
Professor Kal

Author: Mungknut
Ongoing · 1.7M Views
  • 127 Chs
  • 4.8
    47 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Professor Kal

Read ‘Professor Kal’ Online for Free, written by the author Mungknut, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Countless years were spent deep in his lab, perfecting the solution to an age-old problem. Finally, with the success he ...


Countless years were spent deep in his lab, perfecting the solution to an age-old problem. Finally, with the success he had been searching for, an undead Lich is finally free from the shackles of his kind. With years of knowledge and skill, he embarks on a journey to explore the surface, to study the unknown, and to make use of his newfound power. Link to the discord is here: https://discord.gg/yes9qJuF

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He wasn't expecting to be slapped in the face as it was easy to tell from his shocked expression which quickly turned to rage.I tried not to be affected by his angry ocean blue eyes glaring at me clearly stating how furious he was because I slapped him. “You shouldn't have done that.”he said his Jaws clenched. He spoke with such calmness that intimidated me, Killian was surely different today. I trusted Killian that he will do nothing to me but yet I feared as he took calculated steps towards me. For every step he took forward, I took a step backwards before I met a dead end as my back touched the wall behind me. He held both my hands above my head as I weakened in front of him like a plastic in front of fire.I was defenceless against him,against his hold,against his blazing angerand he did the most unexpected thing. He kissed me. I knew this kiss was different,the way his lips came crashing down on mine was not like the usual slow and passionate kisses we've shared. It was a rough and punishing kiss,the kind of kiss that told me not to mess with him.I felt his anger,his guilt and mostly his disappointment in me.He made me forget why I even raised my hand on him, I felt ashamed for doing that. “Don't you ever slap.me.again.” he warned his anger showing through his stressed words. ••• In a world of heirs, Eliana was nothing but a mere graduate. She wasn't rich or a genius, nor was she blessed with a good past. It was always hard work and her good luck pendant that got her through the day. So when life gave her the opportunity to be a secretary at her dream company, she wasn't one to refuse.She wasn't going to refuse even if it meant she would be working for an arrogant,cocky man who goes by the name Killian Grayson who is known for his killer smile,devilishly handsome looks,and his various flings.He is the kind of guy who would make you senseless with just a touch. He is rich,arrogant and a player.He wants her fired but she is to stay.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Starting out
Volume 2 :Getting Established
Volume 3 :Säravast


  • Overall Rate
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Definitely a hidden gem on this website. The writing quality (grammar etc.) is very good. The characters are quite dynamic and I really like the world building until now. I really hope the author doesn't drop this.


Of course I’m plugging my own book. I try to keep the story interesting and the quality high. I hope that yoi enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writting it.


Reveal spoiler


I just blazed through the entire story today and the quality of the story is amazing! The character interactions are depicted really well and I think that the personalities are introduced organically. I'm looking forward to how the story develops. Author, please keep up the good work!


Dont drop this peace of marvelous gem of a novel LOVE IT MORE PLZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Professor Kal is a story about Kal, a lich who hid his phylactery in another plane, granting him pseudo-immortality and a lot of power. He decides to explore the world since he hasn't left his cave for over two millennia. Mildly interesting story, however the execution left much to be desired. Writing quality is below average, there's a lot of awkward writing, small mistakes, and some of the dialogue is very cringy and unrealistic. (3/5 stars) Story development is quite bad. It's a typical overpowered protagonist story, where the main character is a teacher. The concept is somewhat decent, but the execution was quite poor. There are constant POV shifts to people I don't really care about. We have fights with said irrelevant people that makes the whole thing even more boring, especially when the main character is basically God. While a lot of stories have annoying POV shifts that completely ruin the flow, and makes me skip a lot of chapters, this novel is especially bad. Instead of separating the POV shifts and making them small, the author will release them in batches, so there's 2 - 5 chapters straight of different POVs. I find myself skipping several chapters at a time. (2/5 stars) Character design is meh. While the main character is comedic, and the dialogue is rather interesting, everything is bland. Every single one of these characters have very bland and cliché motivations. It is very hard to get invested into any of these characters. It feels like you are watching a play when you've already memorized the script. (2/5 stars) World background. It's rather bad to be honest. Theres very little information about spells and alchemy, aside from "use mana to make spell" or "combine ingredients until you get a cool colored potion", considering theres a fair bit of that in this novel, it's rather annoying. Aside from that, the author has very little world building in general, and almost exclusively uses exposition dumps in other POVs. (2/5 stars) Overall, a somewhat interesting concept for a novel but sub-par execution. Characters are bland, writing quality leaves you wanting, story development leaves you more annoyed the further you get into the novel, and world background is quite bland as well. I give this novel 2.8 stars out of 5.


The author struck a perfect balance needed for a story with an OP MC! Carnage and gore is a huge theme and no side character is safe! So the MC is a lich (aka the peak of op-ness), but the secondary character, the one with enough potential to have been a main character in something more classic, is a boy named Ryan. This kid has it all: A rare darkness affinity, undead teacher, coincidental encounters with every major character, a romantic love interest. Basically, he's the epicenter of the plot. However, setting it from the perspective of the Lich removed clicheness and offered far more perspective. I love the way this is being done. Furthermore, I really love how the magic system is so intuitive! Nothing is explained in an info dump yet I completely understand! We can just skip all that boring stuff and go right to the CARNAGE!!!! Oh yeah! Every minor character seems like a legit person that could develop into a major character or villain (even though they are usually ground into meat paste in the next sentence). Hahaha! WARNINGS: -copious amounts of blood and gore -1 r*pe scene -horses getting killed by pocket-nuke This might be the 2nd best review I've ever given. Hidden gem indeed. The only problem I have is that the POV switches are more conducive to an update schedule and not a binge like what I just did.


Only bad thing to say about this story is the update frequency. Everything else, writing quality, story, etc, is great. Only other things I'd like to see is more background on Kal pre isolation.


a fantastic novel. has a light bit of comedy as well. Well thought out. MC is an extremely well written character. This is much better than most of the other works I h e perused on here. background world building writing quality, all excellent. granted the character won't develop much, its in his nature, which is expected and is completely in line with the story. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND giving this a good read.


Just few chapters and already addicted. The universe is so deep that you can’t help but drown into.I like the characters building and the easy way the writing style brings us this magic/necromancy/alchemist references


Honestly I'm loving this story. Professor Kal is a riot. I don't really mind the slow update schedule since you actually put a lot of effort to having good Grammer. I think I've see like one or two mistakes in the whole book so far. Really enjoying the story and can't wait for more


good. the novel has decent world building that doesn't info dump whilst still giving you the necessary information and the character design is excellent. definitely a hidden gem, the only gripe I have is the updating stability but that is understandable considering the author's work schedule.


Everything in this novel is great, stories great, characters are great(specially the MC, not one dimensional like the rest of the original authors in this website who copies Chinese authors characters, which just ends up a poor imitation of them, which is quite honestly embarrassing). The chapters are long which is great. The chapters format is great (very convenient to read on phone). The world could be fleshed out more though but that can be fixed in later chapters. The only problem with this novel, is the update for chapters but I guess it’ the price for quality. PS Authors who are reading this, learn from this author on how to make an OP character in his story, be interesting and great to read. One of diamonds among the trash in this app.


I personally see no flaws in the story, characters, or world. The author has written a true neutral evil anti-hero and it’s beautiful. For a undead all the main character’s actions make sense for the way he should think. I look forward to his character development and wonder if he will find any shreds of humanity in him left over from his previous life as a human and how that will affect his goals in the world.


I already wrote a review but I just took a huge blow from the awesomeness of your story with chapter 99 so here I go! I absolutely adore your work, your words, your universe, your characters, your plot. I mean isn't it too much of a great story? Just how far do intend to go with this creativity of yours? Every description just left my brain mushy with gory pictures and I'm startled to see how much I enjoy it! Please oh please, keep writing 🖤Kal 🖤 's story! Author, you're doing such a great job!


This is a seriously great novel. Gotta love the main lead and even the way all the other characters relate to him. If you have ever watched rick and morty, this is seriously similar. The rick is complete eith portals and a dubious moral compass as he manipulates his morty. The morty is completely pulled along for the ride. They have their little spats where the morty tries to separate himself and do some good in the world. But in the end he is pulled along for all the escapades, he even occasionally lets loose old women who then proceed to destroy stuff. 10/10 novel. Only improvement could be 30 chaps/day.


The story is amazing. The interactions between characters is well done and the personalities of each character is well developed. Furthermore, the world building is described in detail. My only problem is that the chapters aren't released often enough. I understand that the chapters are a bit longer but all I want is a chapter released every other day at least. Highly recommended story.


definitely a gem of a novel, im so glad that this was in my recommendations!!!! reading that back that sounds kinda sarcastic, but i honestly really love this book so far, more than most ive read. definitely deserves top 20 maybe even top 10 once more chapters start stacking up. i hope you stick with this one author, you could really make a career out of this with how talented you are :)


La mejor obra en mucho tiempo, hay tanto del mundo que quiero ver y espero tanto de este protagonista, espero llegue a ser tan fuerte como un dios




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