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  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Author Sama u said quian ranxue will meet him at chapter 45 right?

    Ch 39 Chapter 39 Assassins
    Douluo: The Blind One
    Anime & Comics · Trinity189
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Oopse, glad they didn't succeed

    Ch 65 update
    One piece: The Fist of Justice
    Anime & Comics · TrapcardD
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to Swachchhanda_Thapa

    I forgot to add, the battle was also too calm, you know Mihawak is like Roger among swordsman, he is the king so hey should have decimated the entire area at their level of battle in my oppinion.

    Ch 1 The World's Greatest Swordsman
    One Piece: The World's Strongest Man
    Anime & Comics · NeyZeroLin
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Little to early, mihawak right now is like the strongest in one piece maybe right below imu . every thanks or other swordsman getting hyped is a Mihawk hype so it would be ridiculous if MC has any difficulty defeating other people now.

    Ch 1 The World's Greatest Swordsman
    One Piece: The World's Strongest Man
    Anime & Comics · NeyZeroLin
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Nice start

    Ch 1 Transmigration
    One Piece: The World's Strongest Man
    Anime & Comics · NeyZeroLin
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Even of story was bad, for attitude alone you would get 4 stats. But the story release rate makes me want to give 10/5. I really hope more authors had your mentality. I do hope sincerely that you retain the attitude even if some lowlife comments bad things without explaining why just because they can.

    One Piece: The World's Strongest Man
    Anime & Comics · NeyZeroLin
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Are we expecting a major time skip? Also, I would love him to be rival of hawkeye, strongest swordsman vs strongest fistman. I mean I know Shanks does gets hyped a lot bit u gotta know every Shanks hype is indirectly a mihawk hype as he is the STRONGEST SWORDSMAN PERIOD. And ya boy shanks is a swordsman.

    Ch 60 Q&A
    One piece: The Fist of Justice
    Anime & Comics · TrapcardD
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to Master_Atlest

    You sir just made a ridiculous claim. It is not as simple as u state. What is void? Space perhaps? But you do realize the phenomenon of space and time are not discrete. Its Space-Time continuum. So, we can not say when this continuum came to be. As far as we know for a fact the big bang start our portion of the continuum . Although no hard evidence of suggests anything before that event. It created space-time that we know of. So if author wants to at least follow basic principles its not one over the other but one and the other. Now, for the filling of time part, you can fill time just with time. Like you fill space with space. Example, you fill today between yesterday and tomorrow, it is a continuum just like space. There is infinite singular space between 1 cm just like infinite time between two time events.

    Ch 55 Battle of Domains, Madara vs. Suguru
    In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique
    Anime & Comics · David_555
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to poonie_jr

    Halt in theory is difficult than to e rewind.in case of normal time the time flows like an arrow from 0 to infinity, in contrast rewind is 0 to negative infinity. But halt is a different beast. Its like freezing in 0 tomorrow overlaps with yesterday, example, if time stops tomorrow's me will be there with today's me, in depth there would be infinite me at one single moment, the me of every second and the you of every second. If u stop time within 5 km it will turn into a black hole of 5km as there would be infinite mass in that 5. Km. And even this is all an educated estimate.

    Ch 45 Cross roads of Destiny
    In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique
    Anime & Comics · David_555
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    Bruh please don't make these last moment saves frequent things, it like never makes sense. Maybe a midway save or even a bad hospitalization is digestible.

    Ch 56 The Island Smasher!
    One piece: The Fist of Justice
    Anime & Comics · TrapcardD
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    How about let him understand his techniques more, control over time is a very diverse ability, you can control reactions cause decay of particles and even control temperature. There are many outcomes of time control. I hope he can further his understanding and start domain formation. How about a domain like eternal realm where you experience eternity, past present and future of cosmos at a moment. If both user and fiction experience it he should technically be able to time travel.

    Ch 44 Aftermath
    In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique
    Anime & Comics · David_555
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to Young_fruit_Smiley

    Knowing. The future and changing it. Great geniuses , do u think there is meaning to knowing the future and changing it? If you change then something u do t know happens. Objectively knowing the future is not as great an ability as it seems. Best u could do is know what might co e and prepare. Change it and there is half chance its fans be more dangerous.just think sometimes. Now what I find strange is he can stop the flow of time but can't rewind. It takes literally more energy to halt time. Almost all laws of physics can work in negative time, but to halt time is effectively achieving absolute 0 temperature even the one that does it would die as no air will flow in to his body. All particles will cease to exist as the protons and electrons no longer vivrate. Basically it is the most ridiculous ability.

    Ch 43 Battle
    In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique
    Anime & Comics · David_555
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to David_555

    The concept of time related curse technique is great and maybe the only way anyone can compete with space technique. But if you go by pure physics space dominates time in extreme situations while again even space requires time to cause effects to the surrounding. Further, time is too delicate a factor and no-one has a good definition for it. In the novel, if madara is able to rewind time, will he remember time is rewinded? Otherwise the events might just repeat since its like rewinding the same movie its not fans change the direction of the movie. Also, I if he remembers he can perpetually rewind time since he will just know how to rewind time and keep transferring the knowledge back so in theory he can change events that made pushed him to be strong or develop abilities to rewind time, therefore erasing the need to do those things in the first place.

    Ch 42 Hidden Inventory XI: Decisive Battle II; Madara vs Urahara (I)
    In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique
    Anime & Comics · David_555
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to Lavalord115

    Honestly it would better to filter out first. It won't do any good to have power you can control. Also, it would be such a waste to let all that power go just for some variables so best way is distill.

    Ch 91 Chapter 91:
    Naruto: Of Bone and Ice
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to GeneralAldrnari

    When you make an statement so full of certainly you are likely to be identified for your incompetence for logical reasoning. Also, I really apologize for your case and hope your find a way to treat your hateful heart as well. My heartfelt condolences.

    Ch 107 Chapter 101 - An Unsteady Blade.
    Fairy Tail: Shinigami
    Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to Mahbub2001

    Bruh, your arguments are unfounded. You say bleach power scale is stronger on what basis? Its not about how long u can fight but rather how kuch is your power output. Second, take for now bleach power scale is stronger, did you not see a whole arc dedicated to show he ain't in bleach world and is having hard time to control power. Further, harsh beat acknologia? Putt more like the whole kingdom had to use their power to. However, I do agree that Adam just killing jellal or capturing him is not like him being psycho killer. Take shanks for example, the moment he realized kids intention, he one shot him. This is not shanks being psycho but being caring and smart. So, I am not complaining in anything except MC lacking a bit of trust in makaravs powers and being a bit hesitant. But, I sure he will learn in due time. Life will teach him. If not a the black dragon will. Also, I am not thrilled with people wanting MC to beat acknologoa solo. No-one reaches that level without going insane, its no longer about ur talent for magic and more about your hunger for power.

    Ch 102 Author Note.
    Fairy Tail: Shinigami
    Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to CookieMonster9001

    Love makes people blind, prime example. Think about it, there is Jakarta in magnolia who is as strong or stronger than adam. The old man could surely sense etharion and deal with it.

    Ch 101 Chapter 98 - Cheap Tactics. Part 2
    Fairy Tail: Shinigami
    Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to Callum_Runchman

    Simply because we don't like it can't mean its wrong tho. For them it is honor is maintained with what they perceive as equals. Now, more than right or wrong there is consequence. It is not the few that decide to rule the many but intact the many who let themselves be ruled. They are always in search for better opportunities to seek from rulers. If someone appears who they think is better beyond the threshold they will rebel and crown a new king.

    Ch 92 CHAPTER 92
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa
    Replied to KuroWashi1903

    I can relate but, I think its about time he also develops some wits. Think about it, power does not allow you to rule but acknowledgment of people does. If u watched Naruto,, it a hi says those who seek to be acknowledged can never be Hokage ,, only those who are acknowledged can be hokage. Similarly raw power is for defense. He can't just force people with power to accept him. He will need an image to get what he wants. I am still hoping he learns that. Honestly, one part of me thought it might be his plan to appear like a pumps brat and slowly conspire his way up top as ned would now think despite his physical power mentally he is a kid and let is guard down.

    Ch 91 CHAPTER 91
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903
  • Swachchhanda_Thapa

    I am quite disappointed, MC says only sees things from his side. Isn't he a previously grown man knowing about societ. He behaved like a brat in this chapter. I mean why would people believe your word if its just that, your word. It would be logical if he had caught someone as a proof, brought the nearest lord to the location, etc. What's more he is acting like those Chinese MC who love faceslapping. Bruh, the wise one never reveals his intentions specially those that can get him in trouble. All his actions are making him into a northerner but a more foolish version with extra power. What a disappointing character growth.

    Ch 91 CHAPTER 91
    A Druid In Game Of Thrones
    TV · KuroWashi1903