


Motivated Procrastinator

2020-02-11 JoinedUnited States



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  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Bonbonbla

    I appreciate the feedback! Thank you for spending the time to read what has been written thus far!

    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to AM_Sensei


    "To reach the buildings I will use Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun to enhance the level of height I can attain in a single jump, let's go let's go!" Kagero rushes through the freezing blizzard reaching right next to a building to quickly prepare himself.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Bonbonbla

    In this sutuation, Kagero is using the form as means to enhance the momentum of his energy. (All the momentum’s potential energy focused on his upper body)

    "To reach the buildings I will use Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun to enhance the level of height I can attain in a single jump, let's go let's go!" Kagero rushes through the freezing blizzard reaching right next to a building to quickly prepare himself.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Grammy

    I’m glad he has been haha

    "Faolan…. Faolan ... listen to me. Listen to my voice," The Motherly Voice of Akari spoke.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Ryujin_OP

    This made my day though!!

    Ch 28 Endure
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Ryujin_OP

    He won’t become a super pacifist for sure hahaha!! I think the best part about Faolan, is that he is a character that is constantly evolving, especially psychologically. As for a fighting chance for, don’ worry you’re in for a surprise ;)

    Ch 28 Endure
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Blast_Niro

    The cover of this book illustrates the MC 100% but thank you for taking the time to help out!

    The air is fresh with winter winds, while the sun took a grasp on the land, granting it a clear day. By the village river, there kneeled a boy, who had already entered two years past the age of starting pubescence . He had long black to blue tousle hair that he kept tied back in a low ponytail, his eyes were reminiscent of the night sky, dark and hopeful, the boy also wore a dark blue floral Haori that would blend with the dark shade of his hair and eyes. He loved seeing the water flow downstream, it was very calming for him, the water reminded him of his mother.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to 1Dreamer_Owl

    I’m definitely resuming!! And thank you for your time!

    Ch 28 Endure
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to MrIIIo

    Something like that

    After some time he wipes his eyes and retrieves the Nichirin blade from the long case, he held the hilt until it changed colors…..the blade turns black, however it did not look black as obsidian,
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to MrIIIo

    Yes Yes, the hair is like the cover! It was longer than what you see on it.

    Faolan pinches his hair touching his shoulders, "I suppose that would be kind of you," Faolan agrees to the idea of cutting his hair to a shorter length than it was now. Miss Yano-san prepares a seat for Faolan and the children sat to watch their mother work. Miss Yano-san found utensils she used to cut the children's hair, she washes them before using them on Faolan.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to MrIIIo

    The haori in the cover!

    Miss Yano-san returns with a brand new Haori, one similar to what Faolan's mother had made for him.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to MrIIIo

    Its actually happening at the same time as the main story, a whole new adventure set at the same time, including lore.

    "The Demon Slayer Corps. seemed to be focused on Muzan now more than ever, our forces are focused on powerful enemies, even the low ranking members are sent on life or death missions that a Hashira member should be sent to, but still we exterminate demons causing harm." The Demon Slayer finishes his rant by sitting on the snowy but grassy ground .
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to MrIIIo

    Hes interfering with Demon Slayer Operations, and is currently posing as one for their resources through Ketsueki. However Ketsueki doesnt mind with bending the rules in the curious case of Faolan

    "And being caught as a fake," added Faolan,
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to MrIIIo

    Youre on to something 😉

    The wind was soon starting to turn icier, and Faolan noticed with his sharp eyes that darkness is soon to come. His mother unusually understood when it was going to be dark just with the look of her eyes too. Faolan had realized that he must have inherited the vision of his mother. The luggage was soon to weigh onto Faolan, so he applied extra pseudo strength by breathing like his mother taught him. She told him to breathe in the way the water was pulled back and forth on a gentle shore, but he was unable to ever feel any difference to what she meant, however he would still try to do so regardless.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Shadowkombat1k

    Reader, Zenistu creates a final form hence his 7th form without mastering all the other forms of Thunder Breathing. As for this Demon, when you read closely, this isnt your typical Moon Demon.

    "There is a leader to the Demon Slayer Corps, but rarely anyone ever sees them, it is only a mystery." Mr. Nakama sits by a tiny table on the floor.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Shadowkombat1k

    Miss Okami loves you still

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Shadowkombat1k

    Hello there, I get that and I know that…but not everyone knows about that or anything about him unless you are actually Hashira. Since hes whereabouts are kept in secret to protect him from Muzan, thats the problem that im presenting in the scenario, whether he visits the graves of Corps members doesnt excuse much for me, ding ding hes amazing, anyone who wants to support the Demon Slayers literally have to go through some Death trial for a week, that is part of my criticism through Nakama. Mr Nakama is an “older individual” so the particular 98th leader of the Demon Slayer Corps youre referring to is almost irrelevant from his perspective, he couldve lived through 2 previous leaders, he knows nothing about the current leader besides the fact they were always kept in secret. I also wanted to refer to another comment that says that has been deleted, no, Hashira arent the only individuals who can make a final form, anyone can through extensive training, we can see, evidence of that is in the manga. To debunk your statement about having to max out every form, that is false, since Zenitsu crafts his own form, without mastering the other forms, correct me if im wrong. And that particular enemy wasnt just any demon.

    "There is a leader to the Demon Slayer Corps, but rarely anyone ever sees them, it is only a mystery." Mr. Nakama sits by a tiny table on the floor.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to Amon91

    This is in the same timeline as the original story. Happening in different places.

    Ch 26 To The Source
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to viloh


    Happiness can end at the sight of blood.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei
  • AM_Sensei
    Replied to crimsonitaci

    In the manga/anime Tanjiro had til morning in order to qualify to train as a demon slayer. Plus the scenario is different....

    The front door opens soon after, the old man Mr.Nakama had come to inspect the quality of the sword if it will break in a single strike. He witnesses a sprawled Faolan that rested upon the floor, he lifts him onto the bed slowly. Mr. Nakama beamed the blade Faolan had crafted next, reaching down and lifting the blade by the hilt.
    Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon
    Anime & Comics · AM_Sensei