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  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Just ask your house elf

    "Can't find Lyra. Her friends are missing too," Harry said.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • Zemanisko_Bond
    Replied to KuroWashi1903

    First years also tend to be pretty much helpless when attacked by seniors and seniors usually don't mix in a fight of first years, but here we are :D So I say if you can beat fifth years students then you should not be considered first year

    As Elmi finished explaining his unconventional strategy, McGonagall's expression hardened, appalled by the tactics he employed. Snape, however, seemed to see a certain pragmatism in Elmi's approach, though he would never tell this out loud to a student. 
    Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts
    Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    "unconventional" what is so unconventional? Pretty standard just make a deterrent out of him.

    As Elmi finished explaining his unconventional strategy, McGonagall's expression hardened, appalled by the tactics he employed. Snape, however, seemed to see a certain pragmatism in Elmi's approach, though he would never tell this out loud to a student. 
    Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts
    Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    he just did :D

    "You…you are not going to use this…to commit crimes are you?" Pepper asked worriedly.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Zemanisko_Bond
    Replied to Keeper_of_Souls

    When using quotation marks plese write it word for word so here is the precise sentence: "Secrets whispered in the alleys, while towering skyscrapers stood as ancient guardians over the city." Now for the difference between like and as. ---- like -> having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to. as -> used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something. So I would not have problem if there was used like, because it would mean it is only similar, but "as" refers to the extent so that should mean that those skyscrapers stood over the city and they are ancient and they are guardians to the city. ---- Also please note that I am not native english speaker and am not best suited to explain these differences. I was just pointing out that that part of the text was to me badly formulated and I saw similar mitakes alot in a text generated by AI. That is all.

    As the night covered Gotham City in darkness, a feeling of unease filled the air. Secrets whispered in the alleys, while towering skyscrapers stood as ancient guardians over the city. It was a place that embraced the darkness, where heroes and villains danced an endless dance.
    Batman x Arc Reactor
    Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Why would Merlin let him use a wand? An if it is the legendary elder wand he should be even more concerned becasuse Orion would be using deathly hallow. So why use a wand?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    HP: Magic Punk
    Book&Literature · kamidemond
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    He should learn from Dumbledore his advanced cooperation with phoenix. Several instances where he could let Red teleport him and the fight would be for him much easier.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    HP: Magic Punk
    Book&Literature · kamidemond
  • Zemanisko_Bond
    Replied to Xcalibur_Xc

    Good for you :D but that means that the strangely build sentences that made me suspicious were created by you. Well might as well reread the start maybe the text will start to feel more human.

    As the night covered Gotham City in darkness, a feeling of unease filled the air. Secrets whispered in the alleys, while towering skyscrapers stood as ancient guardians over the city. It was a place that embraced the darkness, where heroes and villains danced an endless dance.
    Batman x Arc Reactor
    Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
  • Zemanisko_Bond
    Replied to Xcalibur_Xc

    I don't get it. For me an ancient building is 1000+ years old. So how can a town that is much younger have a skyscraper that is ancient? Did DC somehow edit parts of history so they can have super evolved civilization fall and on the same place build a town Gotham and somehow there are remnants skyscrapers? That seems a little far fetched.

    As the night covered Gotham City in darkness, a feeling of unease filled the air. Secrets whispered in the alleys, while towering skyscrapers stood as ancient guardians over the city. It was a place that embraced the darkness, where heroes and villains danced an endless dance.
    Batman x Arc Reactor
    Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    this is some next level of dense :D

    And I was getting more and more confused and curious, and when I leaned towards Fleur to look at her the girl looked away, completely blushing.
    Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)
    Book&Literature · Se7en
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Every time this pops up it is like Are you the future villain? Also how many more times is it gonna be repeate? I am waiting for an interlude chapter where a reporter is going around the castle and asking it's inhabitants what are your thoughts about Calder and almost everyone is going to answer "Interesting". Later when in print the headline of the article will be interesting news from Hogwarts.

    They drummed their fingers on the table, beating out a rhythm known only to them. This lasted for about a minute. Then silence again.
    Mind and Magic
    Book&Literature · 3737_irinol
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Still waiting for the MC to do something smart with all his claimed high intelligence.

    Ch 28 Strangers on a Treadmill
    Modern Family: Gacha
    TV · N_R_U
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Still waiting for the MC to do something smart with all his claimed high intelligence.

    Ch 27 Earthquake
    Modern Family: Gacha
    TV · N_R_U
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Still waiting for the MC to do something smart with all his claimed high intelligence.

    Ch 26 The Kiss
    Modern Family: Gacha
    TV · N_R_U
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Still waiting for the MC to do something smart with all his claimed high intelligence.

    Ch 25 Confusion
    Modern Family: Gacha
    TV · N_R_U
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    So only bachelor's degree and max few months of work or maybe not even getting degree and working.

    After university, the memories shifted to an ordinary 9-5 job, portraying a routine yet insightful glimpse into a mundane adult life. These memories, however, abruptly ended when the muggle reached the age of 23, leaving a sense of unfinished business.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    why Barton though? Loki is still a lot stronger then top human strength.

    Barton, not one to play mind games with Loki, walked over, and kicked him with all his strength, making Loki groan in pain and open his eyes to see the group hovering over him. His face bore various cuts.
    The MARVELous Harry Potter
    Movies · whitethief274
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    In the book "Learn how to not endanger your friends by your own incompetence" this is like first page in bold letters chapter titled Learn how to fight imperious.

    Harry noticed Daphne's glassy eyes, a telltale sign of being under the Imperius Curse, "You're not Weasley, are you? I know him. He wouldn't have been able to pull something like this off."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    It is all her fault. She was all Harry you need a pause you will overwork yourself, instead she should have been more like you know Harry there are these spell that every little villain knows how about we learn how to defend and tactics how to tackle them? But what did she do just slow down when knowing there is trap ahead.

    Harry noticed Daphne's glassy eyes, a telltale sign of being under the Imperius Curse, "You're not Weasley, are you? I know him. He wouldn't have been able to pull something like this off."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Zemanisko_Bond

    Seems like AI generated part. I might be getting a little bit paranoid, but it sounds a little like an AI. Ancient skyscraper -> most skyscrapers is younger than 200 years so not really. Dance of heroes and villains in Gotham -> based on what I know Gotham was always city filled with crime, but if we are talking about heroes and villains in Gotham, that should have started with Batman, so if he was born right about now what dance are we talking about?

    As the night covered Gotham City in darkness, a feeling of unease filled the air. Secrets whispered in the alleys, while towering skyscrapers stood as ancient guardians over the city. It was a place that embraced the darkness, where heroes and villains danced an endless dance.
    Batman x Arc Reactor
    Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc