

2019-09-27 JoinedGlobal

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  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to TJ_Watkins

    Agreed Creed - a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.

    As I am not that good at naming stuff I am going to let you guys decide the orphanage and Alex anti-hero persona name.
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to FacelessEntity

    A bow and or a crossbow is quite silent

    First Alex took his bow out and switched to normal arrows. To be truthful he had no problems killing people. He had previously made use of the paralyzing arrow because he didn't want to kill people in front of the orphanage. But now that he had no such restriction he could go all out. Anyway, he started by killing the people on the roof or those that were by themself.
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher

    Smart assassin

    After around five minutes of flying, he reached his destination. He was currently flying on top of a warehouse doing circle. His goal of coming here as an eagle first was simple. Do what every great assassin is supposed to do, reconnaissance.
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to lessonsofteacher

    Or Carthage

    4. Adhania- Neighbours of the Exolas alliance to the east. Considered the strongest nation of the east, its relation with Exolas is surprisingly good. Supports and finances Exolas to suppress the Cantagenans.
    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to Cromwell_Ang

    They actually did in fact have an economy they they had trade networks that dwarf some modern trade networks infact ancient china was compared economically before it was conquered by the Mongels

    3. Exolas- The current hegemon of Thesos and the leader of the Exolas alliance. A city-state that spends its time only going to war, preparing to go to war, or training for war. It's dependent on its sister states for most of its civilian needs like clothes, timber, metal, etc, and doesn't have an economy to speak of.
    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • Kevin_Kocher

    Let’s ride Ghost rider starts plays

    While watching Alex leaving she had even more questions. Where did he get the spear? where the fuck did the horse came from and more importantly, why was it on fire?
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher

    Should have kept the phones as evidence and you could trace the numbers

    "FUCK" she yells as she throws the phone away. "Tell them that I will be coming for them." She finally said as she walked out of the warehouse. Upon walking on the street she stood in place, wondering what to do next. As she stood there for about 5 minutes a car suddenly came to a stop in front of her. As she was in a state of panic she immediately pulled her gun out and pointed it toward the car.
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher

    So armor piercing arrow heads

    Alex possessed 6 types of arrows. Normal arrow going by its name you can already guess that it is a plain wooden arrow, Paralyzing arrow deals more damage than the normal arrow while also having the ability to knock out a target. Poison Arrow, it can intoxicate and weaken its target, Fire arrow have the ability to burn a target on impact, Explosive arrow it possesses a sulfur mixture near the tip resulting in a devastating impact and finally Death arrow its faster and penetrate deeper.
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher

    The two forms of water Purification Boiling And filtering to take inpurities out

    Even when boiled, water could still have ill effects to some degree. So far, it didn't seem like anybody here had figured out boiling water killed most of the bacteria that lived in it.
    Earth's Armies in another world
    War · WriterOfVeralis
  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to Pain_Zuckerburg

    Your user name is funny also i agree with you

    "He wanted me to train my quirk and skills also he able to give me mission if I became a hero temporarily" Izuku answer
    The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty
    Anime & Comics · Mobile_Suit
  • Kevin_Kocher

    I had the same thought

    'I transmigrated.'
    Fantasy Assassin in a modern world
    Fantasy · lynerparel
  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to Q_Yuumo

    When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensible of duties. Marquis de Lafayette

    The Price of Liberty
    War · Q_Yuumo
  • Kevin_Kocher
    Replied to The_Bored_Immortal

    Thanks for aiding the translation with native translation. I couldn’t get a better one then what I gathard from the internet which gave me one website result.

    "Malaka" He quietly said as he discovered that he needed a password. Taking his own phone out, he scrolled through the few contacts he had and called Mary.
    Assassin Of DC
    Video Games · Grey0814
  • Kevin_Kocher

    You can still use the rifle as a club

    I dropped the rifle to the floor, looking around me. The bodies of both Vietnamese and Americans laid all around me. I heard a voice call out.
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks
  • Kevin_Kocher

    On going patrols would still be done

    We are one week into preparation. So far, we've covered the basics. You know, running through jungle, close quarters combat, not dying. It's the crap we all learned on Parris Island. We have barely touched our rifles that week.
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks
  • Kevin_Kocher


    "It's worth than that, Pvt. Retriever. He's suffering from a sunstroke. Too much heat, so he passed out."
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks
  • Kevin_Kocher

    Must be De Nang airbase

    Tents were lined up in the hundreds. I saw what looked like an Air Base behind our tents. It was just incredible! Sam and I glanced at each other in awe. We didn't get a tent just yet. There was this whole processing thing we did. It was sort of an awkward introduction, to sum it up. An advisor assigned Sam and I in different tents. I still had Connor with me. Lawrence wasn't with me either. He was probably off with some other guys in our platoon. There were probably two other men in our tent who I didn't know very well. We all dropped down our bags and took a quick break. I flopped down next to Connor, who was laying on the floor.
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks
  • Kevin_Kocher

    This would be the point. This would be Where they Would be taken to Recruit depots through out the country. They would be sorted by specialty, rank,records of service and combat record of service and training in recruit Platoon.

    We all got off the ship, and a man who I could only assume was a military advisor took control. He led the battalion into the jungles. It felt like we were walking for hours. Sam, Connor, and Lawrence were right by my side. We talked about anything; boot camp, our thoughts, life back home.
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks
  • Kevin_Kocher

    They would be transported to advanced battlion training at marine Base sandiago then jungle training in Hawaii then to a us base in the pacific to refuel the transport take on supplies then welcome to RVN Marines.

    Sgt. Miller fought back a grin. He told me that he was not only proud of me, but of everyone else. He said that over these weeks, I proved my determination and fighting spirit. Finally, he told me to keep an eye on the platoon. He said that, "They're gonna need it." I simply smiled and said, "Thank you, sir." Before joining everyone else by the plane, bags in hand.
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks
  • Kevin_Kocher

    The rifle woUld go in the armory not a foot locker

    "Come on, Lawrence. We have to go to bed," was all I said. He merely nodded as we snuck back inside. I watched Lawrence put the gun back in his footlocker before slipping into bed, falling asleep instantly. I soon followed.
    Codename: Retriever
    History · Uniworks