

2020-06-06 JoinedUnited States



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  • Mungknut
    Replied to Tekbox

    I know the updates are very inconsistent. I try to write some every day but I work six days a week and have a family so it’s difficult to find the time sometimes. Just know that I do appreciate you and everyone else that supports my story even though the updates are so sporadic.

    With a wave of his hand, Professor Kal summoned a Warp Gate, the dark, swirling vortex appearing right next to their table. The sudden use of magic drew the attention of the adventurers, even the bear of a man named Francis opened his eyes wide at the sight. He had been a bit embarrassed to have been put on his knees by such a 'small' man but seeing that he was a mage made him feel a bit better about himself.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Tekbox

    He can use both.

    With a wave of his hand, Professor Kal summoned a Warp Gate, the dark, swirling vortex appearing right next to their table. The sudden use of magic drew the attention of the adventurers, even the bear of a man named Francis opened his eyes wide at the sight. He had been a bit embarrassed to have been put on his knees by such a 'small' man but seeing that he was a mage made him feel a bit better about himself.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Jeffrey_Lamptey

    Yes and no. He was eaten by the monster, and was forcibly moved into its soul plane which is still within their physical plane.

    Ch 106 Discovering Yourself
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Cultreevation

    Yeah, I think you’re right.

    "Suit yourself." Professor Kal said, shrugging his shoulders. "Take a seat next to the circle. I'll recite the spell, and you just repeat after me. Do your best to match my annunciation, it relies heavily on it."
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Cyclops1i

    Well, that’s embarrassing. 😬

    The razing of the village was just a test of their military power. It could have been considered a resounding success; they had completely eradicated an entire town while only loosing three demons to armed combat. The only variable was that lone mage, he alone defeated fifty of his demons. Of course, he could have chosen to ignore the mage, but he dared not risk it, not when his foundation was still shaky at best.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to I_m_A_Starfish

    Thanks a bunch. I try hard to have aleverything flow together and make sense. I hope you enjoy my story further.

    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Aesol

    Being a high fantasy story, not a lot of research is really required. I do research the things that are rooted in the real world such as the noble hierarchy, or the proper names for things such as the pendalogues on the chandelier. Most of my time is spent reviewing each chapter for spelling, grammar, and clarity of the words and sentences.

    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Asura_7

    The cloth is another way to say the church.

    "I do not have a place in my court for a coward! I realize Mage Kalcifer is unnaturally powerful, but he is still a man, is he not? Although I owe him a debt for saving my life, I cannot in good conscience leave him to wander this world. He is a necromancer; he must be dealt with, and I'm sure the cloth would agree with me."
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Kotik_Kotik

    That's how you get mutant spiders.

    The lab was by far the easiest, he would need almost all of his equipment. From bunsen burners to highly calibrated mana density analysers, he would need it all for his upcoming research. When he was finished in his lab, the only thing left were angry spiders, upset about their homes being demolished.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Hannibal1996

    I usually have the computer read the chapter back to me once I run spell check and grammar. For chapter seventy I didn't do that, so I think two missed words aren't too bad then. lol

    Thinking up a solution, Professor Kal shot a super-heated fireball at the chandelier, immediately followed by another large ice spear. His theory was quite sound, he was hoping to thermally shock whatever made up the black crystal. The glass greedily gulped down the almost white-hot ball of flame, making the room as hot as an over for a split second before the man length spear of ice slammed into it.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Rouss_0916

    Thanks a lot. Hopefully it picks up, but if it doesn't I still plan on completing it either way. Thanks for reading.

    Ch 69 (Nice) The Haunted Mansion (1/2)
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Hannibal1996

    No, that’s what I meant. He’s An aloe Vera plant. Lol

    John had been a salve for the majority of his life, ever since he was eight. His parents had sold him into slavery one particularly harsh winter. Food was short and they were starving, they managed to get two gold coins for him. They could have gotten more if John had been a girl, maybe twice as much. He had been through several different masters over the years, some worse than others. This particular master has been, by far, the best.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Hannibal1996

    Dang it, can’t catch every single one.

    Shrugging her shoulders, the hooded figure walked towards the door before stopping and saying. "You'll get what you get, they're no guarantees in life."
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Nihle

    I know the releases are slow, I’m Doing the best I can. With a full time job and two kids it’s sometimes hard to find the time to write. (Luckily, I can write while I’m At work.)

    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to Mr_Jahee_Elie

    You’d be correct. No matter how many times you proofread something there’s always one thing that slips through.

    Ryan's chest hurt, it felt like his heart was going to explode. Being that close to Laura had drove him over the edge. The feeling of her body pressed against his, the scent of her hair in the faint breeze, made him almost loose his mind. He had to get away from her, if he didn't, he was afraid that he would pass out.
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to AkiraLight

    I'll try to have at least one chapter per day, but working full time puts a damper on writing. Thank you for taking an interest in it though.

    Ch 19 The Ritual
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut

    Of course I’m plugging my own book. I try to keep the story interesting and the quality high. I hope that yoi enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writting it.

    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Mungknut
    Replied to BlankNbland

    Sarcastic comment is sarcastic.

    Ch 1 Basic Information
    The White Magus
    Fantasy · Shadow_Drev