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2019-05-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • Maou_merch

    I honestly started reading this book before your other one and originally I was enjoying it, but I was not a fan of the slow pace and his exaggerated power-ups. Like how was he a 1st order being but was able to defeat a 4th order being and be able to threaten 6th order beings(from what I hear)?? It was too much for me honestly. And come on, 1300+ chapters and he's just a 3rd order being?? I honestly just felt I would be too frustrated reading this. I also read your previous book before "Samsara Online", and I felt it was a bit better than this. No doubt it wasn't perfect (which book is?), but I was happier reading that than this book. And the way it was progressing was a bit more than this book. Anyway, the reason I'm here is to petition you to try and continue Samsara Online. I know this book is your money-maker but please consider it. Bless!

    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Maou_merch

    Yeah sure, walk right in and ask for sensitive information without hiding your face or knowing whether they own the information desk. Dumb asf MC

    Lu Yan did not hesitate and directly said, "How much is the information on Hu Wei and Wang Feng?"
    Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death
    Games · Frozen Tenderness
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to The_Procrastinator


    Walker Of The Worlds
    Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist
  • Maou_merch

    Things to note: -Apparently, spell casters do not need to eat for some odd reason we are not aware of. I mean Mc would get trapped in a cave or something, cultivate straight for 6 months..... what? no food? bathroom break? -MC does not seem to care about his family when he's outside. They dont even enter his mind. He only goes back to them every 2 years or so -The Mc and some of the characters are somewhat bipolar. Like the MC would ask someone one a question coldly later and then smile warmly at them the next. Or the MC would frown upon having normal humans as weaponized pets then get his would weaponized slave... -The so called "Matrix" is only good for remembering the spell models and storing them. I mean why give the thing such a powerful name like Matrix when that's all it does. -The time skips are tooooooo looooooong. I mean just to cultivate and increase his mind power, 6 months would have gone already -There is no soul to this book. Reading it is just not captivating to me. Like you end up finding out that things are missing in the book, like there's not enough detail in the book only on the spell would you see some detail which can be complicated and you just want to skip it. P.S. I really didn't like chapter 324. the guy literally took children from their parents and changed their names to his own so they will serve his family just because they possess the spell casters skill???????????????? That's vile and sick!

    A Wizard's Secret
    Fantasy · Shadow on the Moon
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to LazyPandaThatReads

    Exactly! That's the vibe I'm getting

    I Found A Planet
    Sci-fi · Ming Jian
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to Vanair

    1 year later...

    Ch 82 Additional reward
    The Super Sex System
    Fantasy · Sweacer
  • Maou_merch

    Choose Sacred gear

    Gear/Items: None
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch

    1. Asura was there when they were beating him??? why did she come from???? I thought she loved the guy?????? 2. An older sister????? Author I swear you're just making stuff up as you go and not going back to recheck mistake...

    Rias sticks out her tongue at Jon as Silver holds her slim waist, her perfect boobs jiggle, Silver now claimed her. He even saw Silver holding his younger sister Asura by her slender waist and touching her sexy alethic body in a sexual way. Silver even kissed her on the cheeks! Jon's older sister Emerald was also seen with Silver, he held all their sexy young busty bodies close to him with a cocky grin. "I'm sorry…" Asura says with sadness in her voice, her aqua eyes were trembling with sorrow and grief of betraying her older brother. Even Hyssei was touching his sisters and planned to date one of them.
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch

    Again... How the hell is he still alive?????!!!?!!?

    "Good! Keep kicking his ass! This rapist deserves this beating!" All the students angrily shout as the join the masses to kick and punch Jon who was now outnumbered by everyone. He stood up and punched some students and even pushed back Silver, yet he couldn't fight everyone. Without a System, he had no chance.
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to glring_hj

    it's honestly that simple!

    The other boy students join in as well and starting beating him to a bloody pulp. Silver watched in joy with a sick sinister grin, he had betrayed his best friend. Rias was also smiling as she kissed Silver on the cheeks. She had lied about everything and she didn't even sleep with Jon, she had tricked him in a mysterious way. Everything was planned and staged by Silver. He made Rias go on a date with Jon. He wanted Jon out of his life, he wanted to retain his high hierarchy as God of Prestige Academy. Silver knew that hanging out with Jon would only bring him down. He needed to keep his image as the most popular and respected student at Prestige Academy.
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to _Trade_

    well we aren't reading spirit cultivation are we now?

    Hyssei was pissed as fuck and he also punched Jon in the face, Rias was a girl he respected as a goddess and he didn't want anyone to hurt her! Jon's body rolled across the rocky pavement. He then summoned the power of his Dragon System(Gave him Dragon powers, increased speed and strength)his knuckles formed harden dragon scales and he did an upper-cut punch on Drakos' stomach, "Gaaaaah!" Jon yelled out in pain. He was no match against the students who had Systems. He was a cripple in their eyes.
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to AlphaPC


    "Rias what happen? Why are you crying?" Jon asked with worry in his eyes as he reaches out to touch her shoulders to comfort her. "Get away from me you monster!!!" She screams out as she holds Silver tighter and presses her beautiful teary face on Silver's buff chest.
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch
    Replied to KnightEherious

    The author probably

    "First let's go to the Farris wheel!" She gleefully shouts out as she jumps up and down, then snags Jon's hands so that he could follow her into the Ferris wheel, her buxom breasts squeeze and grind around his arms. Jon smirked, this was his first time ever feeling the warmth of a girl.
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ
  • Maou_merch

    I don't even remember how you entered the picture!!

    Sera looks at Silver and his friends walking out of the academy she then turns to Jon driving away and sighs, 'You really don't remember me do you...This world truly is cruel...'
    Netori System [Original]
    Urban · GhostyGodZ