

2020-10-25 JoinedGlobal

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  • Danielle_Werling


    "That's right! It's a promise and Naruto Uzumaki never goes back on his words dattebayo, believe it!" giving her a thumbs up, Naruto gave her his most confident smirk.
    Naruto: The Seal of Legacy
    Anime & Comics · Silent_Dude
  • Danielle_Werling


    True shoving some large injections(fake) on their assholes is a bit too much, but Jesus was crucified on the cross, and the nails made holes through his hands and feet....their butt already has holes, so it won't hurt that much.
    Fate: Remnant
    Anime & Comics · ImperialCupCake
  • Danielle_Werling

    Oh my poor innocent (NOT INNOCENT) summer child

    "Glyn! It's not like that I swear! It's true that I get turned on watching him do it with other girls, but it's not what you think! I don't want him doing it with strangers! I definitely don't have a strange fetish like you said!"
    Fate: Remnant
    Anime & Comics · ImperialCupCake
  • Danielle_Werling

    oh the irony

    "You are talking like a minotaur would appear on the lower floors... Fine..." She agreed after a while, so I paid Miach everything.
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    it already is, if anything this is a multi x-over

    "How about going to the family-owned restaurant you told me about? What was the name... Yukihira something..." She answered, and I smiled at her.
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    there you go, the first step is confession & being true to yourself

    Fine, I'm maybe a battle maniac... But who wouldn't be in a world with Swords and Magic?
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    probably hestia & her other pantheon equivalents

    Who else can control four elements and their deviant forms in this world? No one! I think...
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    & along this line of thinking, vice-versa

    Three years have passed since I became an adventurer, and I've grown a lot during this time. My core broke through into the Initial Silver Stage, and I could see the Aether particles but didn't have any luck in influencing them yet.
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    duh, if freya does, they likely do too.

    The best part was that they could still affect gods in their sealed state. Seeing Zeus, the God of Lightning, be affected by a lightning spell was the funniest thing I've seen. Though he seemed depressed afterward.
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling


    "Just take the one you like, and don't bother me anymore, brat."
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    Also the only reason OG was able to was because of their previous life along with being a prodigy & genius themself.

    But back to my training, now that I didn't need to hide my abilities, I started training outside the house and progressed with my Beast Will. I still could not enter the Integrate Phase, but when it came to my Acquire Phase, I successfully used Static Void stopping time for almost ten seconds.
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    time & space are like yin & yang, in order to control either side you likely must have an intimate understanding of both. The same is likely true for Aether & Void or Creation & Destruction, at the very least to some degree, because they are 2 sides of the same coin.

    But back to my training, now that I didn't need to hide my abilities, I started training outside the house and progressed with my Beast Will. I still could not enter the Integrate Phase, but when it came to my Acquire Phase, I successfully used Static Void stopping time for almost ten seconds.
    In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin
    Anime & Comics · TheRandomMe
  • Danielle_Werling

    since everything is 100% off does that mean everything's free?

    Ding! 1x 100% Discount Coupon In The Shop!
    The Purpose Of My Existence
    Anime & Comics · Charlottes
  • Danielle_Werling
    Replied to origin_seth


    Standing in front of me was a young girl, probably no older than 11 or 12. She had short light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I could have sworn I'd seen her somewhere before, but I couldn't place my finger on it and pushed it to the back of my mind. I had seen and met a number of people who looked like other anime characters from different anime before, only to be fooled.
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Danielle_Werling

    IDK but maybe the effects could be replicated if not mimicked

    Of course, I still needed to implement a few more things. I needed to get my hands on a vat of dragon's Blood to bath her in to make her skin nearly impenetrable while still retaining its softness and I would have to create a Mystic Code for her primary weapon as well as teach her Magecraft. I also wanted to give her Mystic Eyes, however my wish to not have Shiki Tohno born kinda bit me in the butt here, because now I couldn't steal his eyes for her and there was no way in hell I was giving her mine.
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Danielle_Werling

    copyright problems?

    "Fufufu! Never fear, young Illya. For I am He- *cough* for I am the best walnut cream cake maker in the world!" I boasted.
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Danielle_Werling

    not all mage craft needs physical materials, some just need magical energy & the knowledge how the world works & how to manipulate it & it's contents to your will on it through thaumatical &/or mundane methods of how to practice, enact, &/or cast their thaumatical sequences, Also not all casters users have been, are, &/or will be mages, plus there are plenty that used it to protect themselves or encroach upon others or support their fellow countryman or magi in endeavors they face, cause, or try to prevent. Plus there are plenty that use it in ways that are unnecessary.

    First, in the Fate Universe, the world's population is actually much smaller than it would be around this time in my world. It wasn't hard to see why though. Wars were bloodier here, as secret magus wars and thaumaturgical weapons were used alongside conventional weaponry during battles. Curses were implanted on bullets that made sure anyone even grazed by them would be seriously injured and unable to fight for the rest of the war, and wide-scale magecraft was used against enemy formations. Mustard Gas in my old world was already dangerous enough before the Germans began Enchanting it to pass through gas masks.
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Danielle_Werling

    heavens feel can do true resurrection it can pull the souls out of the root, or reconstruct their souls after inserting their very being there, & if that isn't true as long as the soul hasn't been deleted of depleted due to too much spirit corrosion or reaching the root & staying in the realm of akasha, long enough for the root (Aka: a black hole apparently) for too long, & also if heaven's feel couldn't do it nothing else could either, especially in the nasuverse because the swirl of the root (that is essentially a black hole that contains all the knowledge of past, present, & future of the nasuverse & universes of alternate multiverses that collide with it) that collects all of the souls of those whose vessels are of no use to them & cant return through another.

    True Magic, on the other hand, would be registered withing the ROOT and thus, while probably annoyed, Ayala and Gaia wouldn't have any particular reason to come after me, as I hadn't threatened the power-balance of the world yet, plus the ancient magics were totally broken. Spirit Magic on its own is already superior to Heaven's Feel since it can revive the dead, which Heaven's Feel can't do. The only ability Heaven's Fell has that I couldn't replicate with Spirit Magic was unlimited mana and the ability to summon beings from the Throne of Heroes, though I already had a plan for that.
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Danielle_Werling

    why not all 3

    "Let's make the Tokyo Holy Grail War happen the same year as the 4th Holy Grail War. Next, eliminate Shiki Tohno. I always hated his character. Can you add a few characters in from PRISMA ILLYA too? I really like Chloe, and when she grows up, she could totally be a tanned waifu-"
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Danielle_Werling

    have to agree there, though technically everything has a cost, & so I see, to some degree, at the same time, that it is kind of reasonable to have to put some sort of price/investment of less value at stake if you want a chance to obtain something of equal if not greater value, especially if it takes away some of the a lot of the chance attached to it in exchange for a lil bit of work of lesser value & entertainment, though at the same time they are one of many possibly R.O.B.s or higher powers, thus should still be able to nullify the extra unwanted (sometimes) unrealistically unreasonable costs.

    "But the worse part is the punishments. Like, I always hated fanfics that had systems that took away abilities or the use of body parts for ridiculous reasons. The worst one I ever read was when someone failed a 'hidden mission' and was teleported to another planet as punishment. Of course, there is the always famous 'If you don't sleep with this girl you just met in one week, you'll have ED for the rest of your life', bullshit. Not getting the reward should be punished enough, especially since the system is supposed to be its user's servant, not the other way around."
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime