


Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? #HolyJokerSquat #CornbringerSquat He had a good Dream ;) It was me, and I had a Dream about you liking my profile for no reason at all!

2019-04-30 JoinedGermany



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  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to Romance_guy

    A lot, but not a particular female at the moment. He going places ;)

    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to CuteWhale

    I think in the Books it was mentioned that their magic came from the 14 volcanos, nur I highly doubt that it is that easy considering there are many other people in the world Who can use magic without it. But maybe it is the Power Gifted to them by the Gods, 14 Gods ...and 14 Volcanos, so there might be a connection there, but not all their magic. Most prople I would say just have an affinity for magic and can draw it from the nature around them? There is so much to possible write about them. I will somewhere along the road write such things more into detail.

    Magic isn't frowned upon here; in fact, it's revered. But it is always good to have a few aces up your sleeve. While I will be taught the traditional Valyrian magic regardless, I know that what they can do and what I am capable of aren't the same. Their magic, powerful though it is, relies heavily on ancient rituals, incantations, and sacrifices while mine seems to come from within, almost instinctively. Not something just anybody can do.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to Guizeraxz7

    Nah, 100% on the Mc will be boring, gotta do some WB, but this more or less only happens now because I didn't need to tell my thoughts to other ppl

    Ch 26 Fuck it all
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to ALEX1402

    There were no records as far as I know that say otherwise. I mean, the Valyrians rode Dragons into Battle and were known to be fighters, sorcerers, etc. And the tradition to crown a woman as Queen of love and beauty never had any deep roots with westeros. Maybe it just got invented somewhere along the lines after the Conquest, but maybe the Targaryens took it from there Homelands. If there are any records that confirm that I am wrong.....then there is nothing I can do to reverse it, sadly.

    Kaelarys took a moment to catch his breath." Of course, Uncle," he replied. "I wouldn't miss the chance to prove myself in the tournament. Also, Seraphine wouldn't let me get away without at least trying to win it and give her the honor of being my Queen of Beauty".
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick

    Be free to give me a good hierachy for the Valyrian Army Structure, I am not sure how I want to do this either so......

    Ch 26 Fuck it all
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to Bloodicys

    ye 😎

    Second, anyone can guess why I named him Daxos?
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    The first ranks of the Valyrian soldiers came into view, their leader at the front. He was a tall, imposing figure, with a stern expression that betrayed no emotion. He looked at the chaos before him and saw that Magister Parquello was already dead. As one of the higher-ranking officers, he had to know the faces and names of the Magisters.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to CuteWhale

    First of all, yeah, you're right. I'm also planning to be a bit more flexible now that I'm writing the story not just for myself but also partly for others. Though, honestly, I'm still mostly doing it for myself, just with a bit more thought behind it. Secondly, I wouldn't call myself an author, but rather an abstract artist because everyone looks at my work and thinks, "What on earth is this supposed to represent?"

    Ch 24 Chapter 24
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to Schlange_21

    Kannst auch deutsch reden homie ;) Der Mc müsste ein paar Jarhunderte alt werden um die Apokalypse zu erleben. Vielleicht lasse ich mit was einfallen, aber des könnte die Geschichte auch weird machen, wenn er sich, zum beispiel, einfrieren lässt oder so. Aber mal kucken ob ich soweit überhaupt schreibe ;)

    Ch 25 Chapter 25
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to TheImmortal25

    It's an honour to have you, salute

    Chapter 25
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to NexIuz

    okay, true, maybe I will change it, but then again, It's me, so meh, will see

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to LukeTheMan

    my Bad

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to NexIuz

    Well, true in a Sense. Kaelarys is just polite here. His position is by definition lower than that of a King, I guess. He is an heir to a Dragonlord family...he has more power and all that, but a King is higher ? I mean, don't take it to heart. I just wrote and this happened.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to NexIuz

    Not by the Starks, at least none that I knew or read of, so ....idk. Maybe I am wrong. Ig you find sources, do Tell me, would be interessting to know.

    In comparison, the religion of the Northerners was quite beautiful. Incest (guilty), slavery, and kinslaying are strictly forbidden, there are no blood sacrifices, and the only ones made were of criminals who were hung on the trees after execution. They worship the trees and believe them to be gods, and that when they die, they become part of the godhood.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to Kavindu_Ruwanara

    you have that comment ready by copy paste ? 😂🙃😇

    Ch 24 Chapter 24
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick

    I correct myself, the Chapters are like 800 words long ?

    5. Are the chapter sizes to your liking? (Y/N)
    Twilight: Rebirth
    Movies · DumbedDown
  • Jasonenrick

    what even is the Chapter length? 1.3k?

    5. Are the chapter sizes to your liking? (Y/N)
    Twilight: Rebirth
    Movies · DumbedDown
  • Jasonenrick

    randomly switched POV's....typical me.

    "Oh, is my Myranda getting annoyed? I don't think I've ever seen this side of you," I said teasingly, making a bit of fun of her. Before I could finish my thought, I felt as though someone had knocked the wind out of me as her full 65 kilos slammed into me, throwing me to the ground.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick


    Our extended family is a mix of characters. There's Uncle Vaelor, my father's younger brother, who always brings us sweets from his travels. Aunt Valaena, my mother's sister, is a stern but loving presence, often found lecturing us on the importance of Valyrian history and tradition. And then there's Cousin Laenor, a mischievous boy my age who seems to find endless ways to get into trouble.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick
  • Jasonenrick
    Replied to Hadjii

    Vaylrians were known to have Purple or blue eyes, at least according to the Books. Maybe I remember it wrong tho

    In a richly decorated birthing chamber, opulent enough to shame the kings of old, a beautiful woman labored. Her silver hair clung to her forehead, slick with sweat, and her piercing blue eyes were filled with determination despite the pain she was currently in. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and golden accents that none of the current people present could appreciate.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron
    TV · Jasonenrick