
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 39 Assassins

In a magnificent building, several people were kneeling on the ground. In front of them sat a woman on a throne, her expression difficult to decipher—whether angry or neutral. She gazed at the Golden Generation, a team that had just lost their last match due to their ignorance.

The fact that they couldn't defeat last remaining opponent, kid from the Heaven Duo Imperial Academy named Hun Yu, was a humiliating blow to Spirit Hall.

Sitting on her pope's throne, the woman, known as Bibi Dong, rested her head on her palm, observing the Golden Generation. No one could fathom what thoughts raced through her mind.

Meanwhile, Hu Leina, a member of the Golden Generation, looked towards her teacher, Bibi Dong, and spoke, "Your majesty, please punish us." Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong replied, "Of course, you all should be punished for tarnishing the name of Spirit Hall."

Bibi Dong gazed at the Golden Generation and released the pressure of her title as a Douluo upon them. The weight bore down on them, and their faces showed signs of impending collapse. Just as they were about to faint, Bibi Dong withdrew the pressure and declared in a commanding voice, "All good." As everyone prepared to leave, she called out, "Hu Leina, you stay here." Hearing this, Hu Leina halted her departure.

Once everyone had departed, Hu Leina stood before Bibi Dong, her teacher. Hu Leina asked, "Teacher, what can I do for you?" Bibi Dong rose from her throne and replied, "Hu Leina, I have a mission for you." She looked towards Hu Leina, awaiting a response.

Hu Leina knew she had no right to refuse this mission, considering the shame she had brought upon Spirit Hall by losing the contest. She understood that she had to carry out whatever her teacher commanded. Hu Leina responded, "What is the mission, teacher?"

Meanwhile, in the quarters of the Heaven Duo Imperial Academy team, also known as the Emperor Team, Yu Tianheng conversed with his girlfriend, Dugo Yan. They discussed when Hun Yu would wake up.

Yu Tianheng pondered the idea of recruiting Hun Yu into his clan, considering the potential he had displayed by single-handedly defeating the entire Golden Generation.

Yu Tianheng was confident that Hun Yu would become a Title Douluo in the future. His clan, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, is the top clan in the world. However, they lacked sufficient Title Douluo, with only one their clan leader at 95th level while the rest were at the 89th or 87th level.

As Dugo Yan left the room, Yu Tianheng delved into his thoughts, strategizing how to recruit Hun Yu into his clan. He came up with the idea of tying Hun Yu to a female member of his clan, creating a bond of love that would indirectly secure Hun Yu's allegiance. However,

Yu Tianheng faced the challenge of selecting the right girl from his clan who could ensnare Hun Yu's heart.

On the other hand, Hu Leina contemplated the mission bestowed upon her by her teacher as she made her way to her designated place.

As the week passed, Hun Yu, who had been in a deep sleep or coma, slowly regained consciousness.

As he attempted to rise, excruciating pain coursed through his body. The nurse in attendance quickly summoned his teammates and teachers from the Heaven Duo Imperial Academy.

As everyone entered the room, Hun Yu remembered passing out during the match. Meng Shenji asked him how he was feeling and if everything was alright. Hun Yu simply replied with a quiet "hmm..."

The Emperor Team also arrived in the room where Hun Yu was. Yu Tianheng approached him and inquired about his well-being.

Hun Yu confirmed that he was fine and expressed his readiness to participate in the upcoming last match of the contest. Yu Tianheng assured him that if his condition wasn't suitable, they wouldn't force him to participate.

Time passed, and now an hour had gone by. Everyone had left, leaving Hun Yu alone in the room. They had asked him about his sudden power surge during the battle against the Golden Generation, but even he didn't know what had happened. So, there was nothing he could tell them except that he was unaware of what had transpired at that moment.

Two days later, Hun Yu wandering through the spirit city of Spirit Hall. As he explored, he stumbled upon an alley that seemed peculiar. His senses told him that something was amiss, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he ventured into the dimly lit alleyway. Suddenly, he sensed something odd and two men dressed in black appeared before him. Instinctively, Hun Yu assumed a defensive stance.

One of the men chuckled and said, "Brother, don't you think we've caught this fish quite easily? Heheheheehee." The other man agreed, remarking that it was the perfect opportunity to eliminate him since they wouldn't have another chance in the spirit city. Listening to their conversation, Hun Yu was certain that these two were assassins sent to kill him. His current condition wasn't optimal, as he still had lingering injuries and hadn't fully recovered his spirit power. Currently, he could only unleash the power of a level 40 spirit, but from his senses, he could tell that the other party was a Spirit King or even higher.

"Which force is so afraid of me that they sent two Spirit Kings to kill me?" Hun Yu questioned the assassins.

"You don't need to know. Just understand that dying at our hands is the greatest honor in your life," one of the assassins sneered as they launched their attack.

Realizing that his chances of winning were slim, Hun Yu had no choice but to attempt to flee. However, he was stopped by an invisible barrier. "Kekeke... Do you think you can escape so easily? We placed this barrier here to prevent your escape," one of the assassins taunted.

With no escape route available, Hun Yu had to confront the two assassins head-on. As they relentlessly attacked him, he was pushed back with each strike. Just as he was on the brink of defeat, he heard them mention that someone had broken the barrier. Realizing the urgency, they planned to finish him off quickly before a stronger individual intervened. However, before they could deliver their final blow, a voice rang out.

"It takes quite some courage to attempt an assassination in the spirit city," a woman with golden hair emerged from the shadows. To Hun Yu's surprise, it was Hu Leina, and behind her stood knights donned in golden armor. She ordered the knights to deal with the two assassins, referring to them as rats.

As Hu Leina approached Hun Yu, who was still on the ground, she extended her hand to help him up. "Who would have thought that the person who single-handedly defeated the Spirit Hall team would be taken down by these fools?" she said in a playful tone. Hun Yu, taking her hand, remarked, "I never expected it would be you who would come to my rescue."

"Why wouldn't it be me?" Hu Leina replied. "Well, considering our tournament history and how your team and you were defeated by me, one would assume you harbor some resentment towards me," Hun Yu said.

Hu Leina pondered his words for a moment before responding, "Hmm... indeed, I did resent you at first. However, I've come to realize that it's more important to experience defeat sometimes rather than winning all the time. I happened to be patrolling nearby with the knights when I sensed the disturbance and decided to investigate. It's my responsibility to ensure the safety of teams in the spirit city. If you were to be assassinated here, it would bring even more shame to the name of Spirit Hall."