


I like reading comics and webnovels... also fanfics and fantasy novels

2019-01-06 JoinedIndia



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  • CaringSoul
    Replied to YASHAMARU

    lo haré hermano

    Ch 22 After CDC
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to SirCalamitous

    I'll from now on.

    In the outskirts of the town, in an old factory they had setup their local base. The group entered the factory through gates that were open and there was no one watching the parameters. This made everyone feel tensed. Wolfe who didn't care at all until now also got tensed by the condition. As soon as they entered the factory, they saw a large number of arms (weapons), and trucks and jeeps empty. There was no one there. "What the hell? Where is everyone? There is no one here at all", Swift said the obvious. "Let's get out and see what happened here", Nichols said as he got out. Everyone got out except Wolfe who was tied to the jeep. "Hey, I won't run", Wolfe said looking at Lane signaling her to unlock his cuffs. "Yeah, you won't", said Swift provokingly and joined Nichols. Lane looked at him but didn't do anything and followed her team. They entered the factory where they had set up communication panel, to see why no one responded to the radio. Wolfe sat alone on the jeep playing with the cuffs and whistling carefree. Suddenly, a scream came from inside the factory alerting Wolfe. And soon, everyone came out running screaming, looking back time to time and formed a semicircle around the door. No, not everyone, Wolfe noticed the young technician was missing. Soon a herd of infected swarmed out of the door. They started firing. "Shoot the head. Shoot the head", Nichols said as the infected soldiers kept coming and falling after being shot. Suddenly, wolf noticed 3 infected coming out from the army truck and approaching the group. Wolfe screamed and tried to alert them but the gun sound overpowered his voice. Just as the infected was about to reach Lane, maybe she felt a presence or she heard him, she looked back. The infected had grabbed her arm by the time she noticed, she began preventing her arm being bit and lost balance falling on the floor. The formation broke. She hurriedly brought out her pistol and shot the infected and stood up to go back to formation but as she turned back she saw, Nichols and other soldier on her sight being bit and the infected couldn't be stopped anymore. They started backing down while continuing to shoot. The driver suddenly ran towards Wolfe and started the engine ready to leave the base. Swift also ran and sat on the front. Lane however had lost her footing and wasn't able to run. Wolfe extended his hand to her. She grabbed his hand and jumped with full force. Wolfe pulled her towards him successfully landing her on the back foot of the jeep. The jeep started and they quickly left the post.
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul

    Translation Quality: What do I say? English is not my first language. There might be some grammatical mistakes. But this is the beginning so... try to understand. Stability of updates: I would like to keep a steady flow of chapters coming for as long as I can. Story Development: The story runs linear to the TWD TV series. It'll have other stories like that of FTWD, Telltale series and additional stories. Character Design: I don't know much about that and will leave it to others to judge. World Background: The world has already been defined in The Walking Dead TV series. Those who have seen it will be able to imagine the places better. Miscellaneous: All that's done, now, if you guys have seen TWD. Then this fanfic is for you. Come try a few chapters. Give it a try. If you stay, give this a review and don't forget to vote.

    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Kejuan_Foster

    and he would rather trust and get backstabbed than distrust each individual. ansdyes he is more comfortable with women than with men. I made this character trait because, he can heal from the wounds he recieves. You know if you know.

    Ch 19 To CDC
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Ghost141simon

    No one leads the group just because he says he would. Everyone in the Rick's group is different. He does n'tbother who the leader is, he just goes with the flow, I say. Though, If you notice, he doesn't actualy work with their team. While everyone follows Rick, he goes off doing his stuff. He is in the group but doesn't have much connection with others if you noticed. Rick has formed connections with each and everyone. That's the difference.

    Ch 19 To CDC
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to huH2
    Ch 2 Survivor
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Pingui0510
    Ch 13 Consequences
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Grrrrrrrrr
    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Irebornintheboys

    I'll try to explain in the following chapter separately. Is that okay with you?

    Ch 17 Dark Night
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Irebornintheboys

    Sorry. I am improving day by day actually. this is my first time writing this fast.

    Ch 17 Dark Night
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Grrrrrrrrr

    I'll consider it

    ** Author's note: The main plot of the series is about to start. I would like to know if you'd like more of these extra stories with Damian like chapters earlier or would you like me to stay strictly to the main plotline? I am thinking of eventually making his own arks while he would help the group in their stories as well. Well, let me know what you guys think. I'll read everyone's opinion and decide. For now though, I am inclined with the later as you guys might not like the extra stories. Or am I wrong, and you liked the earlier chapters? If you did, do show me some appreciation and give leave some power stones here. Well then, all said, let's continue with the story. **
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Irebornintheboys
    Ch 16 Campsite
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    I walk over to grab my dad's reading glasses, putting them on and hunch over, "Picture this. Unassuming, quiet, mild-mannered, wholesome boy-next-door Clark Kent. Kind of bumbling. Bad at talking to girls and socially awkward, " I said while adjusting the glasses while looking nervously, "Um...hello uh-uh...Ms. Lane? Would you like to grab coffee sometime?" I act like I'm pursuing a girl, but while I say it I trip and fall.
    Smallville: Brand New Clark
    Fantasy · Anonny_Anonymous
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to HOLLOW_SHAGGY
    Ch 2 Survivor
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Kejuan_Foster
    Ch 13 Consequences
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to YGLARTH
    Ch 13 Consequences
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to batman_3_3_
    It was midnight, Wolfe was keeping watch from the first floor when he suddenly saw a shadow behind the truck. He quickly positioned his gun and started descending down silently towards the truck. He quietly and stealthily moved towards the truck, suddenly he jumped forward with the gun aiming high at the person behind the truck. It was Luke. "Hey,what are you doing here?", Wolfe asked in surprise. Luke was peeing. "What? Don't you see what I'm doing?", Luke asked in annoyance. "Sorry man! I thought someone was trying to take our truck. By the way, why are you gardening here at night?", Wolfe asked jokingly. Zipping up his pants, Luke turned around and looked at Wolfe, "It's my motel, I can shit wherever I want and you should mind your own business". " Hey! Chill man, that was a joke", Wolfe said and added, "Sorry fir pointing my gun at your back like that, Good night", and saying that he turned around to leave. But Luke called him from behind, "Hey!", Wolfe turned around and saw Luke jumped at him, and before he could react, the dagger in Luke's hand had stabbed his heart. Wolfe looked at him unbelievably, with questioning eyes. "Why didn't the drug work on you? I could have killed you in your sleep", he said. Wolfe lost strength in his body and fell down on the ground while blood gushed out his chest.
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Grrrrrrrrr


    It was morning. The group of three people that had reduced to two and now increased to four stopped their truck near a motel along the way. There were no houses nearby. Just a gas station and a store attached to it a little far. They climbed down. Lane jumped down and turned to pick the girls and put them down. They looked scared and weak by looking at their face, Lane figured out what those guys did to them. She caressed the girls trying to let them know that they were safe with them. Wolf closed the truck's door and locked it and signaled the rest to follow him to the motel. The motel signboard was still lightened. *Pete's Motel*, it said. They entered the gates carefully expecting infected coming their way from sides but there was none. They saw someone looking at them from inside a room on the first floor but suddenly dropped the winds of the windows noticing that they have seen him. They slowly walked towards the reception and entered it. The atmosphere inside the reception was different. There was a calming song playing and it made everyone feel comfortable all of a sudden but made Wolfe a bit unusual. There was no one at the reception. Wolfe looked around and called if someone was there, but no one answered. He looked at Lane who was sitting with the girls and giving them glass of water. At that instant, a bald man in his early 30s came inside with a smile and looked towards the strangers. "Welcome to the Pete's Motel. You guys want a room or two to stay?", he asked creepily smiling looking at the girls. 
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous
    Ch 7 Interrogation?
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul
  • CaringSoul
    Replied to Jhoppy97
    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Survival Among the Dead (TWD)
    TV · CaringSoul