

2019-09-14 JoinedBrazil



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  • Alexandre_M

    This is very good. In my opinion, this story is much better than the other. People who don't like drama / conflict don't seem to understand that this is what makes a good story last. If all the internal problems were already over, there would be nothing to report. I thought it was amazing that you managed to do this earth spirit thing in Kota, without looking like idiot, even becoming something credible. I hope to see more of your stories.

    Ch 12 Endgame
    The Mechanic and the Earthbender
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M

    Great Chapter.

    Ch 10 Gaining the Advantage
    The Mechanic and the Earthbender
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M
    Replied to staycool1214

    I'm in chapter 9.

    The Mechanic and the Earthbender
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M

    I like the story, but it has a lot of problems. However, you shouldn't give up. It is best to practice. You really ran away from the same canonical stories that fanfics often repeat and this is very good. I like the fact that Mc values ​​food and even gives tips to ordinary people who don't hurt. For example, those pirates that he talked about haki. This may seem silly, but it is difficult to have on the webnovel. The only things that bothered me was the fact that he did not want to interact with any canonical character, at the same time that no strong relationship was built, be it loving or friendship. (The rabbit does not count, as it appeared in the last chapters) Finally, and perhaps what bothered me the most, was the fact that he wanted to be an adventurer, at the same time that he didn't mind attacking a navy ship ... Like , is basically treating all readers like idiots. I mean, I already imagined that this would happen, but I hoped I was wrong, and that you could find a solution. But in the end what I already imagined ended. The truth is that anyone who is incarnated and who knows One Piece should know that being an "Adventurer" in One Piece is practically impossible, as the government needs to tax the people who are on their side (the Navy) and those who are against them (pirates, revolutionaries and anyone who wants to BE FREE, and this means, "not being bound by rules set by the government.") Anyway, keep up the good work. And all the best for you.

    One Piece: Heart of a Swordsman
    Anime & Comics · HKQuickSword
  • Alexandre_M

    I like both versions of your story, but I can't deny it, this is my favorite. The construction of the novel is much better constructed. You improved on some small details about Mc's relationship with Hiroshi Sato, which is good, because, honestly, there were some inconsistencies in the other story. The plot has more coherence in this than in the other. And as for the love relationship, I hope Kota has a relationship with Asami this time, instead of Korra. Regardless of your choice, it will look good anyway, but don't be discouraged in writing.

    The Mechanic and the Earthbender
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M

    2000 stones. Chapter 65?

    Ch 64 The World Will Rotate...
    One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Alexandre_M

    Amazing. You are an excellent writer. Character building, plot, humor, charisma. Everything is very good. And if by chance there are some stupid people who try to demean your writing method, type of narrative, etc., please do not be discouraged, and just ignore.

    Ch 11 Working Men...
    One Piece: Reborn as Ace
    Anime & Comics · MessyLife
  • Alexandre_M
    Replied to MessyLife

    Don't mind that kind of person. This type of person only knows how to discredit the work and care of the authors. Continue with the excellent work. I'm enjoying it a lot, and I'm sure there are many like me. This story has a very high potential.

    Ch 9 A Purpose To Live...
    One Piece: Reborn as Ace
    Anime & Comics · MessyLife
  • Alexandre_M

    If Shanks and Whitebeard are fully aware of what happened in Wano. Their alliance with Jaw to kill Kaidou will be consistent. After that, they can divide Kaidou's territory among them. It is best for Jaw to do this before samurais's return. That way he will be able to take over the territory, and the other Yonkou won't care so much, but if they hear about Monosuke, they probably will. So it's better for Jaw to make the alliance and take down Kaido as soon as possible.

    Ch 57 Return...
    One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Alexandre_M

    Thanks for the chapter. Just one question: will the extra chapter of the thousand stones still be released this afternoon?

    Ch 36 Limits...
    One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Alexandre_M

    Very good.

    Ch 14 Allies and the Endgame
    The Descendant of Avatar Aang
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M

    This is his best story, as it is much easier to empathize with someone who values ​​relationships, even though he may be considered stupid by psychopaths. Thanks for the chapter.

    Ch 30 I will protect then my own way….
    One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Alexandre_M

    I'm really enjoying how you are connecting the stories. I thought the idea of ​​the paranormal and the space cleft was cool. And don’t stick to the complaints and demands of others from idiotic readers and try to have more confidence in your story and the direction in which it is going. Remember that the story is yours, not the reader's. You have to do more than your will, not everyone else's. If you are worried that certain people will stop reading, don't be, because even if this happens, others will appear, and even the old ones will come back, from the moment other Hentai scenes appear.

    Ch 46 Another normal day.
    H Mission Commencing!!
    Anime & Comics · Kahel
  • Alexandre_M

    Honestly, the author should have made Jaws attack Whole Cake during Childbirth. She, at sea, while in labor is stupid. Even more with a fishman as an enemy. An enemy fishman who managed to hurt her. So that part will be very inconsistent contextually. And about the strength of Big Mon, in fact, it is indeed very powerful, but Oda uses it constantly to make humor with the breakdown of expectations. Franky hits it, but it doesn't hurt at any time. He just manages to knock it down. Brook is the same. He hits Zeus and Prometheus, but it doesn't hurt Big Mon. Luffy was also unable to hurt her too. The only time she was injured because of someone else was at the tea party.

    Ch 22 Attacking During an Opportune Time...
    One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Alexandre_M

    Thanks for the chapter. In my opinion, there is no problem in bringing characters from other anime, as long as the characters power are similar to those of the characters from HxH. You better do this to help with creative blocks. That way, you can find ways to merge, but be careful with that. (If you decide to do something like this). I would recommend bringing characters who practice martial arts like the Kenichi manga: The Most Powerful Disciple, Aiki, Change 123, Hajime no Ippo, or Baki. Brave 10 can be good, because there are ninjas, and we know that in HxH there are ninjas. Naruto doesn't work well, because of the Chakra, and because Naruto's universe is very different. Korean manga like Girls of the Wild, The Breaker, Veritas. All of these can work in HxH. Honestly, with the exception of Saitama, all the other characters in One Punch Man would work in HxH. Including Genos, (HxH technology is not clear, as a user of Nen has already been described invoking a war robot, similar to a Mecha, that is, as long as you have power and wealth in HxH, you may be able to create advanced military weapons . Manga characters purely from sports or worldly competition are also not bad, as they are universes with no special powers, so it suits ordinary people in the world of HxH. Including cuisine like Shokugeki no Souma. Comedy manga characters in modern universes also work in HxH, Prison School, for example. I wanted to propose that you make the objective of Mc more clear. So far, you have defined that Mc's desire is to be a hunter, because deep down, he doesn't want to be a murderer, or live for it. However, it is still necessary to define something clearer. Basically, the type of Hunter that he wants to be. Or, who he wants to be by the end of the story. As he is learning martial arts, I suggest that his goal is to become a "Martial Hunter", which would mean mixing different martial arts in which he will seek to learn by traveling around the world of HxH, and then create the best martial art in the world. However, it is important that he sign this will, after some special event happens. Example: the death of your Master.

    Ch 12 Fist of Flowing Water
    na yea na yea
    Anime & Comics · nightRox
  • Alexandre_M

    Chapter very good. Thanks.

    Ch 11 Bang-sensei
    na yea na yea
    Anime & Comics · nightRox
  • Alexandre_M

    This chapter was very good. Keep up the good work.

    Ch 7 The Date
    The Descendant of Avatar Aang
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M

    Thanks for chapter.

    Ch 10 isn't that Old Man from OPM
    na yea na yea
    Anime & Comics · nightRox
  • Alexandre_M

    Thanks for the chapter. However, I have some constructive criticisms to make. First of all, all that talk about Asami and Mc's relationship was very forced. The best way to have worked with this would be to maintain a suspense about Mc's real relationship with Asami, leaving the circumstances ambiguous, and little by little you will reveal that the two were just friends. Put it the way it was shown it was tiring to read and uninteresting, since this sub-drama was not well worked out. This thing about Sato Hiroshi actively wanting his daughter to have a close relationship with Mc since he was a child is so wrong that I don't even know how to start. Everyone knows that Sato hates benders, and he certainly doesn't want his daughter to have anything to do with a bender. Other than that, the chapter was good.

    Ch 6 Fears
    The Descendant of Avatar Aang
    Anime & Comics · staycool1214
  • Alexandre_M
    Replied to 201289201289

    Now that I went to see this clown. He did a review just because he was angry at something he didn't like. He even gives a shit note for work, just because of that detail, and he didn't even properly evaluate the story. Like the qualities in character development, dialogue, creativity and etc. What this reader did was pure waste of space. At least he should talk about the good things that liked. For example: What did you like about the story?

    na yea na yea
    Anime & Comics · nightRox