


I write when I am drunk

2021-04-04 JoinedIndia



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  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to dirtydew

    Thanks, man

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to Mario_1359

    Thanks for the gift, man. Really appreciate it!

    Ch 38 Surprise visit
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to SlowGo


    Ch 274 Opportunity to show love (R-18)
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to SlowGo

    short for shadow-crest lupins....

    These spots were not mere waypoints; they embodied danger in its purest essence. Within these unforgiving landscapes, a solitary bug's bite possessed the capacity to crumble monumental structures reminiscent of Lupin's might, toppling towers with astonishing ease. Such was the unfathomable power concealed within the minuscule yet potent creatures that inhabited these realms.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to SlowGo

    It's CA

    Knowledge held a special allure for Kevin, knowing its value in a world where acquiring substantial information wasn't an easy feat. Despite the system providing him with a few basic books, they merely scratched the surface of common knowledge, and the CE site offered limited insights.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to GoddessAlbedo

    If we're going for humor, then it's good, but if you're asking it seriously, then the second brain meant his pipi.

    But he found it unusual since he had always viewed sex as work rather than pleasure. 'Why am I getting excited by this?' he pondered. and stopped when, without much consideration, his second brain took charge, clouding his first brain's judgments.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to dirtydew

    Apologise I wrote it in a flow

    Kevin had learned nearly every inch of the rifle she was putting together, yet Zaria kept on explaining its features and functions. "See those sleek lines? It's like the Ferrari of sniper rifles. The ergonomic design, the balance—it's like an extension of your arm. And the scope? Crystal clear optics, made from top-grade ice crystals. You could spot a deer from a mile away with these lenses, metaphorically speaking, of course."
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to SlowGo

    I'm not but thanks and also happy Thanksgiving to you too

    Ch 217 Kevin, a thing
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to Platypus_Perry_

    he will

    Ch 23 Soldier blade
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to SlowGo

    When we're stuck with a word count shortfall in the next chapter and can't think of anything else to add, the author resort to a little trickery to fill in the gap. I'm not a fan of it, but sometimes I have to do it to meet the criteria.

    In contrast to the more understated beauty of Keith and Keyara, this older woman exuded a captivating, universally-recognized feminine charm. It was clear that she possessed a different kind of allure that set her apart from the others in the room.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to brucelee5638

    He has it, but it's considered an item for sale, so he can't keep it for himself or in a space ring.

    For now, he decided to leave that decision for the future. Carefully concealing the jar containing the Heart of Lunarhowl under the table, he set his mind to the present task—cleaning the shop. Dust had accumulated on the shelves during the days it remained closed, and Kevin got to work, all the while muttering curses at the system.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to RizzDaoist

    No, he won't become a cuckold, but there will be some involvement where he gonna make other, just not as extreme as in most hentai scenarios.

    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to CHAOS_FOOLISH

    NTR isn't focused toward MC, but there is some just not too intense, and there's a good amount of Yuri, but with the MC present in the scene. And yeah, the MC likes his girls, but it takes some time. Based on what you asked, it seems like the book might not be your cup of tea, but I hope you'll give it a shot and read at least until the free chapters before dropping it. [img=recommend]

    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to TheofrainZhelios

    not a shota

    Standing at a modest height of around 5 feet and a handful of inches, he quipped, "Not exactly a towering presence, am I? I guess my dream of joining the NBA is out the window." He playfully flexed his lean physique, jokingly adding, "But hey, at least I've got this amazing chiseled... sense of humor, right?"
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to Cainbros


    Kevin didn't say anything and appeared genuinely scared by her anger. He took a step back and replied, "Nothing, just going to cook some delicious food for my beautiful big sis."
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to ggtonysuicidegg

    I've heard somewhere that curves became a drug for older men, which, for some reason, also seems to affect me even though I'm relatively young.

    'He's touching my fat belly....how embarrassing....' Venice thought, feeling self-conscious about her slightly protruding belly, which had affected her confidence in intimate encounters with her husband.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to SlowGo

    It's not Chat gpt, but rather a grammar correction application. Since English isn't my first language, my grammar can be a bit off sometimes. It happens even if I proofread my text two or three times. But don't worry, I'll make an effort to proofread more carefully from now on.

    Upon hearing this, she observed Kevin's expression shift from happiness to confusion and thought, 'Now you'll taste your own medicine.' With a sense of amusement, he looked at him as said, "So, you're asking me to eat your pussy?"
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to _Marked_

    yes it was due to another hard thing

    Kevin, or Norman as he was known before, reflected on how this was a different kind of earning compared to his previous experiences. Pleasuring others had been his means of making money, but now he had worked hard physically to achieve this result. It was a unique and satisfying feeling for him, knowing that he had earned through his own efforts.
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to caleb_davis_0109

    thanks man

    Ch 24 Misty Mountains
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy
  • J_a_zzy
    Replied to _elensar_

    thanks for the support

    Ch 1 Two Drunks
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasy · J_a_zzy