

2019-03-05 JoinedUnited States

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  • FacelessEntity

    Irony in this given im scratching my cats neck as hes laying in my lap right now lol

    With six advanced gacha draws in hand, though not a lot, the itch to draw was real. Like a cat scratching, August wanted to draw quickly, the sooner, the better.
    Multiverse Gacha
    Anime & Comics · XElenea
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to SSDreadnought

    Or the hat speaking in the sorting ceremony " wooo boy thats a lot of physical/emotional abuse youve suffered from your aunt's family. If only dumbledore didn't put you there" cause im sure that'd cause mayhem too lol

    Dumbledore admitted, "I regret that deeply. I'm unsure what prompted Harry to leave Petunia's. I had set measures to keep him there securely. I've been conducting a quiet search for him since then. I considered informing you, but given that you hadn't inquired about him for years and were immersed in your own lives, I thought it best to wait until I had found him. I didn't want to distract you from your important tasks with this distressing news."
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • FacelessEntity

    Wouldn't it be a witch maid.... Wizard butler... Lol

    Wizards disliked doing these chores and felt doing these things beneath their stature hence there has never been a wizard nanny or a wizard maid in the whole history of the wizarding world. 
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to DemonBlood0

    Not to mention hes judging based on how many level 2 shots he can fire with its energy usage but when he was lvl 2 and tried to use a lvl 1 he couldnt so it doesnt matter either way

    It had almost doubled!
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • FacelessEntity

    What if he could use that soul extraction to take other's mutant abilities lol

    "Also, No.1 and No.5 will be joining you this time."
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • FacelessEntity

    Nobod questions how they called him "number 37" like.... A lab rat.... Or a jew in a concentration camp.... Really? And didnt make the connection no wonder hes running

    "After all, he's just one person. How can he contend with the government?"
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to Not_SkeleBlade

    Wouldn't be surprised if it was an exact distance im feet but the dude is uaing meters in america. Lol

    "Let's just round it to ten meters!"
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to Black_Flame_8005

    Also curious.... Did the guard have a gun? Lol

    At this moment, Syd's internal energy was only sufficient to fire nine more Dark Particles. If he continued to use them, he might run out of energy altogether.
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • FacelessEntity

    Considering the fic gets dropped.... Lets just pretend the ritual exploded the world

    "I am positive." Hadrian put his own hand on top of hers, looking straight into her worried eyes with a smile. "Don't worry. We already tried it with a not-so-willing test subject and it went fine. You checked the runes at least twenty times too! It will be ok." He rolled his eyes and Narcissa let out a whine as she embraced him.
    Stuffed into Potter
    Book&Literature · KasiCair
  • FacelessEntity

    I mean.... Britain forced him there so its their own fault

    "So, you want me to leave? Is that right?" Harry asked. To be honest, he never considered the consequences of his actions, not that he was planning to consider them now.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity

    When you're looking for the spy..... But you're the spy

    To be honest, Voldemort wanted to cause a lot more damage, but he never expected the Aurors or Potter's group to show up so soon. Voldemort realized that he might need to check his ranks after returning…
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity

    Couldve attempted a ligamency probe to see if youd mush her brain

    "This is going to be more painful than what you are feeling, so it's alright to keep screaming" Harry said indifferently and cast Organ Liquefying Curse at her…
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity

    So this instant healing reminded me of immortality..... Which reminded me of the Phoenix.... Which reminded me of that phoenix teleport.... Can harry learn that if he sees it done now? Lol doesnt really need it tbh but more choices are nice

    Harry read the note and made a face before vanishing it with a simple thought. His face scrunched in discomfort when he heard his mom laugh roaringly inside his mind. He huffed and plopped down on one of the chairs before he started to practice some of the Healing Spells he read in the sixth year books. He wanted to see if could reach a stage where he could instantly heal from any wounds using his Magic.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to sean_robbins

    Im more impressed they have a biometric lock in.... When? 1994? Or was that actually a thing irl?

    "Nothing like that Jean, I simply want to do a routine check" Charles answered back with a smile. The two of them finally arrived in front of the Cerebro room, and the biometric lock was whirring, noticing their arrival. The biometric lock started to scan Charles' eye and the door finally unlocked with a loud clang.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to Lord_0f_Samurai69

    Can also make an oath that you spoke facts to your knowledge

    From Jacklyn, Harry already knew that he could use his registered Wand anywhere in the Magical part of the country. He could even use it in the Muggle areas, but in that case, Obliviators might be dispatched by the Ministry. The Statute of Secrecy is very strict in this country even though the underage Magic laws were quite lax.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to InGlorious

    No voldemom? Lol

    Just after he ran away from the Dursleys, for whatever reason his scar started to fade and after three years, now it was barely visible. According to his mom, there was a small piece of Voldemort stuck in his scar and she was only able to reach out to him after she got rid of it. Well, anyway, after paying for the robes, Jacklyn decided to drag Harry to the ice cream parlor on the Muggle side.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to Wumpus_The_Pig

    Then wear fake glasses?

    Harry was wearing a cap on top of his head, which easily covered his lightning bolt-shaped scar. Even his old glasses were gone. Right now, he was wearing a pair of modern-looking rectangular glasses. He looked so different from his perceived image that there was no way anyone was going to recognize him.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to MrTiemos

    Find this sword Its not here try another place Nope another place Here it is

    One Ritual for the Mind, one Ritual for the Magic, and the last Ritual for the Body. Three Rituals for three aspects of a being… According to Lily, there was the Soul too, but not much is known about the Soul, and Soul Magic is also kind of obscure so she advised him to ignore the Soul aspect for the time being and only focus on the physical aspects of his being. Additionally, Three is quite a powerful number, so he was bound to get great results after finishing the set.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity
    Replied to zQuinC

    Or when its like a marvel fanfic but everyones using meters or something in america and you're just there like.... Who does that

    (A/N: In the States, instead of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts, the currency consists of Dragot and Sprink, but I decided that in this fanfic, every country will use Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts with their own country's insignia to keep the currency exchange system plain and simple).
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious
  • FacelessEntity

    Did she tell him when he decided he wasn't going to hogwarts

    "Is it really alright to reveal that to me?" Harry asked incredulously. His mom refused to reveal how students at Hogwarts were sorted. She always insisted that he needed to experience it firsthand and apparently, it was also a sort of tradition for the first years to discover it by themselves.
    Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]
    Movies · InGlorious