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  • vveta

    Please kill off that idiot who can't keep shush about our MC.... Not just once or twice.... Now people knows her IRL information D:

    Ch 58 International Secret
    VRMMORPG: The Other World Online
    Games · Anji_King
  • vveta
    Replied to Xii_

    It's like have a parasite on you... I mean if she was useful, people wouldn't mind her following Yuan but unfortunately, she is not.

    'It was the right choice to follow Yuan! If I continue following him, who knows what might happen. I might even become a top player just by following him!' Wang Xiuying thought to herself.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    Didn't she say earlier : "I've always wanted to meet humans", which implies that she hasn't met one before. Moreover, with these inhabitants' behavior, where they're hostile towards humans, how can she know whether Wang girl's potential is not so bad compared to other humans?

    "I am serious, young lady. Releasing three pillars of light is an incredible feat for a human. This Dragon Awakening Ritual is meant for dragons. If other humans in the Lower Heavens were to take this ritual, they might not even be able to release a single pillar." Xi Meili reassured her that it was nothing to be embarrassed about.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    Btw, what's the pain tolerance in the game ? Obviously, it's not 100% or people would have shut the game down

    "Y-Yes… I am fine. I have experienced worse pain when I practiced my own medicine on myself…" She nodded her head after wiping the blood from her lips.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    Dude, she was a Phoenix before so she definitely had better treasures. And you're supposed to help her to being a phoenix again, which is far more precious than a monster core

    "Eh? Really? But I don't want to accept something so precious from you without giving you anything in return— even if you're my servant." Yuan said to her.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    Why do I feel he is an antagonist, or at least a cannon fodder? Is it because there is no good man that has yet to appear?

    A handsome young man with long black hair, eyes, and wearing a black disciple uniform could be seen slowly walking towards the disciples with a nonchalant look on his face, causing the disciples there to swallow nervously when they were met by his gaze.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    I bet one of them is a "fairy" girl. MC can't be involved an event without a girl simping on him, in fact he can't live without a girl lol

    "It's Gao Dongya and Xue Jiye," said Long Yijun.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    Don't cultivator look younger than they appear? Like Xiao Hua who looks like a little girl but is maybe more than 100 yo. So how do they know Yuan is actually young?

    'He's much younger than I'd expected! A true prodigy! He's a true prodigy!' Senior Zou cried inwardly.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    It's thanks to the sister

    "Oh?" Long Yijun and Elder Shan looked at Yuan with surprised looks on their faces. They didn't think he would be aware, which definitely was a shocker.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta
    Replied to 7th_Seraph

    Tbh, I don't like any of the girls yet. They each spoke 5 sentences to MC then are in love with him... Zither girl looked down on MC because he said she made some mistakes during her performance, then got slapped and then, the next time she met him, she lied about him being her disciple?? The girl next door doesn't like those flattering her or following her and yet she does the same to MC. They don't seem to have personality, not a kind one at least (for now). I hope they get some kind of development though it seems unlikely

    "At this rate, Yuan might win the entire competition by himself even without needing your help, Disciple Fei," Xuan Wuhan said to her with a smile.
    Cultivation Online
    Games · MyLittleBrother
  • vveta

    So player can choose elf as another race. Are there other races they can choose?

    She turns her hood in my direction and I can make out elvish like features. She much have chosen to be an archer or an assassin. She doesn't have a bow equipped, but that shouldn't exclude that possibility. Best guess at the moment is assassin, unless she is magic oriented. I don't feel any recognizable magic power though. "Your a smart one aren't you, and you don't beat around the bush. You still haven't told me what you want." She must want a legitimate reason to my behavior. I don't really have a reason, I just like messing with another player who cant take at least a little bit of pressure.
    The Ancients World
    Games · easyread
  • vveta

    Take a walk, you'll meet a legendary dwarf

    Damn, I don't know if there is a legendary blacksmith even alive. I can hold on to this until I find a better use for it. Now that the dungeon boss is beat I can check out the main chamber and see if there are any rewards or quests. I approach the door leading to the back and I open it. I am met by a room filled with gold and trinkets. I am not touching any of this stuff because I can sense it is enchanted with magic, I instead head further back into the room and I find another door.
    The Ancients World
    Games · easyread
  • vveta

    Why use his 12-hour-cooldown immunity if he kills a mob in 5 hits? Can't he dodge or use his parry skill?

    I cripple its health fast and hit it for 46,593.75. I don't see how the guard will last any longer and I hit him with another slash combo to finish off this first one. They are trying to do damage to me, but my immunity is literally bouncing their swords off me.
    The Ancients World
    Games · easyread
  • vveta

    How can he inspect the NPC then? He's not 20 yet, or did I miss something?

    This guy is the strongest person in the city and you can feel it. When players begin to reach level 20 we will be able to view more information on NPC's, but at this point information is being blocked by there power we just don't know it. He intently inspects the heart and rubs his clean shaven face. "How did you manage to kill this Elemental? By the looks of it, it was very old." He turns his head to me expecting an answer.
    The Ancients World
    Games · easyread
  • vveta

    Are they NPC guilds or player guilds? Since they talked about forums, it should be player guilds. But it is the second day and it is said to be very hard to establish a guild in the game

    In the outside world the forums were blowing up. People and guilds were already coordinating attacks and strategies. They don't have much information to go on, but that isn't stopping them. Even the top 10 guilds are interested, but they know that is a long way down the road. It really sucks for people that didn't spawn in the country ruled by Herold Marcus. They will have to take care of there tier one quest in there capital city before they can join in on an assault of Zenith.
    The Ancients World
    Games · easyread
  • vveta

    MC sure does have great memory, remembering it's 2 days before the opening of the game. I can't even remember what I ate 2 days ago

    I can't believe it actually worked, I really am back from the future just like I wished for. I can't believe that a world item had so much power. I look around my bedroom and I can see my old stuff before everything went to crap. I can also see my state of the art DDVR equipment, I look at the calendar and see the date, December 6, 2236. That means it is exactly 48 hours before the launch of The Ancients World. I can change the future just like I wanted, which means they are here too. I run downstairs and I go into the living room and my entire family is here. The ones that sacrificed so much for my siblings and I, my mom is cooking dinner as dad is watching T.V. with my older sister. "So you guys really are here..." I whisper to myself under my breath. I hear small footsteps run behind me and my little brother is also here.
    The Ancients World
    Games · easyread
  • vveta

    Dude, ou gave her false hope... worse than breaking up right now

    Saito let out a sigh when he was out of the hall and thought 'Even though I said it to stall for time and give her a little hope so that she wouldn't be miserable during this time. I hope it won't break her too much if I give her a definite no when I return back here.'
    Reincarnated Golden Emperor
    Fantasy · Evil_Dragon
  • vveta

    Dude, when someone can decide whether you die, you don't call them weakling

    "Time passed and they soon left the matter as it was. After I found out about you meeting those people in the camp, I thought of capturing you and turning you in Union for a reward. I also wanted to impress Chloe who seems to have a favourable impression of a weakling like you."
    Reincarnated Golden Emperor
    Fantasy · Evil_Dragon
  • vveta

    Why does he think that hero will go to the Elf Kingdom? No human knows about his relationship with the Elves

    He had a frown on his face as he continued to think 'If I disappear from this place and the Hero Jade keeps searching for me. He may come to the Elf Kingdom; it will be troublesome to deal with him there.'
    Reincarnated Golden Emperor
    Fantasy · Evil_Dragon
  • vveta

    Yes, 50% chance to be killed and for the whole kingdom to be razed...

    Saito smiled when he heard Iris stating the possibility '50% chance? That's a good possibility. Let's see how it goes.'
    Reincarnated Golden Emperor
    Fantasy · Evil_Dragon