


Writer of stories, creator of characters, whisperer of cats. A cultivator on the path of immortality through writing. Discord: Raksha1#2597 Discord server: https://discord.gg/R3AybhzGxT

2021-01-08 JoinedGlobal



of reading


Read books




  • Raksha1
    Replied to ShadowBear


    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Butterflies and Pins
    History · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to ShadowBear

    Arigatou! Watashi no samurai, daisuki! ❤️

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    Butterflies and Pins
    History · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to tinkling_of_jade

    Yes, I'm a moron I know 😅🤗🤗🤗Thank you for not hating me though. And again I'm really really sorry 😔 I'll fix my discord account this weekend and add you back. We have a lot of stuff to catch up on, so I can't wait to chat 🤗🥰😘

    Voice of Another Chance [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to tinkling_of_jade

    Yes, I'm a moron I know 😅🤗🤗🤗Thank you for not hating me though. And again I'm really really sorry 😔 I'll fix my discord account this weekend and add you back. We have a lot of stuff to catch up on, so I can't wait to chat 🤗🥰😘

    Voice of Another Chance [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to tinkling_of_jade

    Aaaaah Lin!!! 😭😭😭I'm so happy to see a message from you. I know you must hate me for ghosting you... again, but I swear it's not because I don't want talk to you. My mom's divorce hit us all pretty hard. the family had it rough. Also, the death of my two grandfathers left us with a lot of legal stuff to deal with🙄. I'll give you all the details on discord soon. Time and mental health have been pretty scarce for me and my mom. I also got logged out from my discord account ... again 😭and for some reason I can't recover it from my phone. I asked Gabe to help this weekend, I have my tablet ready for this. Gabe told me you wrote him on the chat but everytime I intended to reply I either got scared you'd cuss me out and hate me or something would happen and I'd be interrupted. So please please don't hate me. I miss you too and I'm so happy you wrote me here. You don't have anything posted so I couldn't send you and IM here. I'm checking my novels here from time to time in hopes that I'll get back on my feet and write again. Haven't been able to do much on that front in about a year😭🥺

    Voice of Another Chance [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Chromacorn

    Pfft 🤣🤣🤣Oh wow... now that's a huge spoiler indeed. Now I'm gonna have to hate you forever for spoiling it for me 🤣😁🤭

    Game Ender
    Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    Sci-fi · MattHarris
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Chromacorn

    You've got a point there 😅🤭 Thanks for the recommendation 🤗

    Game Ender
    Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    Sci-fi · MattHarris
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Chromacorn

    ooh the ones written together with Aaron Johnston right? I haven't finished the trilogy unfortunately. I began the first one, Earth unaware, but didn't get to finish it. I might as well do that since you reminded me of it 🤔It totally escaped my mind and now I'll have to start over from the very beginning 😅 Did you like the books?

    Game Ender
    Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    Sci-fi · MattHarris
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Chromacorn

    The prequels 🤔I think so. I read all the books related to it so I guess that means the prequels as well. Could you tell me the title of one of the prequels just to make sure I'm not mistaking them? 😁

    Game Ender
    Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    Sci-fi · MattHarris
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Dee1inquent

    Thank you so much for reading this story I'm very happy and grateful that you enjoyed it this much! 🥰🤗 I do have a soft spot for my Yoon-Yi and Shin so anyone who likes them gets a huge hug from me😁🤭🤗🤗🤗

    Butterflies and Pins
    History · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Dee1inquent


    Ch 3 Chapter 3
    Butterflies and Pins
    History · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Official_Jocelyn

    Yesss! it was definitely inspired by that story! 😁🤭but at the same time, just another ordinary story about someone who can read minds 🤭 I'm happy you enjoyed that. It was so fun writing Fukuharu's POV 🤣 Thank you so much for reading this story! 🥰

    Whispers of a Heart [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Robyn_Brown_9163

    Oh I see. That's too bad. I really liked it. If you find the rest, please let me know.

    The Starry Night
    · Zhuang Ning
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Cultured_Daoist

    Well simply because he can achieve that in the first place? 😅 Regardless of what sidekick he has I'm still jealous 🤣

    Second of all, for the most part, using Manna to make Magic happen was actually a pretty fine and delicate thing. You needed to synch up with the magitech that you were using to get the desired effects, you and your BB were meant to work together to make magic. The cars, for example. You didn't just force manna into them to make them fly, you had to delicately weave it through the machinery to get it working the right way. I had absolutely zero experience when it came to working with manna, so my magic would look a bit like a three-year-old's very first drawing. It would be unrefined and it would be just a little bit dangerous.
    Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    Sci-fi · MattHarris
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Robyn_Brown_9163

    Unfortunately yes, I believe that's the end 😞I couldn't find more of it.

    The Starry Night
    · Zhuang Ning
  • Raksha1
    Replied to Certiorari

    Didn't see much of it up until the point where I stopped to write the review. But it might have some of it in the later chapters 🤔Though the author is the best person to ask 🤭

    Draconic Vampire : Curse of the Blood
    Fantasy · AMWalker
  • Raksha1
    Replied to JustL89

    Thank you! I hope so too!

    Ch 32 Calming a bristled wild cat
    Voice of Another Chance [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to JustL89

    Heeey! I'm so sorry for the super long hiatus 🥺😭😭😭And no I haven't dropped it. I just had a very hard time writing or focusing enough for proper editing. After struggling with lots of personal stuff I fell into a writer's block 🥺😖😭 Work hasn't been easy for the past couple of months either and I've been busier than usual. But I want to see both my ongoing stories finished so I'll do my best to snap out of it and have them delivered properly. Please don't give up on me 🥺 Thanks a lot for the message and have a wonderful day 💕

    Ch 32 Calming a bristled wild cat
    Voice of Another Chance [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to an_otaku_girl_7774

    Mhmm of course 😁🤭

    No one else had ever done that for me. Well, at least not until recently. Now there was one more person whom I confessed this dark secret to and he accepted it. Kurosawa-san was slowly beginning to be another special being in my life after Fukuharu and Kota-san. And yes, the cat comes first.
    Whispers of a Heart [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1
  • Raksha1
    Replied to an_otaku_girl_7774

    He's a cute one, isn't he?

    I've been found out!
    Whispers of a Heart [BL]
    LGBT+ · Raksha1