


As the name suggests, a disappointed father.

2019-03-05 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Sad_Dad

    Re-reading this, and only now did I realize Ince's name is a pun, probably. Ince Zangwill = Inks and quill.

    "That's why it is at the highest security clearance. The search for Sealed Artifact 0-08 is only described verbally and never written in words. Even so, the description will be little," said Dunn with a sigh. "0-08 appears to be a common quill, but it does not need ink to write. That's all."
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · 爱潜水的乌贼
  • Sad_Dad

    I'm going to recommend slightly clearer formatting here, like you've done with the attributes. For example {Affinity level: Fire Element - High; Darkness Element - Average} So you would separate other affinities with something other than a colon. Feel free to use my choice of contextual separators, or figure out your own, but the colon and semi-colon are great friends who work well together.

    Affinity level: Fire Element: High Darkness Element: Average.]
    Fire Mage
    Fantasy · Ak02
  • Sad_Dad
    Replied to Sn1p3s2

    A bow is muscle powered, in the manner that stronger muscles mean you can use a heavier draw bow, but I believe it's not the optimal choice for Nick as: firstly the bowstring and fletching can generate a notable noise upon impact with the forearm, if not a compound bow, and simply traveling though the air for the fletching; and Secondly that a bow with heavy draw to make use of Nick's situational strength would be completely useless while his ability is inactive, as with pulling strength reduced, he'd simply be unable to draw the bowstring back. Throwing spears are at least still useful even if you can't throw them, it's a less good normal spear, a bow you can't shoot leaves you with a much shorter pointed stick, the arrows. The only other good muscle power ranged weapon I can think of (more advanced than just throwing whatever is at hand lol) would be a "spear-throwing lever" or atlatl, but that might have been something lost to time, or require too much practice to be useful. Or heck, it could be a ton of other reasons.

    "Since you are already set on using your arms and legs as weapons, I thought that a ranged option would be a good addition."
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Sad_Dad

    Hey! That's really neat, exactly the sort of weapon I thought'd work well for Nick.

    "They're throwing spears," Wyntor said.
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Sad_Dad

    I'm glad this got recommended to me, the story is engaging and well written. I hate pointless repetition, and the reminder of what makes Kugelblitz important is quite timely, given that it was first explained quite a while ago.

    Ch 81 Chapter 81 – Marketplace
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Sad_Dad

    I hope at some point, this author learned that punctuation is followed by a space, and that paragraphs, and pauses... exist.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: The Army Master is Released from Prison!
    King's Awakening
    Urban · Emerging Blockhouse
  • Sad_Dad

    At-the-standard for world building, nothing exceptional. Has Gu, much like reverend insanity, but they are not at the center of the martial arts in this, as from the first 20 or so chapters, no one but the MC seems to have any. Importantly, whatever the update schedule for this, you may be best served if you only read 1 chapter per day, or space them out as needed so you forget what's going on in the story, because if you don't forget, the chapters will remind you of everything each chapter. It is excessively repetitive, and frequently will pull things like "he beat cultivators above his cultivation. he was able to contend with those stonger than himself. this meant he could beat people he normally could not." If that^ reads poorly to you, I really can't say the style of this story will treat you much better. TL;DR Entertaining, headache inducing repetitiveness (personal experience)

    Parasite (Gu) Breeding Longveity Path: Starting from the love-enamored Gu
    Eastern · Thousand Lakes True Person
  • Sad_Dad

    Okay, while I can excuse missiles haveing a randomized thruster algorithm to dodge lasers, no ship is going to actively dodge any laser, it doesn't matter if you really are engaging 186,000 miles away, if you see them firing the laser, pointed at you, they already hit, because by the time you see them shoot, all the light that is bouncing off them to let you see them has gotten to you, just like the laser. I get that mech stories are hardly realistic, but if you want the reader to ignore some basic physics, don't bring them up in earlier chapters. You absolutely get a pass with the magic elite mechs, whose main point is that they go beyond normal limits with the use of exotic materials, but that doesn't give you a pass for normal ships. they can't see faster than light.

    The Vandals replied with at least double the number of laser beams. However, their level of marksmanship was much lower, so they missed more often than not. They focused most of their fire against the enemy combat carriers, but the ships waded through the laser grids like graceful dolphins.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Sad_Dad

    There's really been a lack of information on how these fleets are moving, other than Vandals are moving out from a minefield, constantly accellerating, since that's the only way the Finmoth Regal's engines failing would "slow it down". The Imodris scouts are apparently in the same direction the Vandals are leaving the minefield in, but other than being spread out, what moves are they even going to make? They could move toward the Vandals, but that would also put them closer to the mines, so they won't do that. They could stay still, but then the Vandals, who are constantly accellerating mind, would just blow past them, and Imodris isn't going to be able to catch up from a dead stop, even if they have somewhat more powerful engines. So Imodris has to be moving, and in the same direction as the Vandals, which means it should take a long while for the Vandals to actually get in combat with them, since Imodris still needs to get closer, but also match the Vandals speed once in combat range. If they go too slow, the vandals will go past them too fast, if they go to fast, they won't engage the enemy in time. But clearly none of this info is important.

    This absolute suppression of speed gave the Vesian mech regiment ample confidence in preventing their prey from escaping. The only thing they needed to do to prevent the Flagrant Vandals from escaping into FTL was to throw a bunch of gravitic mines at them. These didn't need to be expensive or all that powerful. If they brought enough gravitic mines, they could even drag it out for several days.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Sad_Dad

    Dear god, how could anyone dodge this emerald splash?

    He traced in the air an arc of emerald green light with his right forefinger. The crescent moon-shaped energy mass released a barrage of emerald bullets made of pure mana, each one with the power of a cannonball.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Sad_Dad

    I can excuse not understanding that a name doesn't become confusing just because it's from a different language, but the real tipping point that shows this is not an intelligently written story is that the author believes that a skill with a 7 day cooldown after it's used once, can be used twice in a period of seven days.

    Elite Mages' Academy
    Sci-fi · The Final Fool
  • Sad_Dad

    Truly strange that we don't just get a phonetic pronunciation, since aside from meaning inherent to the names in the original language, it's just a series of noises that identify a person. If they as humans can speak the planet's language, then they can say a name, just as much as the Japanese can say Todd.

    "Her name. The pronunciation is just like that; there's no way to translate it."
    Elite Mages' Academy
    Sci-fi · The Final Fool
  • Sad_Dad
    Replied to SamsaraWithWords

    Ok, coming back to this, it looks like I answered most of what I felt should be, other than a small point on ellipses and pacing. The ellipses work well when they are giving a joke room to breath, and making appropriate pauses, but in the r-18 scenes, it feels off to have describe him going hard then her feeling great... the best she's ever felt. It works great as a moment of silence for comedy, but it's distorting the perception of the pace of action the r-18 ones, moreso than a comma or exclamations would. The only time that I had an issue with pacing was the part of V. 2 where his goal is stat growth, so he heads to class to learn at hyperspeed with the boost, and then sets up the teacher, the group, the project, and I'm ready for this to go on for a while, and suddenly theres a date with Katie. I don't remember it being set up, but since it seems like something exciting for our mc, it would have been reasonable to remind the audience of it coming up, with him thinking about it, rather than only thinking of it at the end of the previous chapter. It's a jarring shift, and what made me stop reading, in addition to the ellipses filled erotica that occurs soon after. I'll try to get though it, as I really appreciate the effort you've put in writing this and responding to concerns.

    My Pick Up Artist System
    Urban · SamsaraWithWords
  • Sad_Dad

    This book is frustrating for me, because while it's written just fine, it's just not engaging. It takes quite a few concepts done adequately: the comedy; smut; system-progression; and the plot, "Woo women or die", puts them alongside the pickup artist information and interpersonal interactions, which are done very well, and tries to juggle the whole mess, riding on a character who is scraping the 4th wall without breaking it fully. That disengagement that the protagonist views the world with, as just a story, makes me uninvested in the story, because it keeps reminding me, "This is a book, Wow! check out that archetypical development! Guess I know where this is going." And yet this character that grinds against this wall never actually goes the distance to address the audience in an assured way. If he did, then it might be more relatable, because it would be both you and the protag viewing it together, with an awareness of eachother. It's a shame that the only relatable character is also the one who looks at his world as a story. It is a very detatched story. The comedy, when it is jokes during a conversation, told to another character, or situational comedy that actually has characters responding to it, ranges from ok to great. The "jokes" the mc says to himself, the "pun" achievement names, and the parody songs are meh, excluding some reactions to the songs. So since jokes are usually things you tell to other people, it should be fine? No! The mc is constantly making jokes to himself. I'd love to get counter jokes, or just reactions, but instead we have what amounts to "get a load of this guy" being sprinkled thoughout scenes. The smut is very... vanilla? It doesn't get particulary detailed, other than about 4 descriptive terms. Wet, tight, hard, soft. That's about it, and it's boring. Get detailed, please. More feelings than just tight, more detailed smells than "sweat" and actual smells rather than "bittersweet", which is very much a taste, and confusing to consider as a smell. The overuse of ellipses and the short paragraphs causes the tempo of the action to stutter. MANY of the ellipses could be replaced with commas, or almost anything else. It works in the speech, but why are you using it in descriptions? You can say that there was a delay of somekind, if that's what happened, but as much as that would increase character count, so does using an elipsis in place of a comma! The descriptions of pickup technique seems great. Very reasonable stuff (not that I have a good way to apply it during a quarantine) and written in such a way to convey information without feeling like walls of text to break through. This way of conveying information well leads into the excellence in character to character communication. That interaction is interesting, because you have two of these otherwise 2 dimensional characters bringing out something with eachother. When they aren't actively in a conversation, they feel like cardboard. And it's really strange, cause most of the conversation introduced characterization feels like a joke afterwards, and they're back to flat. I feel thatthe story would work better if it was more focused. The motivating goal of "don't die" isn't great. It's not definitive, and the side goals are distracting, rather than supporting. I stopped when his goal is get stats up, but that sidetracks into catching up on classes, which focuses on a group project? And then that is interrupted by a date and *** scene really early on. The pacing is off. This might be enjoyable in the way a b-movie is, as a simple story, t-n-a, and some funny scenes, but where a movie is turn on an go, you have to engage with a book, and this doesn't get that engagement.

    My Pick Up Artist System
    Urban · SamsaraWithWords