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  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

    Ace is stupid, I concur. But I think your thinking is flawed, even if it is a possibility to bring suspicion to Ace for downloading the app. But the chances of anything being traced back to him due to a single app is absurdly low and just borders on impossible and stupidity. And as Blackskull commented before, it's a temporary solution and the first one that Ace came to.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4: It gets slightly better? And then immediately it goes downhill….
    Great Power and Great Responsibility
    Movies · TheBlackSkull
  • Ludwig_The_Mad

    The Song in question is White Whizzard - Over The Top. If any of you were curious about the song.

    I step into the car as Rogue sits in the passenger seat and fiddles with the radio, playing some goth metal music I've never heard. Apparently, it's something called "Over the Top." It might have been something I'd normally never listen to but tonight it was a banger.
    Great Power and Great Responsibility
    Movies · TheBlackSkull
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Daniel_Hagos_0225

    I think Maxi planned on just leaving Harry to deal with him if irrc. I don't remember what I planned to do with him, as I dropped this fic and it has been months since I looked at this fic. But, yeah, voldemort would probably come/target Maxi after he knew his ancestry or get him to join him.

    Ch 8 Chapter 8
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Thomsonandrew5235

    huh I didn't think anyone would leave any comments after I changed the description. But besides that, I think I made the mistake/forgot to mention he was in Germany. Or not, since he did roll Germany/Deutschland as the country of origin.

    A young man that was studying English at the time thought it was just a passing interest, and allowed him to read a few English books, and even allowed him to borrow the English dictionary that he had at the time. The next day, he would be surprised to find young Maxi speaking a few English words almost perfectly if you didn't mind the thick German accent.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to TwitchtoastODST

    Medic Gaming.

    [ Dr. Ludwig (Medic) (Team Fortress 2) ]
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to WeedsNsht

    I have no clue what you just said. Could you rephrase, or better yet, just make a new comment with decent English so I can understand what you commented?

    ''Fey Lords are the lords of all Fae and Sylvans! And, you, master, are one of them! Your magic and appearance are unmistakable! You're a Fey Lord!'' She says almost vibrating on the spot.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Bodhisattva_Panda

    As far as I am aware, no. The movies didn't really explain House-Elves and I can't say anything from the Novels as I haven't read them. Though this is a fanfic, if you came here expecting perfect cannon.... It would be best to just assume everything is either AU, or non-canon. Unless you want to google it.

    ''If there are any house-elves that haven't bonded with a family yet. I am interested in becoming your master!'' He said out loud, and after waiting for a couple of moments for any kind of response he surprisingly got one back.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Rebel_Royal5

    I wasn't actually trying to make the seasons based on the Houses, I just googled Eladrins and used the colors of the seasons I found online, lol.

    Winter made him more contemplative, and hold more negative emotions. Sadness, sorrow, and distress were the main emotions and feelings it brought, though he found that it only amplified what was already there. This season also boosted his brain, as he felt he could retain and learn things faster during this season.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to An_op_Angel

    your opinion has been noted, and considred. DC, and Steven Universe characters are a maybe. Though I hate Naruto, so I won't be giving him any. Not sure about Samurai Jack. And he won't get Marvel Characters. He's in Marvel, he can't get characters from media if he is in their home universe. So no Marvel Characters unless he travels to another universe.

    ''Aye, that one is as powerful as the Gacha one. Though it works differently, if similar to the Essence of Gacha. You'll 'roll' a random template, and you'll be able to become that character, alongside having all of their powers and memories. Of course, the Essence has a lot of failsafes to prevent the memories of the characters from taking over your mind or causing you to think you are them. Amongst a few others. Though it won't protect you if you willingly ''fuse'' with them.'' He says as moves his hand through his beard as he explains the Essence.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Daoist632842


    He wasn't sure if he should be happy, or angry that he got Venti of all possible characters. Though inwardly he was slightly relieved he didn't get a female character or a weak character. He is unsure how strong Venti actually is, after all, he didn't touch Genshin in his entire life. So he is slightly clueless about his actual powers, but he vaguely remembers he's an avatar of a god or something along those lines. Though the reason he doesn't know is that he has a deep hatred for the communist Chinese. And Chinese people in general. He is done reading broken Xianxia and Wuxian novels with terrible grammar and translations. Or anything that is in Chinese in general.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to An_op_Angel

    I still have no clue what argument you are making, or commenting about. Could you perhaps, idk, spend five minutes actually writing in decent English what you want to say? I'm not a mind reader, and my Badinglish skills have deteriorated since I stopped reading Chinese fics.

    He wasn't sure if he should be happy, or angry that he got Venti of all possible characters. Though inwardly he was slightly relieved he didn't get a female character or a weak character. He is unsure how strong Venti actually is, after all, he didn't touch Genshin in his entire life. So he is slightly clueless about his actual powers, but he vaguely remembers he's an avatar of a god or something along those lines. Though the reason he doesn't know is that he has a deep hatred for the communist Chinese. And Chinese people in general. He is done reading broken Xianxia and Wuxian novels with terrible grammar and translations. Or anything that is in Chinese in general.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to

    I call myself Mad, Subtlety is not a thing I do, lol.

    Winter made him more contemplative, and hold more negative emotions. Sadness, sorrow, and distress were the main emotions and feelings it brought, though he found that it only amplified what was already there. This season also boosted his brain, as he felt he could retain and learn things faster during this season.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Rebel_Royal5


    Winter made him more contemplative, and hold more negative emotions. Sadness, sorrow, and distress were the main emotions and feelings it brought, though he found that it only amplified what was already there. This season also boosted his brain, as he felt he could retain and learn things faster during this season.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Rebel_Royal5

    Cringe. Ravenclaw for the W. Lmao.

    Summer made him more… rash, impulsive, bold, and aggressive or confrontational. Though those were slight influences and didn't impede or really cause any problems.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Rebel_Royal5

    True. Chinese food is good, but nothing divine like they make it out to be.

    For some unknown reason, all Chinese writers think and write the same shit. Cultivation, generic magic system, OP super broken characters, and all the cliche tropes. At least the Japanese make it more interesting with weird ideas, or the rare Korean fic he rarely reads.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to An_op_Angel

    ??? Nothing I guess? But why did you leave this comment tho? I mean, he's a man. He'll get male characters only, simply because he is a man. Effeminated or not, he still got the junk of a man.

    He wasn't sure if he should be happy, or angry that he got Venti of all possible characters. Though inwardly he was slightly relieved he didn't get a female character or a weak character. He is unsure how strong Venti actually is, after all, he didn't touch Genshin in his entire life. So he is slightly clueless about his actual powers, but he vaguely remembers he's an avatar of a god or something along those lines. Though the reason he doesn't know is that he has a deep hatred for the communist Chinese. And Chinese people in general. He is done reading broken Xianxia and Wuxian novels with terrible grammar and translations. Or anything that is in Chinese in general.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to BoboPingu

    Eh, it was more of a side note on making him Bi. He doesn't really care about men, only femboys. Though it is true that Harry Potter lacks in the Femboy department. Idk about Marvel, but I am pretty sure it does as well. And concerning the Essence Template, he will once he realizes he isn't in a pure Harry Potter world.

    Ch 8 Chapter 8
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to kyuu4

    I actually plan on him flexing on anyone casting the 3 unforgivable curses on him and he simply counterspells them.

    But after that breakthrough with Conjure Animals, he started learning a lot of new spells. Either from experimenting or just suddenly casting them. And let's just say, that it became clear that he was a Necromancer Wizard, a Draconic Sorceror, and a… Druid. He can't tell what circle he has yet, but he feels he'll learn of it soon enough.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Shuayeb_Ahmed

    He was flirting... I think. I don't remember as it has been a few months since I touched this fic and I don't remember what the original intent was behind this scene/piece of dialogue.

    ''My name is Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund. Though I have recently learned I am the Heir to the Noble House of Raubvogel. So I guess you can call me Lord Raubvogel.'' He says with a playful tone, of which she smiles at him.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad
  • Ludwig_The_Mad
    Replied to Shuayeb_Ahmed

    I really don't get why y'all seem to be so hung up about the Orphanage. Maybe it is just basic human empathy, but I really am scratching my head on why anyone would care about 2D fictional characters that were barely mentioned or explored.

    Though the biggest one of them seemed to reside in Stuttgart of all places. He spent a few minutes observing, and analyzing the mansion in Stuttgart, as it was indeed the most well-kept, and seemed to be the more advanced of manors.
    Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic
    Anime & Comics · Ludwig_The_Mad