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  • Mysticwolf

    😂😂😂😂 umbridge getting a pass wow

    The woman in question knew exactly what Dumbledore had been thinking, but there had never been any danger of her taking on the Head of Slytherin role, even only on a temporary basis. If the number of complaints being written out were anything to go by, she would be given her High Inquisitor position by the end of the month. She and the Minister had gone through this meticulously and she could not afford to appear to show favouritism to one group over any other, be it their school house, their age or the purity of their blood. That Madam Marchbanks and Madam Bones had also made that point quite clear ensured that she kept well clear of associating herself with any one group of students.
    Harry Potter :Magic injuries
    Movies · FDRowling777
  • Mysticwolf

    it's really odd yeah they have four houses but realistically they should have another two dozen teachers or new dorms setup especially for being interns studying for apprenticeships and working on taking over family businesses 🙄

    Ch 61 Chapter 61
    Harry Potter :Magic injuries
    Movies · FDRowling777
  • Mysticwolf

    this gal has been potioned that or she's under a curse last option she wants that potter creamer to get an arranged marriage but clear as day that cat is a few egg rolls short of a combo meal 😗

    He couldn't help notice Cho giving him an exceptionally steamy look, as though she rather liked Harry in his take-charge mind set. Normally this would have gotten a boy his age all hot under the collar, but Harry made a mental note to ask Padma if she had noticed any more odd behaviour from Cho. She had said that she would keep an eye on the girl. He also remembered that he needed to come up with a good idea for a second date with Padma, but that would have to wait until later. He had work to do right now.
    Harry Potter :Magic injuries
    Movies · FDRowling777
  • Mysticwolf

    yo grav just write their accent in this way [ will understand what your saying bro we all seen the films and read the books] no need to stree on making the characters true to their original design 🫡

    Ch 74 Harry's Response (2)
    Legacy of Harry Potter
    Book&Literature · Graviele
  • Mysticwolf

    with joy's genes pffftt you can bet on that ponyta 🤣wait till after shinnoh pre-summer you and a few of the other families will get the news

    "Maybe, but I want to see my grandchildren as soon as possible..." – Celeste's grandmother said.
    Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake)
    Anime & Comics · Bloodnight
  • Mysticwolf

    or have the mc die and awaken in old valayria with a lightfury egg 😂😂😂 and chest of over 13 dragon eggs each from how to train your dragon roflmao the mc would be a nightmare to the house of Targaryen 😆

    King Aegon was a quite competent man, worthy of a true ruler but when it came to dragons, they were his weakness. How many times had I heard him say "if only we still had dragons", but I sympathized. I too wanted dragons, but not only dragons, magic, real magic. So, when I figure out his weakness, I latched on to it.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    let the chips fall where they land all the lords play bedroom games I don't see why the mc shouldn't have more than Joanna story wise yes he should still have his children secondly his increased perks should roll over to his kids and to straighten out the first two by having him trained up to the neck and drop dead exhausted so he and cerci can't screw around like before 😒

    "Any signs of instability, weaknesses or strengths that I will need to deal with. Tywin has proven to be very useful in the year he has been at court, if he can conduct himself well in the field, I will try to find a suitable wedding match for him. I am also looking at him for my small council.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    definitely have the Being that dropped the mc into GoT pm him a message with a system update a shop with just books to buy after all mc is a mastermind only the mc earns bonus points hunting dressing game or practicing skills 1-2pts per task books cost anywhere from 5-10 to 15-20 30-50 and so on with combat cooking farming home building fort and castle buildings plans and military strategies at the highest and he can't preview them he has to buy them as is so the knowledge inside is a 50/50 shot of being useful to him in this world gotta have a gotcha curveball somewhere

    Also, the MC is not a 'beta male' or 'simp'. He is very vindictive but very calculating. He is also not trying to go against canon too drastically until he has secured a certain level of power and reached adulthood. That doesn't mean that he won't mind messing up canon to better suit himself. Also he will allow certain events to continue especially if it benefits him ultimately, as original Tywin was as Machiavellian as they came. 
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    well torture lessons inbound their going to sing like promenade whoręs when the mc gets them to talk

    It only took a few moments before we heard them. The sound of horse from the east, we were about to be hit from 2 sides. These weren't simple bandits; these were professional and they had been prepared for us. This was going to be a bloody fight I thought as I hear Ser Jason shouting. "RIDERS COMING FROM THE EAST." This was it, for the first time I would truly be in danger.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    mc should make use of the blondes of the rock to spice up the courts 😏 the longer the lords are unaware of certain ledgers and documents missing for that few hours the better 😆😆😆

    They both had dirty blonde hair, fair skin, were slim and had pretty faces. Darcey was already slightly taller than her sister. Under the right conditions they will grow to be great beauties in the future and make excellent honey traps. I will personally see to their training, something I looked forward to.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    the the wolf hunt guys chill you got access to Google if you can't remember them look them up theirs plenty of fan made art and the originals from the show relax

    Delia and Darcey had been the 2 girls that Helena had introduced me to. They were aged 16 and 14 and had come from Old Town with their Merchant father who fell on hard times some 5 years ago. He had lost a ship full of merchandise and when his health declined, he was unable to pay the money lenders. He had sold everything to repay the debt but eventually died leaving his daughters to repay his debt.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    I feel the system should have a book store for skills and talents and when the mc buys a book it appears in his room once everyone leaves the chamber once he enters only he can read the book to the rest of the sheep its just a chronicle of the dance of dragons but to the mc it could be advanced war tactics of the Roman empire or the art of Damascus steel forging 😆

    Skills- Sword Proficiency (moderate-5/20), Dagger Proficiency (basic-7/10), Shield Proficiency (moderate-1/20), Ridding Proficiency (moderate-7/20), Archery (moderate-1/20), Handwriting (basic-2/10), Reading (moderate-1/20), Arithmetic (basic-6/10), Observation (moderate-10/20), Inspire (moderate-3/20), Sexual Performance (basic-6/10), Controlled Breathing (moderate-7/20), Striking (moderate-1/10), Spatial Awareness (basic-9/10), Intimidate (basic-8/10), Climbing (moderate-2/20), Fine Motor Control (basic 8/10), Deception (basic 6/10)
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    roflmao his uncle by the end of the trip will be saying we need to kill your father my brother is an idiot 😂😂😂 with the mc saying soon uncle soon the house of the lions will not be made fools under my leadership 😏

    Ch 12 12. Paying back loses.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    set up his loyal guards to protect her too many ladies get taken since the nobles think they can get away with it all if his gaze starts to get lecherous have the maids spike his drink with a sleeping drought then dump him in the dungeons out of sight out of mind once genna is a little older have her visit the mc and learn a few well things and how to use proper tools to get a beta like that fool to fall under her spell Definitely make sure she has a brute like the mountain to scare off any would be dipsticks that think they have a chance plan mc plan and then make three more plans

    "Alright, I will do as you suggested, you have made a very valuable point Tywin. You are definitely a blessing to this family." Tytos says with a proud look on his face. Tywin simply nods and stands to leave.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    gonna need to start doing reps and spending points in strength

    Garrand laughed as he watched us. "He'll be fine, help him up and let him walk it off." Garrand said as he walked over. "You did well with those feints, and to deflect that last blow, what was this, your 5th exchange. At least you're learning to not take him head on, but even if you get past his sword, what then? Robar is good at what most knights neglect, basics. If you keep at the same thing long enough, you get good at it. It's his greatest talent and paired with his size and stamina. Even if you're getting faster, unless you can find a gap in the armor, then your out of luck."
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    blessing of Devine guidance 😗 so does that mean a certain crimson hair priestess will join the mc side to be his guide 🤔 that would be a real spin on screwing things around

    Name; Tywin Lannister
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    🙄past life past experiences not much to learn unless he needs to boost his skill set but when you really think of it 21st century skills vs dark ages and they don't even know how to stimulate or arouse their partners or watch them for their own unique reactions 😒sorry but my money is on the mc mind breaking the madam into his personal fuke toy and bed bunny for life with all he knows

    This caused her to give me a predatory smile. "Oh, this helps you more than get into my good graces. You could have all of the girls in here for this much as well as me. The things I could teach you, the pleasure I could let you experience. Unfortunately, I have never had a boy as young as you? For 10 I had expected to be more excitable, even a little naïve. Instead, you didn't give me a chance to entertain you before you got right down to business."
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    unless your vitality status is 20+ or have a perk of protection I wouldn't even bother playing around in that cesspool of bugs

    "But I am happy to see she wasn't playing with me. Perhaps this is your first time and you wished for something special. Or maybe if you don't mind a more experienced partner, I could make an exception. I don't usually entertain my patrons but on special occasions, as you are someone special indeed." She tried to seduce me but I was too experienced to fall for it, but I wouldn't lie, I was hard.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    she'll pay her debt later 😏

    By midday Genna had finished her shopping, or at least the shopping she was allowed do. She had bought herself an assortment of dresses, hair ornaments and a couple of leather shoes and sandals, all paid for by me. This had put the biggest smile on her face.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
  • Mysticwolf

    🤔he could still sick the crazy bitxh on someone else to cause them mental problems 🤣

    They may even marry the children of Lord Hoster Tully, Catelyn and Edmure if they existed in this timeline, but definitely not that crazy bitch Lysa.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024