

2020-08-17 JoinedGlobal



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  • JosephJoester

    I honestly expected more mythological plot, but other than the start, there weren't many other myth parts in the original story.  I expected him to start from Egypt because of the title and base story, with maybe Mutant Apocalypse plot starting. Instead, he is dropped in New York with the rest of the familiar faces. Well it's fine since Black Cat is in New York 😔. Jokes aside I hope we'll get more mythological things this time. And as the synopsis said the MC is a piece of sh8. It depends on your taste in MCs if you'd like him or not. Might not be everyone's cup of tea since he's quite more ruthless than the usual naive and the good guys. He's kinda annoying sometimes but it's bearable. He likes power, money, and girls, and he does heinous stuff to have them. I think he's basically a villain pretending to be a hero for benefits from what I remember from the original, an anti hero. He was already quite ruthless from his first life, a bit too much imo.  Hopefully he'll learn to love his women better this time around. The update stability last time was trash though. Hopefully that'll be better this time too.

    Marvel: False God - Avatar of Ogdoad
    Movies · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Replied to SirPocoyo

    Ah if you can't put the reason into words then it's likely a purely personal reason to you rather than something logical, I guess. Not judging though, it makes sense, people have different taste 🥂 cheers

    …Well fine, I guess they're not bad for my girls. I changed my pessimistic mind after taking a better look at the artifacts. I wasn't going to use them anyway, judging them by my million-year-old standards wasn't wise. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Replied to Numloc

    Yeah exactly, ngl who's gonna read a boring indifferent personality MC who's neutral to everything 😂

    …Well fine, I guess they're not bad for my girls. I changed my pessimistic mind after taking a better look at the artifacts. I wasn't going to use them anyway, judging them by my million-year-old standards wasn't wise. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Replied to SirPocoyo

    I don't think any of those points makes sense. He's never been shown to be incompetent, there's not been one problem that he was unable to solve. And the bratty one is only understandable if you were talking about the cultivator venerable persona since that's just the usual cliche archetype for that type of character, but you're not. Bratty because he judged these gifts based on his million year old standards, in comparison to the fifteen years he's lived here? Nah 😂

    …Well fine, I guess they're not bad for my girls. I changed my pessimistic mind after taking a better look at the artifacts. I wasn't going to use them anyway, judging them by my million-year-old standards wasn't wise. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Unlike Kazuki, Minato and Kushina had graduated a year earlier, at the age of ten, and Minato had been on the battlefield for the past six months.
    Konoha: The Template System
    Anime & Comics · Tobi_444
  • JosephJoester


    At that moment, another figure exited the school, drawing fleeting glances due to his distinctive silver hair and brown eyes, which set him apart in the dense crowd. He was about 11 years old, standing tall for his age at approximately 163 cm, with wheat-colored skin, slanted brown eyes, and short silver hair.
    Konoha: The Template System
    Anime & Comics · Tobi_444
  • JosephJoester

    Waiting for him to learn a Path, hopefully a new one or Hungry Deep

    Ch 181 [181] Sacred Gear Isn’t Enough, We Need More Treasures- Oh…
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester


    My days grew too busy to count before I knew it.
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester

    Genderbent of the guy who got bullied earlier 😂 ??

    I walked back to the boxes and grabbed the Soul Amulet. I raised it high and watched the chandelier's light reflect against its pearl. "This one deals with souls and death," I looked at the girls around me, "I don't think any of you are confident dealing with it. So I'll be a little brazen and," I walked over to my Goddess and raised it toward her. "I apologize for offering such a weak artifact, my Goddess, but Death Divinity will help you now that Ozriel is no more."
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    "You knew! You should have warned!" The little girl yelled, while her sister helped her up with a laugh. I ignored her and grabbed the Amulet. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    …Well fine, I guess they're not bad for my girls. I changed my pessimistic mind after taking a better look at the artifacts. I wasn't going to use them anyway, judging them by my million-year-old standards wasn't wise. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Replied to SirPocoyo

    Huh what's so hateful

    …Well fine, I guess they're not bad for my girls. I changed my pessimistic mind after taking a better look at the artifacts. I wasn't going to use them anyway, judging them by my million-year-old standards wasn't wise. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Soul Binding: The amulet can capture and bind souls, allowing the wielder to communicate with the dead or ask for their powers. Earth's Embrace: Control over the soil and the ability to raise dead plants from it, including causing rapid growth or decay and manipulating the ground. Necromantic Aura: Grants the ability to raise the dead as loyal servants and can siphon life energy from foes to heal the wielder.
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Immortality: Halts the aging process, granting the wearer eternal youth as long as it is worn. Regeneration: Provides accelerated healing, allowing the wearer to recover from injuries at an incredible rate. Vitality Boost: Enhances the wearer's overall physical health, increasing stamina, strength, and resistance to diseases.
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester

    Hopefully they sent actual gifts and not some egg that'll hatch a girl

    Seeing me gloomy, she chewed on her lips and blinked in surprise. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, but there was an envoy from Olympus a few hours ago. You were locked in your room, deciding who to give the sacred gears to, so we didn't bother you. They left three boxes of gifts. I didn't get the chance to tell you since we all got busy with this Sacred Gear situation."
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester

    Would you rather power up your girlfriend 1 or your girlfriend 5's little sister?

    Those two sisters didn't receive any Sacred Gear, since the older one had one already, and the younger one wasn't really a choice in my head. Variant Detonation might have suited her better than Tsubasa, I guess. It'd have gone well with her Black Flames. But while I cared about synergy… I wanted my Nyx to be strong.
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester
    Replied to BikerGirly

    Would you rather power up your girlfriend 1 or your girlfriend 5's little sister?

    Those two sisters didn't receive any Sacred Gear, since the older one had one already, and the younger one wasn't really a choice in my head. Variant Detonation might have suited her better than Tsubasa, I guess. It'd have gone well with her Black Flames. But while I cared about synergy… I wanted my Nyx to be strong.
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester

    He's telling his women to make sandwiches

    I smiled, "No, I was saying that I'd love to have an herbal mix of tea, I need my head to be clear. Would you make me one?"
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester


    Tsubasa, huh? Why did… she take this identity? Or was it not a manual choice? And why are her memories sealed? I had a lot of questions.
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • JosephJoester

    Oww nah he's GROOMING the femboy

    Whatever, I have time. I should wait for that Gasper kid to grow up. Azazel thought. It was alright to take time with this; everything was alright, he could relax. Just as he settled deeper into his musings, his phone buzzed—an irritating, discordant sound that shattered his lovely peace. 
    Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall