try to post their garbage in the first place. Comments are the same. If everyone is a pleaser then there is no value in leaving a positive comment. We have enough soulless robots saying "Great story/chapter" to everything or mindlessly repeating stuff they have heard on the Joe Rogan podcast. "Good times create weak men..." lol

    I took a bite of my potatoes and replied, "all signs are pointing to the end of a cycle something bad will happen soon in Britain,"
    Harry Potter: The art of divination
    Book&Literature · Booggie
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Ra_Fi_Q

    I don't even know what I would be baiting for. When I wrote this I just remembered all the videos about Islam I suffered through and how aggressive and arrogant most Muslims are. The quickest way to shut a Muslim up is ironically to talk about Islam, because the biggest fear of Muslims is that someone or something may make them doubt. That is why they even fear reading their own religious texts. lol

    "Because I first made use of a detection and analysis spell used in Islamic wizarding hospitals to treat curses," I replied calmly brushing off her anger
    Harry Potter: The art of divination
    Book&Literature · Booggie
  • InternetSaint

    "An Eldrich Creature disguised as a panel screen that granted me 3 wish."

    Prototype: For Perfection (SI)
    Anime & Comics · Kaptagon
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to LORD_INDRA_
    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to LORD_INDRA_

    Dude... you are clueless.

    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to LORD_INDRA_

    This picture shows why India has and needs a caste system. Because even Indians don't want to live together with people like you. Learn english you stupid Dalit.

    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest

    Sounds like this is very widespread. There are also other things in India such as the Rat Temple and open defecation that are equally if not more disgusting. So your excuse of only "a few fanatics" is just delusional. Also isn't pedophilia another thing going on in India? Don't you have tourism just for that? lol why are you so ignorant about India? You must be one of those annoying immigrant children or something.

    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest


    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest

    "the oldest civilization" btw

    This chapter has been deleted.
    I'm Really Not A Nen Exorcist (HxH Fanfic)
    Anime & Comics · God_of_Chicken
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest

    This is not an insult.

    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest

    When people think about india they certainly don't think "the oldest civilization" lol. When I think about India, the first thing that comes to mind are people pooping in the streets and cringe comments like yours.

    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest

    you are from india.

    The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest

    "the sky is blue" is also "The Truth".

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to ZeroSkillzOnline

    Iron crystal

    The design divides the barrel of the gun into three parts, one with a spring, which is primed by cocking the weapon. The next chamber is specifically made of highly purified iron to withstand small explosions from fire mana I channel into the weapon, and the last was the chamber for bullets.
    I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.
    Video Games · Mctoasty_Jr
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to ZeroSkillzOnline

    Crystals are very pure but not malleable.

    The design divides the barrel of the gun into three parts, one with a spring, which is primed by cocking the weapon. The next chamber is specifically made of highly purified iron to withstand small explosions from fire mana I channel into the weapon, and the last was the chamber for bullets.
    I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.
    Video Games · Mctoasty_Jr
  • InternetSaint


    Halo Reborn
    Video Games · Dr_Dred
  • InternetSaint
    Replied to BlazeSavage

    Nope, he would just die and no one will see anything.

    However, before his death, his A.I. was programmed to send out all the information he gathered on Government officials and make it public for the world to see.
    Halo Reborn
    Video Games · Dr_Dred
  • InternetSaint

    No one will see it because governments control the flow of information.

    However, before his death, his A.I. was programmed to send out all the information he gathered on Government officials and make it public for the world to see.
    Halo Reborn
    Video Games · Dr_Dred