


I have sinned against you and the heavens, I don't deserve your forgiveness

2020-09-21 JoinedBrazil



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  • Querubim_
    Replied to Wachdog

    Renegade Immortal is 15

    It was as if he could break through to an additional '11 rank'.
    ATG: My genius is almost frightening!
    Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Shenlong_2005

    It was supposed to help with writing, but it ended up helping me more lol.

    [Be aware that your body is not the famous "Gamer Body", the system has unleashed its body's potential, being able to reach human limits and even surpass them to a certain extent. If you stop training, eat too many foods that denigrate your health, or use toxic substances, you could lose stats points. Keep up a daily exercise routine and pay attention to your diet, and I don't need to mention staying away from drugs and cigarettes.]
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to TheDarkDark

    thanks for the encouragement, it's people like you who keep me writing <3

    Ch 13 Doctor's Appointment
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to TheDarkDark

    I moved to a house near my father, so I didn't have time to write. I work with him in his truck workshop so I only have a few hours in the evening to write.

    Ch 13 Doctor's Appointment
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Querubim_

    Athena and Nisha is kind of impossible, one is a lesbian and the other is in a relationship with Jack. Lilith is crazy but hot, her relationship with Roland is one-sided and superficial. In one comic, she kisses him as soon as she gets on Marcus's bus, even though they've never met before. Moze, I still need to see how I do it. But I'm not going to lie, adding her to the harem, but not having any interaction beyond sex, makes any romance boring and monotonous.

    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Sabaroth_zarkiel

    I'm moving house and I don't have my computer. I also need to sort out some paperwork. Next month things will be back to normal and I'll continue writing more chapters.

    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_

    hello, author here to pat myself on the back for taking the initiative to start writing. However, I recognize that there's a lot of room for improvement, so I'll be giving myself 5 stars when I've completed it. Peace

    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Bridallist7645

    All the versions are in the shop, but he chose the Titanfall2 version. I simply wanted to avoid writing all of them as it would only change the design, but they all have hacking capabilities, so I saw no point in writing everything.

    "Read it, let's see what we can find out." Taking the bottle of beer from Ned's hand, Maxwell sat down in the chair, making himself comfortable as he took a few sips.
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to TheDarkDark

    No kidding, did you make that fanfic? I had it downloaded, and I read it on my way to work.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: Aftermath (2)
    Borderlands: Conquest
    Video Games · TheDarkDark
  • Querubim_
    Replied to TheDarkDark

    Yeah bro, I'd read your book a while back and after another Borderlands fanfic came out I got excited but the fanfic hadn't been continued, so I started writing it myself, the name was Borderlands: A Backwater Universe.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: Aftermath (2)
    Borderlands: Conquest
    Video Games · TheDarkDark
  • Querubim_

    I read the chapter while listening to the Mad Moxxi bar theme, It's a good chapter author!

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: Aftermath (2)
    Borderlands: Conquest
    Video Games · TheDarkDark
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Bridallist7645

    Unfortunately, the first one can't be, as only the 3 Titans from the first game will be released. Ogre, Atlas, and Stryder. Maybe in the future?

    "Read it, let's see what we can find out." Taking the bottle of beer from Ned's hand, Maxwell sat down in the chair, making himself comfortable as he took a few sips.
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Sir_Stronghold

    Yep, but the equipment used to gain the powers, not the power itself.

    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to OloEyktan

    I think you're referring to the effort when lifting/pushing a heavy load, right? I didn't put it in the explanation because I'm going to show it in the writing, not tell it.

    [Strength (STR): It represents your physical strength. This affects the general force of your blows and resistance to pushes and impacts. Additionally, it influences your maximum weight that can be carried, pushed, and lifted, with each point in STR granting an additional 3.5kg of lifting capacity. However, lifting capacity is halved if only one hand is used.]
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to 1emanresU

    It's great to see that some readers do their own calculations and don't accept anything written without question. In the second chapter, I explained why the MC gets 3.5 (175 kg / 385 pounds) instead of 10 (500 kg / 1102 pounds) in his STR status. In short, I wrote down how STR works while watching videos of fighters, and realized that there is a common sense about strength. Wrestlers are divided into WEIGHT categories because a taller, bulkier man generally has more strength than someone shorter and leaner. So STR takes into account factors such as height and body volume. Therefore, a man and a woman with a STR of 50 would not have the same absolute strength value (kg/pounds), but rather strength proportional to their weight and body structure. This explains why the MC doesn't reach the human record of 500 kg, but a more realistic 175 kg, reflecting his body composition and the common sense of relative strength. I intend to make the protagonist gain more muscle mass and grow taller over the course of the story. This means that, as he evolves physically, the STR values and his absolute strength will also increase, reflecting these changes in his body.

    [Strength (STR): It represents your physical strength. This affects the general force of your blows and resistance to pushes and impacts. Additionally, it influences your maximum weight that can be carried, pushed, and lifted, with each point in STR granting an additional 3.5kg of lifting capacity. However, lifting capacity is halved if only one hand is used.]
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Hellfire45


    "Read it, let's see what we can find out." Taking the bottle of beer from Ned's hand, Maxwell sat down in the chair, making himself comfortable as he took a few sips.
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to GeeGeeTeeWuu

    Yep, Titanfall and Apex Legends have better technology for civilian use than Borderlands, in my opinion. In one mission of the TF2 campaign, there was a house factory, which I thought was incredible at the time and couldn't leave out of the purchase options.

    Ch 11 Fluorescent Adolescent
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    * Vinson Dyn. PCS-3
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Whadyamean

    He's saying it in your mind, just ignore the " at the beginning, it was a typo.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_
  • Querubim_
    Replied to Slrrrp

    yeah, they both start with Hope, but in the picture, the black one doesn't. The name of this heirloom is Hope's Dusk and Hope's Dawn.

    * Hope's Dusk
    Borderlands: Apex Predator
    Video Games · Querubim_