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  • GodEndra
    Replied to hugecomicaddiction

    It's exactly because of where he is at in life...that seeing people as objects to meet a goal would be easier than making friends. The word friend is a nicer war of the other guy saying he wants to use him for his own goals, mc could also use him for his own goals. Both would benefit. MC offended someone he could have avoided offending. Anyway in further chapters the reason why he didn't is stated.

    'Friends? Hahaha, who needs that,' This was Gustav thought process as he walked towards their training room alongside miss Aimee.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to August_Rayleigh

    That's a god(annunaki). Think you meant something else...Also, religions won't be destroyed just because a powerful civilization came along, that's naive. As long as a deity is written down in history someone will worship it, people still worship ancient greek gods, roman gods, egyptian gods, etc. In fact it could possibly encourage it, lot of the bible is vague meaning it can be interpreted in many different ways. Just because it doesn't directly say anything about aliens directly doesn't mean someone can't somehow interpret it that way. But yes Christianity itself would definitely take a huge hit if something like that were to happen. Would it dissolve? Doubt it.

    Angy's family was one of the people who still believed in the Christian God so they went to church while Gustav went to the Dojo after finishing his daily tasks.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to MasterSama

    Emotions dude. You should try them.

    "Am I crying?"
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to SulfurousRogue9

    No and no. Connections can provide him protection while he's weak. Not to mention it'll provide him routes to gain power. Rather by not increasing the charm stats he's holding himself back(granted he can't increase them at all during this point in time). There's a reason why people with charm climb higher in society than those without it. In a power dynamic like this world it's literally the difference between life and death.

    His other reason for saving up attributes points was so that when he unlocked charm, he would be able to raise it to reach the points of other attributes.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to PonjuPonju

    Rejecting the way he did with no backing is also suicidal. He has no backing, so that risk is much less than let's say he has some sort of backing behind but continuously offended people. He literally offended the chief of police's son and the chief of police as well by rejecting them while also rubbing in that he beat his/his son. And when you consider the police are likely able to cover up murders...he just let a golden opportunity slip by. That being said I'm glad he's showing growth, but I'm also questioning his intelligence.

    "I'm not asking you to be friends with them, you can just be some sort of accomplice or acquaintance to them and use them when you find yourself in a sticky situation that power might not be able to solve. Sometimes connections are useful, remember this," Miss Aimee said and proceeded to stand up.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to Ouroboros001

    My biggest problem was he caused more problems than if he were to reject in a more cordial manner...not to mention social networking is a necessity on the road to power. If story continues like this it's going to be a mystery why this brash idiot isn't dead haha

    'Friends? Hahaha, who needs that,' This was Gustav thought process as he walked towards their training room alongside miss Aimee.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to GodEndra

    protection while he's weak* Not connection.

    'Friends? Hahaha, who needs that,' This was Gustav thought process as he walked towards their training room alongside miss Aimee.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra

    Apparently MC doesn't understand the need for social networking...where's his intelligence? He could have used that connection 1) Provide a certain degree of connection while he's weak. 2) The chief of police probably has connections in wealthy circles and hence could have provided him much needed items later on(highly doubt the police chief is righteous in a world ruled by power)...People cheering on the realism here clearly don't know how modern society works...nor would they understand connections would matter much more in a society ruled by power than even one ruled by monetary wealth. His decision has more costs than it does benefits, he offended people needlessly and hence will have more issues down the line. Then again guess it creates more action in the story.

    'Friends? Hahaha, who needs that,' This was Gustav thought process as he walked towards their training room alongside miss Aimee.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra

    I thought mc is intelligent? Lol could have used said guys connection with the chief of police, and appearing amiable would have avoided problems down the line. No need to truly see him as a friend.

    "No thanks, trash doesn't want to be friends with you," Gustav turned him down and immediately turned around to continue walking.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to Sakusei

    It's a trope. Not just one story lol

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • GodEndra
    Replied to TrueDawn

    Huh? If you're trying to say she has two different personalities bipolar would definitely not fit there, I honestly do recommend changing that simply because of the confusion it'll cause future readers and current readers. It isn't about whether it's correct or not really but rather the very confused people it'll leave in its wake.

    There were times where she would act sweet and lovable, radiating an aura that made anyone want to rely on her. There were also times where she would indifferently torture living beings, either for pleasure, entertainment, or to stave off boredom. She would unhesitatingly put them in a living hell, ignoring the incessant curses that came out of the mouths of which she tortured.
    I Reincarnated As A Stick
    Fantasy · TrueDawn
  • GodEndra
    Replied to SbaMoB

    Absolutely incorrect, however I do believe you are correct in the sociopathic tendencies side of things being a more fitting description. Very big difference between bipolar people and sociopaths. One having massive mood changes(borderline) and the other having no regard for human life. That being said sociopath is the outdated term as it is defined as Anti-Social Personality Disorder now.

    There were times where she would act sweet and lovable, radiating an aura that made anyone want to rely on her. There were also times where she would indifferently torture living beings, either for pleasure, entertainment, or to stave off boredom. She would unhesitatingly put them in a living hell, ignoring the incessant curses that came out of the mouths of which she tortured.
    I Reincarnated As A Stick
    Fantasy · TrueDawn
  • GodEndra

    They say people who have something wrong with their brains are good authors, can't say I disagree. *Anyway, before she beats me up in discord for that comment, let me continue* Novel is interesting and story is unique, not sure if we will see a power couple dynamic or if MC will just be stronger than the ML. I'm a big lover of power couples, but I am fine as long as their is enough fluff and dog blood drama to go around. I will edit the review as more chapters are added, usually don't add reviews this early but as I am a friend of the author I made an exception.

    A Dragon Wants To Eat Me In The Apocalypse (BL)
    LGBT+ · DreamTower
  • GodEndra
    Replied to GodEndra

    Then again also after that specific situation he started falling under true neutral or neutral good lol

    I have Nine Lives
    Fantasy · KaiokenGuy
  • GodEndra
    Replied to Lu_Ck

    He's definitely not chaotic evil but he's on the fine line on being neutral evil, simply because of his actions and his thoughts. And from your earlier comment on selfish evil, there's a fine line on chaotic neutral(only helping your friends/family) and neutral evil(only helping others if it benefits themselves). He passed that line multiple times throughout the story so far, so yeah chaotic evil is a big stretch, neutral evil however is definitely where he belongs. That being said after that situation he did begin fitting the chaotic neutral alignment. However, his actions just from that situation fell under neutral evil. Think the author realized the mistake they made their and tried to fix it.

    I have Nine Lives
    Fantasy · KaiokenGuy
  • GodEndra

    Honestly only reading this novels for the giggles, can't take the story seriously. Magic is not explained by science, reincarnation is not explained by science, their whole world is not explained by science...perhaps I could give the benefit of the doubt and say that he believes in the simulation theory...

    I only believe in the ability of mankind to create things with the use of science.
    The Goblin's Leveling System!
    Fantasy · ShadowKatake
  • GodEndra
    Replied to GodEndra

    So no we don't agree on the specifics but at this point think it's best to agree to disagree.

    He paused for a second, reading the subjects available, "Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Modern Rodawri, Commerce, Accountancy, Geography, Atmospheric Science, Geophysics, Astronomy, Biology, and Medicine."
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • GodEndra
    Replied to Omnidoa

    Because what I was trying to get at was exactly what I stated in my last paragraph. What level of skills they have in math could actually harm the story due to previous: parasites give people higher IQ. If he gave specifics for math he'd have to go and change other aspects of the story to supplement whatever level of math he stated.

    He paused for a second, reading the subjects available, "Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Modern Rodawri, Commerce, Accountancy, Geography, Atmospheric Science, Geophysics, Astronomy, Biology, and Medicine."
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • GodEndra
    Replied to Omnidoa

    No you would have to go very into detail if this was done, I've written stories before and know random pieces of info that no one actually needs to know is more harmful than good. Especially when that random piece of info can screw you over later in the story when you forget the specifics. It's good to be both broad and be able to immerse your readers into the story. If he did that with every little thing can guarantee we'd have one messed up story with a bunch of inconsistencies. Small and important facts are not necessary in a story. It's not like this whole novel is based on math nor will it likely ever be used in a significant way. It's important to make sure you detail things that matter to the plot(important character personalities,foreshadowing upcoming events, detailing important events in mc's life, etc) while not getting specific on small things that do not in any way shape or form matter to the story.

    He paused for a second, reading the subjects available, "Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Modern Rodawri, Commerce, Accountancy, Geography, Atmospheric Science, Geophysics, Astronomy, Biology, and Medicine."
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • GodEndra
    Replied to Omnidoa

    Well, author did a good job playing it safe by not saying their skills in mathematics. Remember parasites increase IQ, so would definitely getting people complaining about math levels being either too high or too low considering factors involved. If you ever write a story you'd understand the need to be broad in certain aspects ;p, plus pretty sure most would not appreciate a giant info dump on what they're doing in class. Two birds with one stone.

    He paused for a second, reading the subjects available, "Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Modern Rodawri, Commerce, Accountancy, Geography, Atmospheric Science, Geophysics, Astronomy, Biology, and Medicine."
    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi · Overlord_Venus