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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to ViktorSpeedRun

    For now, I've got a 40 chapter stockpile, so I'll probably release one a day until chapter 35-ish. From there, it'll slow down to 1-3 a week (depending on inspiration).

    Ch 5 The Hogwarts Express
    Harry Potter: The Magic of Money
    Book&Literature · Azrael_Draco
  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Don_Corvo
    Ch 2 The Junk Shop
    Harry Potter: The Magic of Money
    Book&Literature · Azrael_Draco
  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Kurotora

    Nah, I’m pretty sure amon blood bent a bunch of normal wolves in the flashback montage

    "This is a Warriors Wolf Tail."
    Ultimate Earthbender (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · TheTwoTwo
  • Azrael_Draco

    Edit: Someone alerted me thet the translation disappeared so here it is. Pakura is alive, but in great distress

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Frosty_X7z

    Oh don’t worry about that, i planned that out. (Spoilers Coming ahead) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genus will definitely send a scientist of his own into the marines. That way he can use the marines’ funding and resources to deal with all the other pirates and underworld groups that oppose him. He will give the marines most of the technology that Vegapunk would have given them, but he will have mechanisms to disable them.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Kr0n

    Yes but one test subject typically isn’t sufficient for a full scientific experiment. That’s the main reason he hasn’t done anything with that gene yet, he doesn’t know the side effects of having the voice of all things. In addition it took roger decades until he mastered it to the degree where he could find poneglyphs.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Dr_Chad

    Vito is canon. he is capone bege’s lieutenant

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to streek135

    Maybe it wasn’t clear, it’s Genus integrating his martial art style ‘hamonsaiken’ into swordsmanship. He did it because he wanted a method to deal with armament haki until he gets armament himself.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to NoizJr

    One of them was alive 17 years before the current one piece to bang big mom and have pudding. That said, if you read the end of 68 something is implied with regards to the three eyes.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Helrym

    The main problem is that in the eyes of the officials, Ken is inexperienced as to what it takes to be a jonin. Being a full jonin is more significant than any other position as full jonin can vote on important decisions like who gets to be kage, they lead teans and if they screw up a lot of bad shit can happen. If he was eleven or twelve (What i assume was Sasori’s age when he was promoted) and had more experience, they would promote him easily. However, they want to test three things here which are underlying the mission. Dilligence, Obedience and experience. The first mission is like the kobayashi maru from Star Trek. They want to see what Ken will do when faced with an impossible mission. They want him to spend all four months working despite the boredom or futility of the mission. They essentially want him to prove he isn’t just a little kid who wants to play ninja. The same reason that part 2 naruto and sakura were still genin and chunin respectively despite being stronger than most in their rank, they hadn’t completed enough missions and lacked experience. This test, you probably guessed it but this tests dilligence and obedience. The second mission is not quite as hard as you mentioned. It’s important to note that he doesn’t have to kill the jonin in head on combat, he only needs to kill him. With his dojutsu, he could observe the jonin without him ever knowing for weeks planning a perfect assassination. Even jonin drop the ball every once in a while as evidenced with Zabuza getting tricked by naruto. This is meant to test experience, can he find the weakness in his opponent and exploit it.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Ser_Gamma

    Given the fact that the difficulty goes up from b to a there is probably sone complexities to it. In addition, standard shadow clone jutsu seems to have a ‘cap’ to the number of clones while multi does Not. Therefore it’s more dangerous and you risk running out of chakra.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Ser_Gamma

    Thats multi shadow clone jutsu. Shadow clone jutsu is not.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Adypoker

    That’s the same as asking why yamato never thought he was a senju. he was told that he was just an experiment and believed it. Their situations are almost identical.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Aleksorks

    This whole ‘awakening chakra coils thing’ is all fanon. Naruto and Gaara had tailed beasts inserted into them at birth and survived. There is no way they could survive without having chakra.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Milpy

    If you want to mention outliers that is easy, but there are plenty of confirming cases, in addition, in humans growth tends to stop between ages 14-15 for girls and 16 for guys. Meaning, unless Oda tells us differently, if you start exercising later on, that is a moot point. Now, let's get into your examples before I introduce counter examples. Luffy is a rubber man, as such, his skin and bones are elastic and may grow at a completely different rate from ordinary people's. Zoro lifted immense weights over his body without any moderation as a young age and likely destroyed his bone structure. Sanji was already 10 years old when he met Zeff, and it is unclear how many years later he began training. Sabo... inbreeding, not a good topic but it happens among nobles. Ace is just an anomaly, his dad was 2.7 meters tall and he's a half-pint in comparison, however, it is quite possible that it happened because he was kept in his mom's womb for WAAAY too long. Marco was always said to be lazy, odds are, he didn't exercise all that much in his youth and relied on his devil fruit until he couldn't rely on it anymore. Also Marco is still above 2 meters tall which is extremely tall by today's standards. The one thing I will give you is that being short seems to be the standard of a good swordsman for reasons we don't know: Rayleigh [though that might just be old age and no exercise since he is shown to sometimes be near Roger's height in flashbacks], Zoro, Shanks, Mihawk. But even in swordsmanship there are dozens of exceptions, Kozuki Oden, Roger, Vista, most marine swords men. Now for counter examples this is a list of people above 2 meters tall. 4/6 [including Luffy] Yonko, All Known Admirals, all known vice admirals [Including Tsuru]. Every Yonko commander barring Ace, 4/6 tobiroppo, 5/9 shichibukai, 9/15 super rookies. There are more you know. Tall people make up a majority of most powerful groups, it is safe to say that being short is the exception to the rule outside of swordsman.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to LittleVamp

    Thats mythology from our world not one piece world. In one piece that symbol means nothing

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to Ballad

    It’s explained later but they have little pieces of Other peoples DNA and altered appearances. They are essentially Genus testing what each small change to his genome will do.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to BankruptMonkee

    I don’t know. A few people in konoha knew about it for sure, but not everyone. The problem is, the only canon time that shinobi outside of the leaf encounter the jutsu is the fourth war. Wherin the former kage know about it (probably because they researched the second or fought him) and a few high level ninja in the allied shinobi forves know about it. I can’t be sure if the high ranking ninja had prior knowledge or if they were told, but knowledge definitely exists. However due to Ken’s access to several teachers and his research into human puppets which are VERY similar to edo tensei (dead shinobi, use jutsu, doesn’t tire physically), he would likely be actively looking for information on it.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to BankruptMonkee

    Every edo kage called it the ‘second hokage’s jutsu’ at this point he’s trained under Chiyo, Kukai and Taki all of which were alive during Tobirama’s time. While he won’t know all jutsu, that one is pretty memorable. Especially Chiyo and Kukai who were alive during the warring states era. After all, it’s not every day someone tells you a kage made zombies fight for him.

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  • Azrael_Draco
    Replied to streek135

    This is math. fron what he can see with his eyes and basic physics. He’s essentially using binoculars to pinpoint the location of the ship based off of ray optics

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