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  • Uace
    Replied to RuinedWorld

    Thank you

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Unrivaled Ascendance
    Fantasy · Uace
  • Uace

    Congratulations for your bother, he is a very brave and honorable man! Also, I agree with you. I actually wrote the novel in a very short period of time, so I didn’t even understand the “magic” system I was going to use. Well, at least. That’s what I thought was the most confusing. So, yeah, I want to learn how you keep everything so concise yet conveyed. If you have time, please contact me via a comment on my novel. After that, we can decide where to meet up.

    Ch 9 Realms Of Attunement
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    Hey, this isn't really about the novel- so sorry for being intrusive. However, would you like to work with me on the next writing prompt? I like your writing style because it kinda matches (with much less detail), and I think this new prompt could be right up your alley. Anyway, if you're interested, comment on one of my chapters or something. (I really don't have any idea how to message authors). Also, Thx for the chapter.

    Ch 9 Realms Of Attunement
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace
    Replied to leoreview2

    Hi, I have had many other people send me these types of things, so I wanted to make sure if they were authentic or not. Could you provide me with something that could validate who or what (if you are an organization) you are?

    Unrivaled Ascendance
    Fantasy · Uace
  • Uace

    After just a few minutes, I was invested in the story. The story development is fast-paced, reasonable, and exciting because new scenes arise every few chapters, which keeps the story fresh. The MC is actually pretty smart, and there are many times when the story made me laugh out loud. The world background is a little sparse for the reader since the novel just started; however, I like the way the MC discovers things. This makes it so that the reader can discover the world with the MC, which is cool. The only thing that I have a pet peeve about is the slight, very small amount of excessive comma usage, which can jar the reading experience. But, as I said, they are very rare, and the author will improve. I really do enjoy reading the novel, so I hope whoever reads this also tries it out.

    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    In your previous chapter, you were expressing your improvements/concerns about writing action scenes. So, I wanted to give you some advice from what I've encountered online and through my teachers. Keep it short/simple. Even when the situation arises where there are multiple people, multiple abilities/powers, and multiple locations, you have to make sure that each of them is being organized in a short and simple way. This means that the writing itself can be complex, but the reading experience must be coherent and cohesive. Write in a way that emphasizes contact blows/casting of powers. Reveal ways that the character may be hindered/comfortable/learning from the fight (I noticed that Locke likes to fight because it feels exhilarating to him; however, in the future, you might want to make it so that he gets serious or maybe to the point where he doesn't want to point. These stark contrasts to his usual fighting attitude will draw the readers in.)

    Ch 6 In Front Of You
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    Here's a thought: I know that this is Webnovel, and there isn't a huge emphasis on grammar. However, if you want to improve further as a writer, then I suggest that you understand 'third-person limited' and 'third-person omniscient.' Now, don't take all of my criticism too heavily because I sometimes do the same thing, and you don't usually have this problem. In this particular section of the text, you write, "The lion at this point was drooling, looking at its delicious meal...." At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this sentence. But! Look again! "Looking at its delicious meal" is not supposed to be there. Your novel, so far, has been written in a third-person limited perspective. What does this mean? It means that the novel should be written through the eyes of the MC via a narrator. The narrator only knows what the MC knows. Third-person omniscient means that the narrator knows what EVERYONE is thinking, saying, and doing. Coming back to the point: Locke does not know if the lion is thinking of him as being a meal. He can ASSUME and GUESS, but he can never know FOR SURE. He can never be 100% accurate. (Unless he can read minds, of course.) So, an easy way to fix this is by writing, "The lion at this point was drooling as if it was looking at its next meal...." Here, the phrase 'as if' is sending the subtle message of an assumption. 'As if' does not set the assumption in stone. Anyway, I hope this helps in the future.

    Ch 5 The Folter[III]
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    "He tried to control them, but they groaned out every time he swung." What is 'they/them' here?"

    His weapon clashed against the lion's claws, its canines piercing into his flesh as the battle went on and on. He tried to control them, but they groaned out in agony every time he swung. Finally, he grimaced as he needed something to end this fight in one move! Locke soon realized that a war of attrition wouldn't work and that he was still a mortal; he could feel his muscles start to fail him.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace


    {Are you that retarded? Of course, there will be people who can properly use it, and you should be grateful he's not one of the viler ones. The optimum time to start cultivating is at fourteen. You're one year late and haven't even started on the path. Get this over with, and I'll start with the basics. Do not call for me until you have cleared these trials}.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    Between "immediate area" and "the wet rock", using a semicolon would make the sentence more complete and coherent.

    Moss clung to the rocks overhead as Locke could hear the water trickle over the sharp earth while he toured around his immediate area, the wet rocky floor slightly digging into his soles. Torches lit with flickering fire hung far above his reach, nailed to the walls as they provided circles of light. Locke's face contorted as he tasted the musty air and smelt the onion stink of sweat.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace


    'What a chuuni.' Locke rolled his eyes internally as he focused on the latter parts of the man's words. 'Understand? Ohh yeah. Understand. Hey demon, how can I speak to him with him understanding me?"
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    You might want to sit down....it's a long story

    {Hmm? What's that?} The demon inquired curiously, this time not insulting him.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    I don't think "Aquaphobia" needs to be capitilized.

    He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as the waters crashed against him, uprooting and dragging him away like a palm tree. Surrounded by crimson, Locke couldn't even see his hand in front of him as he panicked. The lack of proper discernment of his surroundings, coupled with his Aquaphobia, only served to amplify his concern for himself.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace
    Everything around him darkened as Locke tasted crinkly wet sand for the second time today, pondering over what the heck that green light was as he heard a dark chuckle. {Oops, I forgot to turn on the translator}.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    Imagine walking up to your grandpa and asking this

    "Alright then, my next question... Why aren't you a girl?"
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    This made me laugh on many levels.

    'Hmmm, this seemingly immature, tantrum-throwing demon might not be as simple as I thought. Well, at least I'm not like those poor sods who have to transmigrate to some young master's body and learn everything from a library.'
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    "iota," Walter White.

    The Demon was on the spot. Locke couldn't understand an iota of what was going on, though an idea twirled in his mind that he wished was true. If this was what he thought it was, he could have fun and fight many strong people.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    Some really, really small advice/stuff that I noticed. You do a great job with using the past tense, but sometimes- again, like, once in a hundred- you use the present tense. I'm not talking about when you write something like: "Locke ran as fast as he could, leaving many of the prisoners behind." In these places, what you write is fine. However, in the places where you use two or more commas (I think I left a comment in the one place you tripped), you sometimes have the tendency to put a verb in the present tense as opposed to the past tense. Overall, though, I love the action scenes.

    Ch 2 Prison Break [II]
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    People do say that drowning- after you get over the burning sensation in your lungs- is pleasant. Though, I wouldn't want to find that out for myself.

    "Fuck it all," Locke muttered as he gave up any hopes about surviving as he closed his eyes, praying that he would be granted a quick and painless death.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld
  • Uace

    I don't want to die like that either :)

    He didn't want to die right at the beginning like the lame-ass dudes in denial or like the ones who thought that money would solve everything.
    Demon Of Ruin
    Fantasy · RuinedWorld