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  • Med3071
    Replied to romeotango148

    I am worried about you. this is the third fic that I am crossing paths with you and in all of them you commented agrissivly

    "People can get a lot more creative when their race is being massacred into extinction I suppose…" there was a lot of bitterness in his voice. 
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • Med3071
    "I am also great at manipulating others but you don't ever go for that option. Come on just try it once, you have no idea how great it feels to just watch them dance like puppets with just a few words." Tom spoke with barely contained glee dripping from his voice.
    HP: A New Life
    Book&Literature · Lucifer101
  • Med3071
    Replied to BS6SC

    This is one of my favourites. I hope you will start updating again soon. And thank you for your work

    HP: The Otherworlder
    Book&Literature · BS6SC
  • Med3071
    #Task 4: Sneak onto the going marry
    Football singularity
    Sports · TrikoRex223
  • Med3071
    Replied to romeotango148

    this is not an execution this is pure selfish killing so it's not his duty that is behind it but his drive to keep the baby alive at any cost

    Ned looked at Lyanna's body with tears in his own eyes. Lyanna and Rhaegar's love had sent a whole Kingdom into war. So many deaths including his father, brother, his lords all because of a single lie 'Lyanna was kidnapped by the Dragon prince'. Lyanna's letter about going with Rhaegar never reached them. He resolved to find the reason in time but now he had other matters to attend. He clutched the baby Aegon Targaryen in his arms and resolved to protect him at all costs. He came outside and saw Howland Reed and William Dustin sitting there, the latter who was heavily injured after the fight with the Kingsguard. The other three who came with him lay dead. Ned asked Howland to kill the maids who were with Lyanna. It was a dishonourable thing to do but family comes first. Aegon's existence would be threat to Robert's regime but Lyanna's son must live at all costs. After the deed was done, they buried the dead and destroyed the tower.
    Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms
    Book&Literature · ElderKwon
  • Med3071
    "Usually, I'd be all for it if you made it worth my while," Daiki mused, voice lowering so it wasn't heard quite as easily, "Sadly, can't do that. It's my mission to go all Tobirama on this exam and make Konoha great again."
    Naruto: Systematic Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
  • Med3071
    Replied to rhcharan

    name, please 🙏

    We remember the egomaniacal whore Alysanne, the so called 'Good Queen', who took a land that could feed the whole North in winter as well as in summer and gave it to the Night's Watch, knowing full well that Brandon's Gift was enough for ten thousand men and that they couldn't take care of the New Gift, knowing full well that the North couldn't feed itself without the New Gift, she then alongside her descendants allowed the Reach and the Riverlands to oversell us their food. Did you think that calling the settlement in the New Gift 'Queenscrown' was because we were charmed by that megalomaniac ? No, it was an insult, every northener knew that this was going to become a ruin, so we called it Queenscrown as an insult to that whore.
    Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms
    Book&Literature · ElderKwon
  • Med3071

    That heathen corona rebelled and wanted to take truck-Kun place, but the war is still going on. As truck-Kun believers, we should pray for his return with victory over the heathen and his pagans

    A virus.
    Movies · Eren_fraser
  • Med3071
    Replied to alizdabest
    You can spy using the animals as well, there are mice and birds everywhere! I don't even want to think how many people I will need but if I use the existing leaders of spy networks and spy on them then I will at least know the same think they do!
    Game Of Thrones: House Dustin
    TV · EnderPL
  • Med3071
    Replied to SpawnOfSatan

    don't forget that he is doing it while darby is looking at everything that happens to himself through a huge mirror fixed above him

    Law Abiding Citizen had given him a number of inspirational ways to get his vengeance in the past, and he couldn't help but quote Clyde in this situation, as it was going to be extremely similar to what Clyde had done to Darby.
    Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King
    TV · GrimsReaper
  • Med3071
    Replied to The_Bip_Boop2003

    You can not ask a lord paramount to give you land and lordship without pledging loyalty to him

    "Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambitions and to pledge yourself to House Stark and to The North?" Lord Stark asked
    Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin
    TV · Caio_Bernardo
  • Med3071
    Replied to LontraDiabetica

    if he is a runaway criminal

    _ "So, my question… I need a answer before I grant you a boon… or punishment, though I would rather not. I'm indebted to you after all." Said Lord Stark
    Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin
    TV · Caio_Bernardo
  • Med3071
    Replied to Scientistx

    people have thrown me into a mental hospital for saying that, they think I am crazy but I know the truth

    my name is jason I live a average life or as average as a ex military commander can live but i got kicked out for not following commands from the higher ups the reason i didn't listen is because they ordered my men on a suicide mission young untrained boys fresh out of boot camp I couldn't do that but I digress my life is stable still single even though I'm 34 but there is still time but all of a sudden I see a child crossing the street as her mother is on the phone non the wiser so i run out and push her out of the way of the truck that I swear wasnt there a few seconds ago and as you can guess I get hit and die for the longest time everything is black its felt like days have passed
    the wolf with antlers
    TV · Oliver_Richardson
  • Med3071

    Well, it's just a game for him to enjoy

    "That pretty much sums it up, yeah. So any thoughts on the world you want to go to?" The God asked, brushing everything off like it was no big deal.
    Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King
    TV · GrimsReaper
  • Med3071
    Replied to WebReaderPub

    Best builder a thousand years ago

    Riding through the gates of Winterfell I admired the defences of the castle, already in my head the perfect plan to lay siege to the castle forming as I took in all the details of the place. Spotting the weak walls from the strong and inspecting the 'soldiers' that manned them, I knew me men and Apollyon were doing the same when I heard their low murmurs of disapproval as we all came to the same thought. Taking this castle would prove little challenge.
    GOT: Alexander Baratheon
    TV · Grim_1099
  • Med3071

    I think he means his officers

    It matters not though for I had absolute loyalty of my people so there was nothing to fear, and I had my people start sipping poison in small doses to build immunity as I had been doing since my conquest of Tyrosh.
    GOT: Alexander Baratheon
    TV · Grim_1099
  • Med3071

    She is fucking her brother, so being a true Baratheon and not her brother's son she is bound to hate him after Joffrey's berth

    The year dragged on, and Alexander became famous and praised for his discipline as he would only cry when he was hungry or had soiled himself and required cleaning other than that he was known as a quiet and observant child as he had never thrown a tantrum. It was only the next year later that his brother Joffrey was born that he lost everything, his titles and birth right and even the love of his mother. As the two grew older they would fight continuously, Alexander made his strength known from young. He and Joffrey would fight and argue and when they were old enough it developed to the point where it became physical, and Alex would always come out victorious. However, either due to discipline or hatred his father and mother would have him flogged afterwards. And when he was seven, they sent him away. At the age of seven name days, he was forced from his home and sent to Casterly Rock. To page for the great Tywin Lannister, the 'Old Lion'.
    GOT: Alexander Baratheon
    TV · Grim_1099
  • Med3071

    only now you are going big because those wishes before were not

    Still nothing was said and only a single eyebrow was raised, and I had a feeling I was reaching an end to the boons I could ask for from the old man, so I figured now was a good time to go big. So, I took a deep breath and asked for my final boon.
    GOT: Alexander Baratheon
    TV · Grim_1099
  • Med3071
    Replied to Rebel_Royal5

    that was 20 years later, now he's only a 9-year-old child

    "Father, you can't," Cersei shot up to her feet and screamed hysterically, while Tyrion clenched his fist so hard that his nails cut into his palms and they started bleeding. He may not have liked his father, but to see his father so broken, so beyond despair, was gut-wrenching, even for him.
    Dorne's Great Heaven
    Book&Literature · Hyuga_Tobirama
  • Med3071
    Replied to LewdUnion

    it will keep moving even without a skull

    As for me, once I was ready sending my letters and letting Daenerys know of the situation I left with Neltharion towards the wall, I had to stop or at least see what the enemy was planning, a dragon of such magnitude would prove to be a problem, but one that had a simple solution I had to kill the bastard that controlled him and everything would be over.
    Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.