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September 14, morning, Hogwarts.






 Peace and quiet, that's how one could describe the castle at the moment. Why? The answer is banal and simple. The older students were in class, and the younger ones were either sleeping or in the living rooms of their houses.



 Few inhabitants of the castle were now walking along its corridors. From time immemorial, it so happened that the life of the castle is mainly visible in the late afternoon or night. Maybe this is influenced by the mystery of the castle in the twilight? Who knows.



 The light of the morning sun has not yet reached everywhere with its rays. Many places were still in the grip of night darkness. This was due to two reasons: the castle walls, and also the forbidden forest. They stood like a solid wall and did not allow the rays of the sun to completely dispel the morning darkness. Because of this, in some corridors one could see the following picture: the corridor was divided into two parts, one was the bright sunny part, the other was the darkness of the twilight that had not gone away.



 The beauty of this moment was that these "poles" were separated by an invisible line, as if a divine sculptor had divided the world into two parts with his chisel: light and darkness.



 I'm sure many have encountered such a picture in their lives, but it was here that it was expressed so vividly and colorfully.



 Step. An omen of something. In our case - the appearance of someone.



 Step. From the darkness of the corridor came the confident sound of a moving man.



 Step, step, step. Each new sound brought us closer to him or him to us.



 Step. And now we can separate the human figure. It was a boy. First or second course, a little more.



 Step, step. A couple more moments, and we saw the one who overcame the "darkness" and came out to the "light."



 Boy, freshman. An ordinary figure, an ordinary appearance. There was nothing outstanding about him, except for one thing - his eyes. The eyes of a confident person striving for something specific. Such a look does not happen in children, and if it does happen, then such children are usually called geniuses. After all, they often know more and move towards what they desire with all their hearts.



 But then the boy came to the end of the corridor, his path ended at large, carved white doors. After standing at the door for a couple of tens of seconds and thinking about something that only he knew, he entered it.



 Only the quiet, if audible sound of the door closing confirmed his presence here. But he too disappeared.

Saturday morning came somehow too quickly. Waking up early as always, I completed my morning to-do list, reflected on new knowledge and created plans for the day.



 Yesterday brought a lot of new and interesting things, but also gave rise to even more questions. Perhaps we should start with the rescue room.



 Yesterday's epic was productive. The knowledge that the room hid in itself cannot be compared with that at school. To read and comprehend all the knowledge from the metamorphism section will take somewhere, I calculated, a week or two. And this is me - a person who has metamorphism, practices occlumency, and has an incredible memory. Well, it's okay to read and understand, but they also need to be worked out. What is the value of knowledge on sharp acceleration of the body, which at the beginning doubles the speed of movement, reaction and strength. And this is at the very beginning, and this is almost the main skill of metamorphs; many other skills are tied to it, and its foundations can also be traced in third skills. And this is everywhere. It is worth mentioning that this skill is used at all levels. It improves and gives a greater increase in "characteristics".



 And that is not all. In books about the structure of certain creatures there is a complete illustration of their appearance and structure. And if I say complete, it means complete.



It even illustrates the movement of magical currents.



This is how I understand the approach. And each book has a link to the previous and subsequent ones, as well as a list of "additional literature".



 But there is a minus in all this: I will not be able to rewrite these books word for word after leaving the library. The contract that I agreed to during the test did not allow me to do this. And so it will be until the title of master in the chosen school. After this, it is possible to rewrite such books. But compared to learning other skills, with this skill everything is a little easier. The title of master - and go ahead, teach as you see fit, but no one will insure you against mistakes due to ignorance or omission of something from what you read.



 This is how things work with knowledge from the room of help. But like I said, practice is at the heart of it all. I still have a long time to hammer this knowledge into the subcortex.



Having finished my morning "rituals", I headed towards the exit of the room.



But you should also not forget about the conversation with the dean. His help in my "enlightenment" in witchcraft medicine is commendable, but it still worries me. However, they don't beat you up for demand. Why don't I go see the honey witch?



 The descent to the first floors of the castle flew past me. Thinking and making plans takes up most of the time.



After visiting the witch's honey, you will need to visit the rescue room again. True, this depends on the conversation with Madam Pomfrey.



About five more minutes, and I found myself at the door that led to the medical wing.



Well, go ahead.



Pushing open the door, I entered the medical wing.

Medical wing, a place where sick people are kept and treated. What comes to mind when you mention this place? Chambers? Doctors? Sick? Smell? Or something else?



 For me personally, this is the color white. Nowhere will you find such a concentration of white, and not just white, but "pure", symbolizing hope for the best. It is with these that I symbolize the hospitals, wards and medical wing of Hogwarts.



 Of course, you can say that this is just a psychological move of our subconscious. We know that lives are saved here, which is why such associations arise in the brain. And you will be absolutely right, everything is so. But this does not change the fact of the purity and appropriateness of white in the medical block.



 What else can you say about the medical wing other than white? Well, this is the appearance. Of course, it is different from what you are used to.



 The first thing worthy of mention is the size of the room. They were enormous, at least half the size of the Great Hall of Hogwarts.



 Second, panoramic windows. They were incredibly big. And which one looks like, mmmm... a fairy tale.



 The deep waters of the lake that peeked out from behind a small hill. The ancient and forbidden forest that arced around one shore of the lake, as well as the sun that rose over the forest in the morning and reflected in the black waters of the lake, colored this whole picture. From the horizon to the castle.



 This picture somehow immediately set me up for a favorable outcome in any situation. And this is wonderful, no other words are needed here.



 The wing layout was nothing special. Along one of the walls were rows of hospital beds, which were separated from their own kind by canopies. Interestingly, some of the beds were occupied. Students, mostly first and second year students, slept on them. Apparently these are the "lucky" ones.



 There were also beds along the other wall, and there were doors that, naturally, led to other visits.



 One of the rooms is most likely an operating room. The second is Madam Pomfrey's personal office. But I can't even guess what the other doors are for; it's a mystery to me.



 The entire inspection of the room, as well as thinking about it, did not take even fifteen seconds. And it was after these seconds that one of the doors opened.



Madame Pomfrey herself emerged from it. Comparing it with the film version, you naturally come across certain thoughts. The film is a complete fiction. Madam Pomfrey was not a lady over forty, no.



 The appearance of the honey witch expressed grace. She looked like a lady of twenty to thirty-five years old. Yes Yes exactly. It's impossible to tell from her face how old she is. One moment she is a woman, the next she is a girl. She was just like those Hollywood actresses who outwardly look no more than thirty to thirty-five years old, and with the right makeup no more than twenty-five years old, but in fact they were already over forty-five to fifty. This is exactly the kind of dissonance my brain was creating.



 Thick, pitch-black hair tied in a bun. Bright blue eyes. Correct, symmetrical face, without any flaws. An hourglass figure, yes, the robe could not hide her outstanding dignity. This is exactly the kind of woman Madam Pomfrey appeared to me. Perhaps no longer madam, but miss. There is no other way to call it.



 This is the kind of woman you can fall madly in love with. I would probably fall in love if I could.



Pomfrey was busy at the moment. A tray with several vials floated behind her. They contained potions.



 Closing the door behind her, she glanced at me, nodded and headed towards her patients. I followed her. Approaching the one bed known only to her, Miss pushed the boy lying on the bed. He looked about a year or two older than me.



- Wake up, darling, wake up. Time to take your medicine. – Pomfrey's voice sounded like a crystal stream. Just as alive and beautiful.



- Mmmm, I don't want to. "They taste disgusting," the child began to whine. And in fact, he was.






-I know, and you know it, but you need to take medicine. Now it's one thing and after lunch it's another. Come on, there's no point in grimacing. You want to see your friends faster, right? 



Nodding resignedly, the boy drank the medicine, that is, the potion.



After him, we approached two more patients. They were given the same potions as the first one. After making sure that her patients drank everything, Poppy, that's what her name was, indicated with a wave of her hand that I should follow her, and headed towards the same door from which she appeared.



 Having followed her, we found ourselves in a work office adjacent to a sort of warehouse where potions were stored.



 Sitting down at the table, Miss Pomfrey fixed her blue eyes on me. There was silence, not that it wasn't there before, but now you could feel it on your skin.



I stood under this gaze for about two minutes.



- Okay, you have patience. This is definitely a plus," Poppy began the conversation.



"As you already know, my name is Poppy Pomfrey." I have been a Hogwarts witch for many years. You can contact Madam Pomfrey.



- Miss.



- What is it, miss?



"Can I call you Miss Pomfrey?" "Purely physically I can't even dare to call you madam," I answered seriously.



"Oh, they haven't called me that for a long time." What got you so hooked? – she asked, grinning.



- Okay, you don't have to answer. Okay, you can call me that. But you're here for a different reason, right? - nod.



- I think so too. Filius told me that you want to be a medic. This is true?



- No not like this.



- So you want to say that you lied to him? – everything seemed to remain the same, but she still smelled of threat. I felt it right in my soul. She's not to be trifled with.



"Perhaps we all misunderstood each other." I want to study colomedicine at a decent level. It is advisable to master it, but at the same time I do not want to become a collomedic. 



– That's how it is – the pressure is as if it never happened. This answer seemed to suit her.



"But do you understand that I can't take you on as a student now?" Without a future job in witchcraft medicine, not a single specialist will take you on for training, at least one who is a member of the guild. Do you understand this?



"I understand, but I won't go back on my words." If I can't find a teacher, well, I'll study on my own. There are many places where you can find literature. "I answered with a shrug.



– I see you're not a timid type, right? But what about practice? Are you going to go through it yourself?






- Haha, you're just something. They may hunt you for this. Do you realize this?



– Yes, I am fully aware of the risks and pitfalls. But that won't change my mind.



I stand and remain silent. She looks at me, and I look at her. Silence.



"Okay," she nodded slightly.



- Here's a list of books. Learn them in a week. If you can handle it, we'll see what we can do. Well, if not... then no. Can you handle it?






- We'll see. Have questions? No? Then see you in a week.



So we talked. I'll have to think about this in my spare time. What was it?



Oh well, there's still more to come.



It was with these thoughts that I left the medical wing.












 The door crept in. Silence appeared again. For several centuries now, she has been the constant companion of this figure. For most of her life she lived with silence side by side. And now she is with her again.






They drummed their fingers on the table, beating out a rhythm known only to them. This lasted for about a minute. Then silence again.



"Interesting," a barely audible voice broke the silence. - Very interesting. Don't disappoint me, Kohler Wilson. How ironic, right? – her question was drowned in silence.



And again silence. Her eternal companion. And again she is alone. How long? What if so?



Everything is possible in this world.





Next chapter