

2019-12-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • GermanRoulette


    Asoiaf :The Rising Son
    TV · Pantless_Ninja
  • GermanRoulette

    She literally just told him her name 2 seconds ago..

    The Orc kowtowed three times. "It's just that I don't know the great beast's name."
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • GermanRoulette

    Jesus this is dumb

    Ch 9 Chapter 9
    My Upgrades Are Invincible Old/Betrayed/Forgotten/Dead
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • GermanRoulette

    Not a single comma in this whole chapter. Such a low quality story.

    Ch 6 Chapter 6- R18
    My Upgrades Are Invincible Old/Betrayed/Forgotten/Dead
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to Fallout_Armageddon

    If you automatically leveled up and had to be logged in to read stories you may have had even a slight bit of a point, but since that isn't the case, you're just talking absolute nonsense.

    My Mother Told Me
    TV · MedTryglaw
  • GermanRoulette

    More low effort nonsense being spammed with 5 stars.

    My Mother Told Me
    TV · MedTryglaw
  • GermanRoulette

    I really tried my best to get through it, but it's just too awkward. The MC is constantly trying to be badass yet ends up looking like an edgy 15 year old 9 out of 10 times. The romance is extremely cringy and matches exactly the kind of embarrassing quality you'd expect from a writer building a 20+ woman harem. If you're young and clueless, this might still be a fun read.

    Wizard King
    Book&Literature · Mark_Ward
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to Will_Caruso

    People like you should have been banned from this place long, long ago. Literally all you do is spam 5 stars every day on the novels you like, manipulating their scores and flooding the review section with you worthless bullshít. Shut the fúck up already. Stop spamming.

    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette

    Really feels like you don't understand ASOIAF past the surface level

    Last month, our spies informed us that Daenerys Targaryen was wed to Khal Drogo of the Dothraki. Despite the death of Fake Aegon and Jon Connington, Varys hasn't made any noticeable plays. I suspect Illyrio and Varys will make sure she is better protected than in canon. In fact, tasking Varys with sending assassins after the Targaryens will probably be a waste of breath.
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to JoJo_Soni

    The official breastplate stretcherer

    I try to distract myself from the smell by reviewing everything I remember from the show and books. If I'm not mistaken, canon Lancel arrived in King's Landing during this time as well.
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette

    "Of course" lol. This kind of move from writers always feels like a bad excuse made directly to the reader. His "meta knowledge" would not really be better at all with Varys alive , yet a very dangerous enemy would be (not to mention the gigantic shift his presence would have already caused; no way anything resembling canon would play out now). You may as well just have written: "But I have content involving Varys planned for the future, so killing him would be unwise."

    Of course, I wasn't going to tell Tywin the spies were lead by Varys. Tywin would undoubtedly have Varys assassinated, and what's left of my metaknowledge would cease to exist. I know much has already been changed, but there is still a great deal that will not.
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to JesusFreakk

    I don't know why you think we have any real idea of how many years the various events in the east happened. We don't even know when the Valyrian Empire truly began. It's all just a mess. It sounds like you understand that at this point though and is just arguing to not be "wrong" now.

    "Let them wag their tongues," Lady Olenna said dismissively. "Tell me, dear, have you met my granddaughter?"
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to Mysticwolf

    Tame the dragoness? Daenerys is just a scared, clueless child completely dependent on and submissive to her brother at this point.

    The only good point of this entire situation is the fact I may just get to see the world-renowned pillow houses of Lys.
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to Aeden_Emrys

    Daenerys became mad in the TV-series because they wanted her to go mad. Trying to explain away is to cheapen her journey, even if she was rougher around the edges than in the book, it was not properly foreshadowed or implemented at all.

    Ch 28 Ch. 28 Delegate
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette

    Except if he had read the books he'd know that Arianne did not travel to Braavos, and the fact that she was kept away from the knowledge of her secret engagement is pretty much what fuels her entire character arc.

    As Tywin was finishing his examination, I took a seat. "There's more," I said when Tywin reclaimed his seat. "Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne has secretly met with Viserys Targaryen at the Sealord's Palace in Braavos. Princess Arianne Martell was also in the meeting." I summarized what I knew from the books.
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to JesusFreakk

    Except it's deliberately written in this vague way by GRRM, so we don't actually know. The characters /think/ it /may/ have been 8000 years ago, but it is also repeatedly stated that it was a time without proper documentation and that pretty much anything before the Andals' arrival are full of very erronous estimates, guesswork and legends. This is by design. When I say that not even GRRM likely knows, is because this is exactly how he has been known to write: he adds these mysteries to a book, leave them open-ended, and doesn't always even bother narrowing it down as exactly as you are. You've fallen prey to the idea that the characters always speak truth and known what they're talking about, which is just straight up false and is a very common theme throughout the book as it deals with mythology and legends. We don't know when the Long Night happened. We don't even know when the Wall was raised. You can try and fool yourself into thinking otherwise, but these are facts. Therefore, using your "8000 years" calendar is just ridiculous.

    "Let them wag their tongues," Lady Olenna said dismissively. "Tell me, dear, have you met my granddaughter?"
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to LargeFarva

    What is your source on this? I have been deeply diving into ASOIAF for a long time now and this seems very incorrect. In general there are no standing armies in Westeros. Tywin always had to call his banners to have any army worth using. This is also Lannisport which got sacked by the Ironborn at the start of the Greyjoy Rebellion; no way that happens with a standing Westerlands army of 8000 men. I don't see Tywin wanting to waste that much money on a standing army in peace times—not only does it cost to feed, employ, train and possibly gear these 8,000 men for years on end, it will also take them away from the fields and their various jobs. It would be a massive hit to the Westerlands economy. Even in your own story Tywin was too cheap to properly prepare his ships in case of a raid during peacetime. So either you're pulling this out of your ass, or you read someone's fanfiction/headcanon, got confused, and took it as canon, or almost everyone discussing this exact subject for years have missed such a crucial detail in the books.

    When I first started, I would rush my own martial training to get to the War College. Now, after a full year of commanding nearly 9,000 soldiers, I rush to my own training. The fact I'm no longer getting beat-down by my combat instructors is also a nice incentive to keep training.
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva
  • GermanRoulette
    Replied to JesusFreakk

    What is this nonsense? No one except /maybe/ GRRM knows when the Long Night actually happened, nor what actually happened. Saying "8000" years is just some silly fanon shít and/or unreliable theories within the ASOIAF world itself. So, no, it doesn't make sense at all. It could be 4000 years or it could be 10000 years for all we know. Use AC, as this is the only reliable timeline we have access to.

    "Let them wag their tongues," Lady Olenna said dismissively. "Tell me, dear, have you met my granddaughter?"
    The Great Lion
    TV · LargeFarva