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  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Brezer

    To clear up any confusion. All of Harry's friends bar Hermione abandoned him. This fanfiction is supposed to be a Good Dumbledore/Mentor Dumbledore fanfiction, so I tried have Harry interact with Albus as if they were old friends. Please forgive me if some things are a little confusing.

    Ch 1 The Lady and the Prince of Light
    Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95

    Good news, my fellow readers! You can now message me on Discord! So any news on updates or new ideas for fanfictions can be found on Discord. Username is Otaku_Gamer95 in case you all want to chat with me.

    Ch 3 Reacquaintance and the Return of the Waking Flame
    Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95

    Side note: If this story isn’t as well recieved as I had hoped, I’ll just scrap it and try and think of a better one.

    Ch 1 Rise of the Death God
    Death Semblance
    Anime & Comics · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95

    Okay, so for those who are curious. Someone pointed out to me the obvious flaws with my story. Sorry if I can’t reply to you directly, by the way, for some reason, your comment’s not on here, yet I see it in my notification. But, I have to admit this wasn’t my brightest idea, I don’t think. But to your question about whether or not he “eats” the souls of animals, that’s a big nope. Animals (except for Marge’s dogs) have never given him reason to kill them, but everybody else has. It’ll be difficult for Harry to have a redemption story on Remnant… if the story continues, that is. Yeah, I can’t see Yang or Blake accepting Harry if he confessed he had basically slaughtered his whole world in a fit of rage. At least, not in the beginning. But Harry’s got a few tricks up his sleeve that might win them over ;)

    Ch 1 Rise of the Death God
    Death Semblance
    Anime & Comics · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to LegendDairy

    Yeah, sorry. I fixed it. I had to remember that A century is a hundred years.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Paradox_Theory

    Well, it IS possible for Daedric Princes to take on consorts. Vaermina had a Breton consort in The Elder Scrolls Online when you had to save the king of the Daggerfall Covenant, King Emeric from her. When you kill her consort, she sounds genuinely in grief about it. Plus Malacath had a son in the Elder Scrolls canon before Sheogorath tricked him kill him. Lamae Beolfag is Molag Bal's consort... though, more an unwilling consort than anything out of a genuine love (plus, let's not forget that Molag Bal married Vivec, and had unholy abomination spawns with him, according to the 36 Lessons of Vivec). There are probably other instances of Daedric Princes taking on mortal consorts, I just can't name them all. As to your concerns of adults leaving Dumbledore so easily. That's more of my own fault. There are characters that I like, and don't like. Remus, Tonks, Moody, Bones, Scrimgeour, Sirius, Narcissa, Bellatrix (whom I can see being under Voldemort's manipulations), I don't know much about Andromeda as I have yet to read the books (currently I'm halfway through the Sorcerer's Stone, and have yet to finish it). Those are examples of characters I like. Dumbledore (after putting much thought into it), the Weasleys (again, after putting enough thought into it... well, Fred and George are the best, so it's not complete Weasley bashing), Voldemort (obviously), the male Malfoys, Fudge, and Umbridge (shocker) are examples of people I DON'T like. Again, sorry if I made it too easy for certain adults to betray Dumbledore like that, but there WILL be those who remain faithful. I just wanted certain members of the OotP to have brains and think for themselves rather than blindly follow Dumbledore. Thanks for enjoying the story so far. It was a pain in the neck to think of something for this chapter, but I managed to get it out.

    Ch 3 Reacquaintance and the Return of the Waking Flame
    Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I know it's been awhile, but I've been having trouble of thinking of how to progress the stories. But no, I haven't forgotten you guys, just been having a bit of trouble.

    Ch 3 Author's Note
    Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Metalloid

    Thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Sorry if I haven't posted anything today, I've been rather busy, but hopefully I'll be able to update soon, if not tomorrow, then hopefully Monday.

    Ch 2 Rise of the Phoenix Queen
    Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Aiden_Dover

    Well, some males she has an aversion to. Having been in the same house as Vernon and Dudley Dursley would most certainly put off any girl. And let’s not forget Ron Weasley’s abhorrent eating habits. But no, Cinder Isn’t completely turned off from males... it’s just that she hasn’t had any positive male influences in her life... of course, if you disclude Mehrunes Dagon that is.

    Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Aiden_Dover

    That's a good question. Who do you think would fill that role well?

    Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to draculemorningstar

    Ah, a fellow RWBY fan! I had honestly thought about making this a triple crossover between Harry Potter/RWBY/The Elder Scrolls where female Harry IS in fact Cinder Fall since I've only seen one fanfiction where fem Harry is Cinder, and even then, it wasn't long enough for my tastes.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction
    Others · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    I'll try to update it. And sorry for the lack of updates.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    Sorry for not replying sooner. To answer your question. A Shadow Phoenix is as its name suggests. Instead of being a Phoenix that are creatures of Light, they are creatures of Darkness, and instead of utilizing fire magic, they utilize shadow magic.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    Don't worry, I'm doing fine. Just trying to think of either new stories or how to update the ones I already have.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    I might be able to update it soon, but today, I had another fanfiction idea for a Harry Potter/Elder Scrolls crossover, so it might not be today. I had just learned that ESO is coming out with another DLC called "Gates of Oblivion", and because I'm a fan of both Harry Potter, and The Elder Scrolls, it kinda inspired a new idea. Like I said, I can update the next chapter for this as soon as possible, but I'd kinda like to get started on this new idea, if that's alright.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95

    To answer your questions in order. Dead, and alive. I do intend to have the Basilisk become her familiar.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    Well, considering that this takes place during the Triwizard Tournament, I think we can cross out that last one. It had more to do with the Thestrals.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    Hmm... I like it. *nods in approval*. Only question is, where should Xaria be confronted? I had thought in the Forbidden Forest, but I'd like to hear your opinion.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    As for Snape. I think he's smart enough to realize that neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort are going to live and at the end of the day, Xaria is the one standing over BOTH their corpses. I think I'll have Snape act as Xaria's agent within both the Order of the Phoenix AND the Death Eaters.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95
  • Darth_Revan95
    Replied to Yasha200215

    All very good questions. While Xaria can simply self-study in the Dark Arts of magic, she chose to study at Hogwarts to be as close to Dumbledore as possible, biding her time before she strikes. School is trivial to her in the grand scheme of things. As for Luna, I planned on having Xaria approach her in the next chapter, but I'm having difficulty with how I should go about it.

    Ch 3 Manipulations, and Resurrections
    Aria Potter and the Rise of the Sith
    Movies · Darth_Revan95