


I love reading when I can that it even impairs my sleeping sometimes. I love a good book I can dive into and immerse myself into.

2019-05-25 JoinedUnited States



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  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to Bob_Bob_8597

    yes, just haven't had time to make it to my computer recently.

    Ch 10 Scarred Gold Mark
    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to SPIRIT_KING

    thank you so much, i appreciate your input and your vision for what you wish to happen. I hope you'll continue to enjoy my work.

    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to SPIRIT_KING

    I'll try better to explore more romance, but it won't be the main or even secondary hook in this story. I can understand though how a little bit of romance can go a long way. I can say though that Kadderon sees this marriage from a more political standpoint rather than an emotional one.

    Ch 10 Scarred Gold Mark
    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB

    I'd say pair him off with a warhammer he can wield one handed, make it seem like mjonir since he could lift and use the hammer, hells I guess even an axe would work as well.

    Steve replied, clutching his shield tightly. He felt an innate connection to the shield, as though it was the perfect weapon for him in this world. But soon his eyes couldn't help but cast a quick glance at the chief's voluptuous wife, the woman to whom he was indebted.
    Game Of Thrones : The Shield Of Conquest And Domination
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to SPIRIT_KING

    gotta say, way too pretty for westeros. I mean I doubt even rhaegar would've been that... umm... pretty I guess you would call it. maybe a mixture of the two or possibly testing ai created art to blend it into someone the true North would be more accepting of.

    And his name is Steve Rogers.
    Game Of Thrones : The Shield Of Conquest And Domination
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to SUPER_BOY

    I appreciate the offer, as for the question. ofc wars are a huge reason why so many people loved the books and show from how the whole place was turned into a free for all haha. just alliances obviously won't be the same. as for the kids situation, we'll they are married so yeah it'll happen eventually.

    Ch 10 Scarred Gold Mark
    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB

    love it so far! great job so far! can't wait for more. while a little bit of a brain think in the early chapters, I was immersed into it early on till I finally got to the end and realized I couldn't go to the next chapter just as it was heating up.

    Halo Reborn
    Video Games · Dr_Dred
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to Bob_Bob_8597

    thanks for the feed back, I really appreciate it!

    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to Curtis_Allinson_6062

    honestly I was so confused what you meant since the recorded histories that are inputted, I had worked on so long ago and only look over for edits now. though I get what you mean, I didn't even think it was mentioned like that till you brought it up haha.

    House Frost begins to truly show the best physical qualities of each great House they tie their blood with. Average height for a Frost is between 6 '10 and 7' 5 for a male while the largest was recorded as Alagor being 8'2 for males. The female line was recorded to be between 6'1 and 6'5. The most dominant eye color is silver though occasionally a color from their bloodline might appear within the eye. Normally their hair will be silver with some rare cases carrying a pure white as snow color. Their canines have always been prominent when carrying the Frost blood within them. Their eyesight and hearing have been noted to be stronger than the average person and a common foul tongued name given to them are knife eared or mutt. Most common folk within their lands average between 6 '1 to 6' 10 with most males leaning to the latter and most females being in the middle to the former height. Signs indicate possible first night tradition in the past or off branches of the family. 
    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to SUPER_BOY

    I'd have to say, I'm not sure how I would make the Frost's rebel. They have been a loyal house to Stark for a long time and even have deep blood ties with them, they're practically cousins mostly. I don't think I plan on having any of the three golden lions in kings landing pair with a Frost but if I did, it'd have to be either the new addition or myrcella, as I only see her as being stable and alright. but the new second son is also a choice. as for the Iron Throne, I would say Jon is a viable choice already as I showed in previous chapters with how Kadderon and him interacted.

    Ch 9 Timed Flattery
    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to SUPER_BOY

    The MC does have white hair as does most of the Frost bloodline though some of the branch houses do have higher chance of losing the Frost traits the farther generations go. Thank you so much for the support, I greatly appreciate it. I figured since they are a old house, they're history would intertwine and cause changes through the history of Planetos.

    Ch 8 Histories Altered
    The Rising Tide of Frost
    TV · BBQChickenAlertBB
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to Mrdelightfil

    kinda what I'm thinking like is no one gonna notice a bunch of slaves in a nation that hates slavery?

    Ch 5 Commercial Development of House Tarth (2)
    Game of Thrones: House of Tarth
    TV · marcoo
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to Ototsu_Yume

    I died, literally died as I scroll through the comments and see this. past right by it then did a double take and died haha

    "Well, one, you manage to break me, or two, I get into it, and well, that's another problem alone altogether. There was a time I wondered why some men paid for this type of shit, and well… now I know," I replied with a toothless smile, my crack addict roomie would be proud.
    Movies · CORNBRINGER
  • BBQChickenAlertBB

    I'd have to deny everyone that disapproves on how the man was able to get the answer based on his reaction. I mean many police officers and investigators do the same thing, they say one thing to get a rise out of their suspect in hopes of catching social cues and the like. just had to say my peace, anyways, for people that say drop like a hat in the wind, I'm surprised as I don't see anything truly bad with this. good job author and thank you for trying to sate our wants for this type of read.

    "To answer your question, no I can't actually read your mind," Edward chuckled again at my shock. "True that statement seems contradictory but really I just took a wild guess. Considering your surprise when I said it was the truck that led you to us, your reaction gave it away. Still, if it's any consolation, it wasn't the driver, he is but an unsuspecting fool that helps us without knowing."
    Movies · CORNBRINGER
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
     condition : kill all Mutant Vampires
    In Marvel with Greatest System
    Movies · Boring_World
  • BBQChickenAlertBB

    I normally resort to gaxha after I've bought out the store of what I want and then focus on just the random aspect so to catch my attention

    [Gacha: This thing is like a lottery. Consumes 1000 MP per draw! Items won can be bought in the Store. Bring out your inner gambler!]
    Ultimate Marvel System
    Anime & Comics · Imbreak
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Another thing was his hair. It was actually platinum blonde! This kind of showy hair color was really something that made Benjamin speechless!
    Ultimate Marvel System
    Anime & Comics · Imbreak
  • BBQChickenAlertBB

    25 for adult, I'd say it really depends on how you were raised with a secondary factor of your culture. I had to start taking responsibility for my own actions around 15 to 16, had to raise my neice around 16 to 19, pay my own bills at 18(basically rent as I had moved out). I had already started working landscaping and home repair when I was around 11 to 12 and started to get really good at It around 17 or 18. since then till now at 26 I've had a Rollercoaster of life filled with lots of Death, surgeries, jobs, assaults, and having to go through a mild case of depression I suppose. while I see other people around 28 to 30 still living with parents and being able to travel and live their life around the world with an allowance! so I'd say it's our lives that define when we become an adult.

    First of all, he looked younger. And the age on his ID also proved this point. He was actually 25 years old! It was the age when a teenager is slowly becoming an adult!
    Ultimate Marvel System
    Anime & Comics · Imbreak
  • BBQChickenAlertBB
    Replied to TreeBriarWood
    This novel is mostly wish fulfilment...yes, this means a whole lot of sex!
    Ultimate Marvel System
    Anime & Comics · Imbreak
  • BBQChickenAlertBB

    always thought it was funny how a stake would kill anyone but I guess when you think about it. a regular bullet would kill me but it wouldn't kill a vampire so I guess it kinda makes sense haha

    However, using his strength, he pushed on both ends and then, while holding it vertically, he slammed his knee into it, snapping it, creating a sharp edge. The wood log now looked like a stake that he could use to finish a vampire, but he wasn't going up against vampires.
    Level up Zombie
    Fantasy · JKSManga