


fantasy ramance action

2019-02-15 JoinedGlobal

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  • dindin123456

    why Headon reminds me of Vincent, only when she left him, did realize his feelings. I guess Mallory will take the same approach, hopefully this time not 5 days, but weeks, in order to engrave it into his thick skull how much she really means to him.

    Mallory sighed. She hoped Ivy would not repeat what happened this afternoon at the stairs by having her trip. Did the maid not understand Hadeon by now? He thrived on teasing and annoying people. Besides, he had made it abundantly clear that he considered himself incapable of love.
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to fadona

    no, he just said the current king's sister, meaning her mother

    "Not everyone airs their dirty laundry. Especially not the royals considering how stuck up they are," Hadeon stated in a nonchalant tone. "Bellbourne is where the royal's cemetery is located, which isn't far from the capital. Also, my little birdie friend told me that the current king's sister passed away a few years ago. The time line same as your age. Coincidence? I think not."
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to nivvi3003

    I guess, he wanted to make it less painful for her. also to make sure the wound won't be big and deep, and no scares to be left afterwards

    Mallory raised her hand, and before Morwenna could use her dagger, Hadeon smoothly took the former's hand, saying, "Allow me," offering her a calm smile. But he had no dagger in his hand. 
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    so Mallory is indeed a princess, daughter of the poor dead princess. or perhaps crown princess? did her brother kill her to size the throne? if so, that would make Mallory the ligimat heir to the throne.

    "Not everyone airs their dirty laundry. Especially not the royals considering how stuck up they are," Hadeon stated in a nonchalant tone. "Bellbourne is where the royal's cemetery is located, which isn't far from the capital. Also, my little birdie friend told me that the current king's sister passed away a few years ago. The time line same as your age. Coincidence? I think not."
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to aoi_hoshi_cath88

    he wouldn't be asking, if he isn't planning on punishing the culprit. just wait, once this visit ends, we'll hear screams in the middle of the night

    "You think someone did it on purpose? Who do you bet on? Should I pick on the new maid?" Hadeon said in a nonchalant tone. "Or is it someone else?"
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    Pensive Headon, means planning someone's demise, whoever that spilled the oil will be heavily punished.

    But Hadeon wasn't one to listen. His other hand came to touch the scraped skin on her elbow and she hissed. With a pensive look on his handsome face, he questioned, "What happened inside?"
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    no, I think she is jealous of Hattie for taking her spot from Mallory's side. my guess the oil was meant for Hattie

    Mallory was about to shake her head when a thought struck her. Hadeon... Ivy... Since Hadeon started calling her 'wifey' Ivy had been acting stranger than usual. Did the vampiress have feelings for Hadeon?
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    I have a feeling he is gonna acquire love with time. and he's gonna chew his word about not being built for love. well, he'll figure it out through jealousy, possessive, overprotective....and so on.

    "Why? Are you planning to love me?" Hadeon asked with a grin, his fangs appearing in sight. "I should warn you, though, that I am not built for love," before he joked, "but I could try for wifey."
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Right now, Mallory was hugging one of the branches of the tree. Hadeon had made her sit along with him. The tree was tall and it was making her dizzy, not to mention that her hands were sweaty enough that she was worried she was going to fall. 
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to Boreas17

    I think he's not okay with her eagerness to get rid of him quickly, I'm referring to her conversation with sable when she said you can have Headon, i believe he heard that part. and probably will say "it's not a nice thing for a wife to say" or something along this line

    "But I am not," Hadeon remarked, before fluidly springing onto her branch with the grace of a stalking cat.
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    I think what he was looking for is the pendant , welp too late

    "Did you find what you were looking for in my manor?" Mallory questioned, and the look in the man's eyes turned grave. 
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    Raylen, Vincent and now Headon, licking their woman sole foot

    Before Mallory could object, Hadeon leaned in, his lips sealing around the wound from which blood still dripped. She was very aware of his lips that grazed against her wound, which sent a shiver down her spine mixed with pain and something else. He sucked the area, bringing a current of pain with her toes curling. Her heart fluttered at the sensation, and her cheeks flamed to the colour of ripe tomatoes. She was awash in a torrent of emotions—from pain to embarrassment to the peculiar tickle of his lips.
    Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    I knew it, it's his mother soul they were stealing [img=strong]

    "Master, there is also something else," the imp spoke cautiously this time. "Your mother's soul is missing from Hell." 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to FMCee13

    the one who kissed the back of her hand I guess

    "No. The Devil is in the castle…" he murmured, knowing there was no way he could get near Emily now. However, there were other things that could be done. "Perhaps we should seize the opportunity while they're not in Hell." He smiled. "It is time to steal the other soul in Hell I've been waiting to revive." 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to MiniMinx

    the only ones who made contact with her at ball are:- Janelle- waiters- Sophia- Mr. hatt- the person that kissed her hand (forgot his name)

    "No. The Devil is in the castle…" he murmured, knowing there was no way he could get near Emily now. However, there were other things that could be done. "Perhaps we should seize the opportunity while they're not in Hell." He smiled. "It is time to steal the other soul in Hell I've been waiting to revive." 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to MiniMinx

    it could be Raylen's mother's soul [img=nervous]

    "No. The Devil is in the castle…" he murmured, knowing there was no way he could get near Emily now. However, there were other things that could be done. "Perhaps we should seize the opportunity while they're not in Hell." He smiled. "It is time to steal the other soul in Hell I've been waiting to revive." 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456

    reminds me of nick's jealousy when someone kissed Heidi's back hand, thankfully she wore gloves, else the man's lips would have been ripped away from his face. 🤣

    Emily felt Raylen gently lift her hand, and he proceeded to carefully wipe the back of her hand and fingers with the handkerchief. Was he… trying to disinfect her? There was a subtle glare hidden behind his eyes, but Emily understood that it wasn't directed at her. This was Raylen being jealous. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to namelesone

    I'm 100/100 sure Viktor will protect his daughter in law, so that Ray wil helate less that if he tried separating them.

    That night, when everyone had gone to sleep, Layla's slumber was restless. She pulled away from her soulmate, opting to take a short stroll in the corridors to tire herself out for a better night's sleep. However, as she walked down the deserted corridor, she suddenly coughed and brought her hand to her mouth. When she looked down at her hand, she noticed spots of blood…
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to

    Also i pray that he won't hear a whisper about the soul barter, else he'll go on hunting, of course there is 2 archdemons and a devil to fight to get it,

    That night, when everyone had gone to sleep, Layla's slumber was restless. She pulled away from her soulmate, opting to take a short stroll in the corridors to tire herself out for a better night's sleep. However, as she walked down the deserted corridor, she suddenly coughed and brought her hand to her mouth. When she looked down at her hand, she noticed spots of blood…
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • dindin123456
    Replied to

    Imagine more, also losing their inborn child with her. that would be epic.Still I hope for her to leave him for her real soulmate and let him rot in a lonely life.

    That night, when everyone had gone to sleep, Layla's slumber was restless. She pulled away from her soulmate, opting to take a short stroll in the corridors to tire herself out for a better night's sleep. However, as she walked down the deserted corridor, she suddenly coughed and brought her hand to her mouth. When she looked down at her hand, she noticed spots of blood…
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17